Пошук церебропротекторів у ряду 4-гідразинохіназоліна та його конденсованих аналогів

Проведення первинного скринінгу антиоксидантної активності 47 нових похідних 4-гідразинохіназоліну та його конденсованих аналогів та вивчення їх церебропротекторної дії в умовах експериментальної ішемії головного мозку. Процеси обміну в мозкових тканинах.

Рубрика Медицина
Вид автореферат
Язык украинский
Дата добавления 29.08.2014
Размер файла 101,0 K

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As a result of comparative analysis of antioxidant, antiischemic and cerebroprotective activity of the compounds investigated with the reviewer substances (pyracetamum, emoxipinum and thiotriazolinum) the compound of N-(fenilaliliden)-N?- quinazoline-4-il-hydrazin (NN-103) was selected and studied.

It was established, that the course prescription of NN-103 to animals with different experimental models of a cerebral ischemic damage results in FRO reactions' reduction, POM, decrease hyperfermentation, rise of AO-protection enzymes activity, and its efficacy surpasses the efficacy drugs of comparison - pyracetamum, emoxipinum and thiotriazolinum.

NN-103 by some indices as the renewal of neurological and cognitive deficit surpasses thiotriazolinum and pyracetamum, and it also surpasses emoxipinum on saving the memory track in conditional reaction of passive avoidance.

These data were confirmed at morphological research of cerebral tissue after experimental ischemia. So, death of neurons of frontal cortex decreased (in 1,65 times) and CA1 area of hippocampus (in 2,57 times) in relation to the control group and it went down at the NN-103 administration.

We assume that the cerebroprotective mechanism of the NN-103 action is related to its power to inhibit active forms of oxygen, and also protein oxidating modification. The above mentioned data about the possible actions NN-103 is the experimental ground for subsequent deep pre-clinical research with the purpose of creating new effective means of a secondary neuroprotection in the acute period of an ischemic stroke.

Key words: free-radical oxidation, ischemia, brain, antioxidant, cerebroprotective action, quinazoline.

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