Ендоскопічне лікування міхурово-сечовідного рефлюкса у дітей з нейрогенними дисфункціями сечового міхура

Розробка нового методу субуретеральної імплантації біологічно нейтральних субстанцій. Динаміка, послідовність і ступінь відновлення функціонального стану нирок і сечових шляхів після ендовезікального лікування міхурово-сечовідного рефлюкса у дітей.

Рубрика Медицина
Вид автореферат
Язык украинский
Дата добавления 27.08.2014
Размер файла 54,7 K

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The dissertation has been proved that neurogenic dysfunction of the urinary bladder in patient with vesicoureteral reflux (VUR) increasing frequent aggravations of pyelonephritis, complicated clinical course and accelerated deep of anatomyfunctional renal changes in compare to patient with VUR without breach function of the urinary bladder. The author arguments patogenetic substantiation of mentioned complications: available of the constantly intermit intraluminary hypertension in kidneys in phase fill (”quient”) of the urinary bladder. The author developed the new method of subureteric implantation of biologic neutral substance. The first was determined in time dynamics, successive and degrees of restore of functional condition of kidney and urinal way after endovesical treatment of VUR in children with neurogenic dysfunction of the urinary bladder according to the comparative of different plastic materials. The author developed absolute and relative evidence to the endovesical treatment of VUR. The maked method of the quantitatively analyzed assessment the result of endoscopic treatment of VUR in children. The proposed pathogenetic direction of treatment of VUR in children with neurogenic dysfunction of the urinary bladder that to basis on the maked endoscopic antireflux mechanism and long-term making pharmacologic and physiotherapeutic measures that to maked normal functional of the urinary bladder.

Key words: children, vesicoureteral reflux, endoscopic treatment, neurogenic dysfunction of the urinary bladder.

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