Хірургічне лікування косметичних дефектів передньої черевної стінки у хворих з ожирінням ІІ-ІІІ ступеня

У дисертації розроблені нові і вдосконалені існуючі методи передопераційної підготовки, оперативного втручання і післяопераційного ведення хворих з косметичними дефектами передньої черевної стінки і ожирінням ІІ-ІІІ ступеня

Рубрика Медицина
Вид диссертация
Язык украинский
Дата добавления 27.04.2014
Размер файла 89,9 K

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As a result of study of local and general reactions, which arise at abdominoplastyk, is offered complex postoperative of conducting such patients, and also it is underlined necessity of connection of operations to this group to operations reconstruction of character.

For the first time in clinical practice the estimation of complex surgical treatment of cosmetic defects forward abdominal of a wall at the patients with obesity ІІ- ІІІ of a degree is given on the basis of study of the direct and remote results of their treatment.

As a result of the received experience diagnostic and medical tactics at the patients of the given category on the basis of study of changes, which occur at their surgical treatment.

Applying the developed circuits of inspection, preparation and methods of operative treatment at the patients with cosmetic defects forward abdominal of a wall and accompanying obesity ІІ- ІІІ of a degree, has allowed to receive good and satisfactory cosmetic and medical-social results 97,0 % of the patients. Is reduced the period in 1,5 times. In the remote period of supervision during 5 years good and satisfactory results is marked at 97,0 % of the patients.

The conclusion about expediency of the approach to a choice of a technique abdominoplastyk was made depending on a degree obesity patient and condition her muscular of a skeleton forward abdominal of a wall.

Key words: plastic surgery, abdominoplastyk, obesity.

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