Особливості перебігу та лікування артеріальної гіпертензії у осіб з підвищеною масою тіла

Виявлення особливостей артеріальної гіпертензії у осіб з підвищеною масою тіла. Дослідження клінічної ефективності застосування доксазозину, індапамід-ретарду і метформіну на тлі дієтотерапії та дозованих фізичних навантажень у даної категорії хворих.

Рубрика Медицина
Вид автореферат
Язык украинский
Дата добавления 15.07.2014
Размер файла 43,8 K

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Osetrova M. S. Peculiarities of flow and treatment of arterial hypertension in overweight patients. - The manuscript.

A thesis in search for scientific degree of candidate of medical sciences on the speciality 14.01.11 - сardiology. - Zaporizzha State Medical University, Zaporizzha, 2003.

The thesis is devoted to the study of features of arterial hypertension diagnostics and treatment in overweight patients with consideration arterial blood pressure profile, degree of insulinresistance, metabolic disorders, body mass index and family history. According to the data of investigation, it was determine, that patients with arterial hypertension and body mass index more 30 kg/m2 have increased level of insulinresistance in 32,04% patients, metabolic syndrome was diagnosed in 26,21% cases, they are diagnosed to have unfavorable disorders of arterial blood pressure profile.

Achieved results suggest the necessity of use of indapamide SR, doxazosin, metformin, diet and dosage physical activity in patients with arterial hypertension and obesity, with consideration family history, features of arterial blood pressure profile, data of echocardiography, metabolic disorders was grounded. It has been showed, 24-hour blood pressure monitoring is important for diagnostics of early stages of arterial hypertension and arterial blood pressure profile disorders, and for estimation of medical preparation influence on development and progression of arterial hypertension.

It was proved, the study of insulinresistance in obese patients with arterial hypertension is necessary for selection of adequate pathogenetic therapy and prognosis of the further course of arterial hypertension and development of metabolic disorders.

The developed methodical approaches an able to improve diagnostics and treatment of arterial hypertension in obese patients, and improve quality of they life.

Key words: arterial hypertension, obesity, metabolic disorders, indapamide, doxazosin, metformin.

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