Особливості клініки та лікування звичайного псоріазу у жінок різних вікових груп

Вивчення особливостей гормональних змін у жінок із звичайним псоріазом в пізньому репродуктивному, перименопаузальному та постменопаузальному періодах. Аналіз особливостей біохімічних показників гомеостазу у хворих на псоріаз жінок до та після лікування.

Рубрика Медицина
Вид автореферат
Язык украинский
Дата добавления 28.08.2015
Размер файла 53,8 K

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Ключевые слова: псориаз, женщины в перименопаузе и постменопаузе, метаболические нарушения, заместительная гормональная терапия


Jurchik Y.N. Features of Clinic and Treatment of Psoriasis Vulgaris in Women of Various Age Groups. - The Manuscript.

The dissertation on challenging of a scientific degree of the candidate of medical sciences on a speciality 14.01.20 - skin and venereal diseases. - SE «Institute of dermatology and venerology AMS of Ukraine», Kharkiv, 2008.

In the dissertation the theoretical substantiation and the new decision of a scientific problem which is based on increase of efficiency of treatment of psoriasis vulgaris in women during the various age periods, by application in complex treatment of replaceable hormonal therapy and Methformin on the basis of an establishment of a pathogenetic role of hypoaestrogenia, neurovegetative, endokrinnometabolic and psychoemotional infringements a t these patients are resulted.

For the first time features of clinical displays and current psoriasis vulgaris, a hormonal and biochemical homeostasis in women of late reproductive, perimenopausal and postmenopausal age are shown. It is established that among psoriatic patients hormonal and metabolic infringements have more earlier beginning and higher degree of expressiveness, than in healthy contemporaries. The original method of treatment of psoriatic women of late reproductive age, perimenopausal and postmenopausal syndromes with application of replaceable hormonal therapy (Femoston, Femoston-konti) and Methformin is developed. The original model of forecasting of efficiency of therapy of patients with psoriasis taking into account the form of psoriasis, age of an onset of the disease and treatment method is proposed.

Keywords: psoriasis, women in perimenopausal and postmenopausal age, metabolic infringements, replaceable hormonal therapy.

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