Шляхи удосконалення діагностики та хірургічного лікування післяопераційних вентральних гриж

Дослідження комплексу діагностично-лікувальних заходів, спрямованих на розробку критеріїв вибору оптимального способу пластики грижових воріт. Вивчення практичних методів зменшення ускладнень на основі об'єктивної оцінки стану тканин у зоні грижі.

Рубрика Медицина
Вид автореферат
Язык украинский
Дата добавления 28.10.2015
Размер файла 181,7 K

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Ключевые слова: послеоперационные вентральные грыжи, диагностика, лечение.


Chukov A.B. Ways of improvement of diagnostics and surgical treatment postoperative ventral hernias. - A manuscript.

The dissertation on competition of a scientific degree of the candidate of medical sciences on a speciality 14.01.03 - surgery. - Institute of Urgent and Recovery Surgery by V.K. Gusak of Academy of medical sciences of Ukraine, Donetsk, 2006.

The dissertation covers for improvement of a complex diagnostic and medical measures directed on development of criteria's choice and an optimum way of plastic hernia gate surgery based on study of tissue condition, forming hernia gate on different distance from their edge, estimation of a coalesce degree of internal bodies with hernia bag and hernia gate, and also development topography-anatomic proved, maximum individualized new way plastic hernia surgery of a gate. In the dissertation the theoretical substantiation and practical decision of an urgent task - improvement of diagnostics quality results of the patients' treatment with POVH is given by development and introduction of a complex of diagnostic criteria and method of operative treatment.

The way, developed in clinic, of operation provides realization of plastic hernia gate surgery at any localization of small and medium hernias.

The complex, developed as a result of the given research, of individual diagnostic and medical measures based on an objective estimation of a tissue condition in hernias allows to lower amount of complications from 12,9 % to 5,4% and to provide good functional results at 90.3 % of the patients.

Key words: postoperative ventral hernias, diagnostics, and treatment.

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