Стан імунітету та особливості клініки інфекційного мононуклеозу у дітей

Основні клінічні симптоми інфекційного мононуклеозу, ступінь їхньої виразності та тривалість прояву. Характеристика стану імунітету у недужих дітей. Особливість підходу до лікування захворювання із застосуванням імунокорегуючої терапії циклофероном.

Рубрика Медицина
Вид автореферат
Язык украинский
Дата добавления 28.06.2014
Размер файла 55,1 K

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Полученные данные свидетельствуют о необходимости диспансерного наблюдения за детьми, перенесшими инфекционный мононуклеоз с ежегодным иммунологическим контролем.

Ключевые слова: инфекционный мононуклеоз, клинические симптомы, иммунитет, дети, иммунокоррекция.

Achkasova T.A. Immunity status and clinical characteristics of infectious mononucleosis in children. - The manuscript.

The dissertation for receiving the scientific degree of candidate of medical science in the speciality 14.01.10 - pediatrics. - Crimia State Medical University named after S.I.Georgievsky, Ministry of Health Care of Ukraine, Simferopol, 2003.

The thesis concerns the immunity status and clinical characteristics of infectious mononucleosis in children.

The basic clinical symptoms of the disease were defined; the degree of their intensity and duration of their manifestation was determined.

The immunity status in children with infectious mononucleosis was examined. It was found that from the very first days of the disease the immunity gets inhibited, and this state persists during the clinical recovery period. According to the data obtained, a new approach to the treatment of infectious mononucleosis was suggested, which includes the

immune correction therapy with cyclopheronum. The clinical and immunologic effectiveness of the drug was proved.

For the first time the immunity state of children, who had infectious mononucleosis 1 year and 2 years ago, was studied. A year after the disease the detected immune disorders persist reliably; after 2 years the indices of cellular immunity get normalized while the state of nonspecific resistance remains reliably low.

Children who had infectious mononucleosis need regular medical check-up for at least 2 years after the disease, including annual immunologic control and courses of immunity correction.

Kay words: infectious mononucleosis, clinical characteristics, immunity status, children, immunity correction.

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