Вестибулопротекторна активність і механізм дії бемітилу та етоксібемітилу

Порівняльний аналіз вестибулопротекторної дії бемітилу та етоксібемітилу з такою ж дією скополаміну на моделях вестибулярного та оптокінетичного ністагмів. Механізм впливу бемітилу, етоксібемітилу та скополаміну на стан серцево-судинної системи.

Рубрика Медицина
Вид автореферат
Язык украинский
Дата добавления 07.03.2014
Размер файла 44,5 K

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Positive influence of studied medicines on functional condition of cardiovascular system in experiment of motion sickness are revealed. In case of experimental motion sickness the increasing of amplitude of R and rate of heart of cardial constriction occure, but administration of bemithyl and etoxibemithyl intraperitoneal dose 100 mg/kg prevents negative actions.

Experimental disease of motion sickness leads the development of hypoxemiae disturbance of tissue metabolism, which comes to decreasing correlation glucose/lactate due to evacuation in the blood, lactate and decreasing coefficient recovery of nicotinamidedinucleotide.

Bemithyl and etoxibemithyl intraperitoneal injection dose 100 and 200 mg/kg prevents all changes in the level of glucose, lactic acid and pyrovic acid degree of recovery of nicotinamidedinucleotide due to activation of gluconeogenesis.

As bemithyl so etoxibemithyl leads to normalizing the level of cyclic nucleotids in the blood and some organs of experimental animals. It allows to come to conclusion the studied substances are very effective in case of motion sickness by the through system of cyclic nucleotids, predominated by cyclic adenosine monophosphate. Adrenal gland, midbrain and cerebral cortex are the points of action this substance. Not only nonspecific reactions, which are typical for adaptation syndrome, but reaction, which are responsible in formation of motion sickness bemithyl and etoxibemithyl prevents in contradistinction to scopolamine.

As result of our experiments is the intensification of synthesis of ribonucleic acid in intracellular, was depressed in case of motion sickness. The confirmation of this fact is absence of effect of studied objects after prelimanary of inhibition of transcription of actinomycin D. This mechanism of action bemithyl and etoxibemithyl is explained by similarity structure with purine bases nucleinic acids.

For prevention of motion sickness the use of bemithyl is recommended due to stabilising effect of this drug.

Key words: vestibuloprotector, nystagmus, cyclic nucleotids.


ОВН - обертальний вестибулярний ністагм

ПВН - післяобертальний вестибулярний ністагм

ОКН - оптокінетичний ністагм

РПН - реверсивний постністагм

РНК - рибонуклеїнова кислота

ЕКГ - електрокардіограма

цАМФ - циклічний аденозинмонофосфат

цГМФ - циклічний гуанозинмонофосфат

НАД - никотинаміддінуклеотид

НАДН2 - відновлений никотинаміддінуклеотид

ЛД50 - доза, що викликає загибель 50% тварин

ЕД50 - середньотерапевтична доза

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