Особливості хірургічної тактики у хворих на гастрит, ускладнений кровотечею

Аналіз клініко-ендоскопічних і морфологічних форм (типів) гастритів, ускладнених кровотечею. Дослідження основних чинників активності гастриту і раннього рецидиву кровотечі на основі динаміки структурних змін ураженого відділу шлунка у хворих на гастрит.

Рубрика Медицина
Вид автореферат
Язык украинский
Дата добавления 07.08.2014
Размер файла 63,1 K

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Near results of surgical treatment of 189 patients with a researched pathology are analyzed. On the basis of application of immunomorfological criteria of diagnostics of a degree of heaviness of the local immune bias of a stomach mucous membrane, danger of spontaneous renewal of a bleeding and frequency of occurrence of postoperative complications, the algorithm of a choice of volume and terms of operation in conditions of a gastritis complicated by a bleeding is developed. To stop the bleedings which lasts and to delay bleeding relapse also is offered " a way of treatment of a bleeding gastritis " (Declaration patent of Ukraine № 53248 А).

Applications of the offered diagnostic-treatment program with endoscopy technologies in the complex approach to a choice of term and a volume of operation has allowed to decrease operative activity in 1,8 times (with 16,0 to 8,9 %), the amount of postoperative complications - from 81,3 % down to 37,5 % (in 2,1 times), postoperative mortality - from 23,1 % down to 9,1 %, with conservative treatment amount of death has decreased - from 2,3 % to 0, and death rate at a researched pathology - from 5,0 % down to 1,1 % (in 2,8 times) due to reduction of frequency of recurrent bleedings from 15,0 % down to 7,8 % and, as consequence, part of " operations of despair ", executed at height 2-3 relapses of a bleeding.

Key words: a gastritis complicated with a bleeding; a recurrent bleeding; dynamics of changes of local immune homeostasis; morphological changes; diagnostic-treatment algorithm; surgical tactics.

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