Зміни холінергічної регуляції серця при експериментальному тироксиновому токсикозі та їх корекція

Характеристика особливостей обміну ацетилхоліну в серці, а також зміни чутливості міокарда до холінергічних впливів при експериментальному гіпертиреозі. Розробка методів фармакологічної корекції порушень холінергічної регуляції серця за цих умов.

Рубрика Медицина
Вид автореферат
Язык украинский
Дата добавления 28.07.2014
Размер файла 58,1 K

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Sas L.M. The heart cholinergic regulation changes due to experimental thyrotoxicosis and correction . - Manuscript.

Dissertation for a Candidate's degree of Medіcal Science by speciality - 14.03.04-Pathological Physiology. - I.Ya.Horbachevsky State Medical Academy of Ukraine, Ternopol, 2004.

The dissertation is dedicated to a study of the heart cholinergic processes changes peculiarities in rats with experimental thyrotoxicosis and elaboration the methods of their correction.

The dissertation deals with a theoretical generalization of cholinergic and adrenergic division role of vegetative nervous system in the formation cardiac rhythm in experimental thyroxin toxicosis, the change of acetylcholine metabolism and magnesium contents in myocardium of rats with thyrotoxicosis. The work gives a new solution of the scientific task, consisting of the elaboration and pathogenetic substantion of the cardiac rhythm principles correction by means of cholinergic influences activity. It is determined, that thyroxin toxicosis is characterized by reorganization of heart vegetative regulation by means of vagus impulses weakening. This appearance plays the main role in development of sinus tachycardia in case of this conditions. The intensіvity of negative-chronotropic reactions to vagus stimulation decrease testifies about the lower basic level of acetylcholine in nervous terminations. Reduce of magnesium contents in myocardium makes the energetic insufficiency of the thyrotoxic heart deeper. The results of the cardiac rhythm correction methods by means of choline, ATP and methionini may be used to improve the condition of the patients with thyrotoxicosis.

Key words: thyroxin toxicosis, heart, acetylcholine, vegetative nervous system, magnesium, nerves vagi.

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