The Comparative Analysis of the Senior Living Facilities’ Management Systems in the United States and Russia
Comparative analysis of management systems for two-story residential buildings in the United States and Russia and identification of best practices in the public housing sector, such as management approaches and priorities in the decision-making process.
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What are the most difficult challenges of managing a long-term care facility?
Marketing strategy
· What is the marketing strategy of your organisation?
· What are the marketing goals for next year?
Promotion channels
What channels of promotion do you use?
Channels' effectiveness
What channels are the most effective?
Motivation tools
· What techniques do you use to motivate your employees?
· What tools do you use to increasethe productivity of employees?
Training system
What training do you provide for the employees of your organisation?
How is the recruitment process implemented in your company?
Employees' qualities
What qualities should employees have to work in the organisation?
Decision-making process
Do employees participate in the strategic decision-making process? How?
Research & Development
· How do you gather information about trends in the field of elderly care?
· What studies do you need to solve current issues in the field?
Sources of payment
Are there any government programs or non-governmental which help clients to pay for services?
How is your organisation taxed?
Each topic that was discussed during the interviews with both organisationswas analysed considering the features of each firm. The analysis was conducted applying managerial perspective and information from previous studies about the field. The comparison is focused on contrasting management systems and different approaches in marketing, human resource management, business development, and finance. All categories from Table 2 were considered in a comparative analysis of the organisations' management systems.
After the interviews were coded, the researcher conducted the analysis manually. At first, a similar categorywas chosen, and then the researcher reviewed responses of the respondents from both organisations. These responses were about the same concept. After reviewing both responses, the researcher described the interpretation of the concept or practice. When the respondent was highlighting the practice or activity mentioning that it differentiated the company from other competitors or it had a positive impact on the business performance, the practice was considered effective. Similar responses were considered as similarities between the companies, different approaches were considered as differences. When the differences were identified the researcher analysed how these differences were connected to the context in which the facility is operated. After analysing the coded data, the researcher wrote the descriptive part of the analysis for the current research.
4. Description of the resultsof comparative analysis
During the interviews, the researcher has learnt the management systems of the organisations who have participated in the study. The first organisation is the Michigan Masonic Home where there are 350 employees. This is a not-for-profit firm which provides older adults with a variety of services. There are more than 400 residents at the Michigan Masonic Home. The organisational structure of the firm is functional and centralised. Many strategic decisions are made by the executive staff of the company. The current Board of Trustees comprises 15 members. There are different committees. Each member leads the subcommittee. They define future goals and make important strategic decisions. They also can hire and fire the CEO of the organisation.
The second organisation is the senior living facility “Kurortniy” where approximately 150 employees work. The project is unique on the Russian market of services for older adults. This company is based on the partnership between the government, non-profitorganisation, and business firm. This senior living facility has 184 residents. The organisational structure is also functional and centralised.
To start with similarities, both organisations are related to the non-profit sector of the economy. However, the Michigan Masonic Home is a not-for-profit firm while the company “Kurortniy” is partially operated by the non-profitorganisation “Hesed Avraam”. Another similarity is that many residents do not privately pay for the services because there is a Masonic Assistance program at the Michigan Masonic Home while approximately 98% of residents in the organisation “Kurortniy” are paid by the government according to the Federal law 442.
From a managerial perspective, both companies represent functional organisational structures, and both are leaders on the market of services for older adults. However, there are many differences which are explained by the cultural and historic context of the industry, law regulation, and culture of the companies. The discussion of the results is focused on the differences between the management systems of organisations in the United States and Russia.
4.1 Differences inthe management of the organisations from interview analysis
With regard to the main stakeholders of the organisations, the CEO of the Michigan Masonic Home in the interview mentions:“We are a little bit more focused on members from the Masonic fraternity than on general population since we do not have a corporate owner and work for the Grand Lodge.” At the same time, the senior living facility “Kurortniy” is partially managed by the business and the deputy director of the firm states: “…now we are on returning investments stage…”
Another aspect is the competitive advantage of organisations. The CEO of the Masonic Home highlights:“…building PACE Center Michigan, being part of Masonic fraternity, a long history of the company, being committed to the community are those features that distinguish us from other competitors in the area…”To prove these competitive advantages the respondent provides the researcher with examples that the PACE center which they built is different from other retirement communities, being part of Masonic fraternity means that they have a higher percentage of members who are from the fraternity, and the commitment of the organisation is that they are investing 20 million dollars into the community in Alma. The deputy director of the “Kurortniy” Home notes:“…the competitive advantages of the firm are the quantity and preparedness of the staff, well-functioning internal operations, transparency, and trying to change the perception of facilities for older adults in Russia…” The respondent also highlights that it is important to provide residents with the atmosphere of active and bright life instead of an atmosphere of surviving.
Next topic of the discussion is external and internal issues in the field which might influence the management systems and the performance of the organisations. The respondent from the Michigan Masonic Home believes:
“…the most challenging issue is the lack of qualified caregivers. The second pressing issue is training the personnel because sometimes the staff need specific skills to work with clinically complex residents who require additional assistance. The last most pressing issue in assisted living is the diminishing number of people who are able to pay privately for the services...”
The respondent from the Russian company meanwhile notes:
“…the demand for the services for older adults is huge on the market. However, there is a lack of companies who provide such services. Another issue is that there are many side businesses which are also social service providers. They provide older adults with low-quality care and, consequently, this leads to the declining confidence in the business sector of services for older adults. For those who are working with Federal law 442, there is no regularity of payments. This limits opportunities to develop because those who wanted to invest in this type of businesses preferred something else since there is no stability and reliability.”
This response corresponds to the theoretical background since it includes important details about the context such as high demand, Federal law 442, and side businesses (World bank, 2018; Federal law about bases of social servicing of citizens in the Russian Federation, 2013; Davis, 2018).
Another question which was discussed with respondents was: What are the most difficult challenges of managing a long-term care facility? The CEO of the Michigan Masonic Home states: “The first challenge is human capital and retaining employees. The second challenge is ensuring compliance with many regulations that happen.” With regard to the Russian organisation, the deputy director highlights the challenge with the staff because there is a lack of qualified personnel on the market.
4.2 Marketing approaches' comparison analysis
The marketing strategies of the companies represented in the current study are different. The Michigan Masonic Home marketing strategy is using creative marketing via social media, the Internet, and events. The goal is to develop positive and supportive relationships with key referral sources and community providers. The action plan includes the following activities:
a) visiting newly referred patients in hospitals to inform them about services provided by the organisation and to get admissions contracts signed;
b) increasing presence in local physician offices through delivering informational brochures and alerting the health workers to updated offerings at all communities of the organisation;
c) attending meetings about the health system and industry collaboration in local hospitals;
d) inviting people from the community to visit Masonic events, giving presentations about the services;
e) attending community collaborative meetings that bring senior service providers together to learn about local resources;
f) providing tours in the facility for people who are interested in any service (The marketing plan report of the Michigan Masonic Home, internal document, 2020).
The respondent from the marketing department also notes:
“Our current strategy focuses on using billboards, traditional type media and brochures and promoting the residents keeping overall dignity. The strategy is flexible because it depends on the performance of one of the divisions. If one facility has available spots, they change their promotion plan and advertise its services.”
The respondent from the “Kurortniy” organisation says:
“We do not experience the need to promote our services because the clients come from the governmental program. This program allows the company to have a maximum number of residents. We position ourselves as experts and try maintaining our brand through media. However, we do not have a marketing action plan because media channels tell about our firm as an example of a unique project and participant of the governmental program. Every article or TV commercial was an initiative from external bodies.”
The analysis revealed that the Michigan Masonic Home is more focused on marketing because there are many senior living facilities in the United States (National Center for Health Statistics (U.S.), 2019) and clients can choose what they prefer. Furthermore, the respondent from the Marketing department highlights the most popular promotion channels which are billboards, newspaper advertisement, radio spots, TV commercials, brochures, handouts, social media, the Internet, and mailing.The features of marketing in elderly care mentioned by the employee from Marketing are certain font size, not too fancy style, and informational advertisement. Moreover, it is important to make the advertisement simple and concise, to list all services which the resident might need on all stages of life living in the CCRC. The idea of the marketing strategy of the organisation is that people do not need to be on their life stages to move into the Michigan Masonic Home.
Analysing mentions of the “Kurortniy” Home in media sources, there was identified that the idea of the project is that it works as a unique cooperation of three bodies, and it provides quality care to the residents. Moreover, the building was planned according to the modern standards of a senior living facility's design considering resident's conditions.
The analysis of the marketing of these organisations showed that the development of the industry is important for the marketing strategy because one organisation is working on the attracting new clients and improvements of its marketing while the other organisation operating in another country does not feel the need to promote its services because of the high demand.
4.3 Human Resource Management's differences and similarities
The first question for discussion with respondents was: What qualities should employees have to work in the organisation? The CEO of the Michigan Masonic Home stated:“The employees should have the following qualities: coachability, gratitude, perseverance, and team focusing.” The deputy director of the “Kurortniy” Home noted that they value disciplined, empathetic, not squeamish, and moral employees.
As for training system in the organisation, the Michigan Masonic Home has a weeklong orientation process on company culture for new employees, then they branch into more specific training for their job role for the next 30 - 90 days. At the end of 90 human resource managers review their qualities to adapt to the job role. If they have not shown their job worth, the supervisor willtake steps to discontinue their job with the organisation. Regarding the “Kurortniy” Home, they also provide internal training for the employees. They organise training by themselves or invite guests. There is an educational system for the employees in the company which includes skills training courses, communication skills courses, Dementia & Alzheimer's disease education for caregivers training, courses on conflict prevention and burnout prevention, and team-building courses. There was revealed that both organisations prioritise development and training for the employees.
The next question of the interview was: How is the recruitment process implemented in your company? The respondent from the Michigan Masonic Home mentioned:“We recruit using outside job boards on the Internet. We partner with companies such as Career Builder and Indeed in order to find applicants. However, the first step when we have an opening position we implement internal recruiting.”The “Kurortniy” Home also applies to the Internet while looking for the candidates for the position, however, they do not use external agencies to recruit employees. One more method for recruiting mentioned by the respondent from the Russian company is the word of mouth. Based on these responses, the researcher states that recruitment methods differ in both organisations.
As for employees' participation in the decision-making process, the respondent on the Michigan Masonic Home describes the process:
“Not always, it depends on what level of strategic decision-making process it is for. The 30,000 square foot strategic plan is developed by the Board of Trustees and the CEO. We then develop a sup plan with each of our departments who will build plans with the employees involved.”
The respondent from the “Kurortniy” Home mentioned:“…important decisions are made by the executive staff, and decisions about the day-to-day operations are made by the supervisor of the facility.”
A next topic discussed during the interviews was the motivation of the employees. The Michigan Masonic Home's approach is not to provide individual gifts but provide employees with opportunities to be engaged on projects, issues, and ways to improve life for the residents while the “Kurortniy” Home's approach is building a KPI system and benefits for taking educational courses.
Overall, human resource management approaches are well-developed in both organisations because each company considers the significance of human capital and training systems for the employees.
4.4 Business Development comparison analysis in organisations of the study
Regarding gathering trends about the industry, the respondent from the American company noted:
“We partnered with consultants who gathered information on industry trends and how we could adapt those processes to meet ourorganisations make up. We also partnered with private organisations such as LeadingAge who represented healthcare organisation and were a lobbyist for them in Washington. They would help change government regulations that were hurting the industry.”
The respondent from the Russian firm mentioned: “We visit meetings where representatives from different senior living facilities gather to discuss trends and issues of the industry. Moreover, we cooperate with experts who are knowledgeable about the trends of the industry.”
As for spending on research, the Michigan Masonic Home spends about $75,000 - 100,000 with consultants while the “Kurortniy” Home does not conduct its studies. However, they cooperate withthe European University at St. Petersburg. Thus, it can be concluded that the Michigan Masonic Home is more concentrated on the studies than the Russian organisation because of its size, attitude to the research and financial resources available.
Another topic for discussion during the interview with respondents was strategic partners, the respondent from the Michigan Masonic Home gave the following response:
“Our strategic partners are the following: Alma College, this relationship helps to build a stronger community that allows the college the opportunity to use our facility as a training ground, and we benefit by receiving a scholarship each year for one of our employees. We also are able to obtain student benefits at their workout facilities. Another partner is Biggby Coffee, this differentiates us from the competitors that we have a national chain coffee shop within our community. We are the only senior living organisation who has a partnership with Biggby. We also partner with Presbyterian Homes of Michigan in managing our PACE center. We lacked the initial funds to purchase the PACE center and this has the potential to bring in significant money.”
In contrast, the “Kurortniy” Home has only one strategic partner, which is the government of the city of Saint Petersburg. The difference between these organisations might be explained by the length of operating on the market because the Michigan Masonic Home was opened to residents in Alma in 1911 while the “Kurortniy” Home was opened in 2016. The Russian organisation is not focused on partnering with other business on the current stage of development.
With regard to the studies that the organisations need, the Michigan Masonic Home experienced a lack of studies which review current market trends and their economic effect while the respondent from “Kurortniy” Home mentioned: “There is a scarcity of research focusing on needs of older adults on the Russian market. Such kind of studies is important because many managerial decisions depend on customers' preferences.”
4.5 Financial management comparison analysis
The starting point of the interviews about finances was the financial model of the organisation. The American organisation Michigan Masonic Home is a not-for-profit organisation and they are exempt from federal income tax under section 501(c)(3),while the Russian organisation “Kurortniy” Home is a partnership between the government, non-profit foundation, and the business firm. In the United States, the Michigan Masonic Home gets sustainable financial support from the donors who donate money to the organisation. Notwithstanding the fact that the role of non-profit organisations in Russia is increasing, it has not achieved the same level as in the United States. Therefore, senior living facilities in Russia need support from the government or the business, or from both. The model of the “Kurortniy” Home is a unique approach and the respondent from the facility confirmed that they succeeded in using this trilateral model.
As for profitability of the organisations, the respondent from the Michigan Masonic Home responded: “We are profitable, and as we are a non-profitorganisation, we invest in ourselves.” The respondent from the American firm also added: “Right now, our ventilator unit has the highest return on investment, and thus we put more money in building that servicessince it has the higher rate of return.” The respondent from the Russian company “Kurortniy” Home notes: “Now we are working on the return of investments and it approximately takes from five to eight years to return investments for senior living facilities in Eastern Europe.”Overall, both companies perform well in terms of financial results.
With regards to sources of payment for residents in both countries, there are different programs to support older adults. In Russia, the organisation “Kurortniy” Homeworks under Federal law 442, which means that residents pay 75% of their pensions. In the American firm, there are the following sources of payment: Medicare, Medicaid, veterans' affairs, and Masonic fund.
4.6 Effective practices in organisations of the study
As a result of the study, a list of best practices with consideration of the industry's features in the country was made for improvements to management systems in a senior living facility. Best practices are those business activities which have a positive influence on the business performance of the organisation and allow the company to perform better than its competitors.
A list of best practices was based on experts' opinions about their areas of management in the organisation. This list includesmanagement approaches which increase employees' satisfaction and quality of care for residents, strategic and tactical goals which lead an organisation to better performance, and strategies of organisations for elderly care which strengthen their competitive advantage.
With regard to effective practices in the Russian organisation, the social partnership between the government, business, and non-profit organisation which has the following features: no costs from the governmental budget on building the facility, the government is not responsible for the management of the facility, many older adults got access to the services they need, creating opportunities for the development of new techniques for the elderly care and staff training, the increase of life expectancy and the improvement of quality of life, which consequently might lead to confidence in the government. The company operates within the Federal Law-442 (Federal law about bases of social servicing of citizens in the Russian Federation, 2013), which explains the partnership with the government. This is considered the best practice because it allows the business to optimise costs using governmental and non-profitorganisation's resources.
Regarding marketing in the Russian firm, the best practice of the company is no costs policy on advertising. Building the brand of a new and unique company with a high quality of care allows the company not to spend money on promoting the services because new agencies come to tell people about the project. Moreover, participation in the governmental program allows the company to be in media while they tell about the program itself.
As for the best practice of the Russian organisation in human resource management, the feature of the company is providing employees with a variety of educational courses which lead to skills improvement and high quality of care. This also helps to retain the staff in the workplace. The organisation considers issues for the personnel such as burnout studied in prior research (Harrad & Sula, 2018), and focuses on providing burnout prevention training and other educational courses.
The effective practice in business development in the Russian firm is that the company considers the ageing population in Russia and high demand for the services for older adults (World bank, 2018; Daria Sarkisyan, 2018). That is why they are planning to build new facilities to expand the presence on the market. This is the best practice in the current situation because there is a line of people who want to get into the residential home and there are no available places in the current facility. Therefore, the expansion strategy is the most appropriate according to the market situation.
Considering the finance effective practice of the Russian organisation, the cooperation with the government by working under the Federal Law-442 (Federal law about bases of social servicing of citizens in the Russian Federation, 2013),allows the company to be flexible to changes, have a constant demand, and have tax benefits and benefits on land. This is the best practice since it enables the firm to be cost-effective.
With regard to the legal form of the American organisation, the Michigan Masonic Home is a not-for-profit organisation which makes it to have tax-exempt status. Moreover, its cooperation with the Grand Lodge of Michigan is beneficial for the company because of the following reasons: many residents are Masons, there are many donations from the members of the fraternity, there is support from the Michigan Masonic Charitable Foundation. This is considered the best practice in the field according to prior study which shows that not-for-profit firm performs betterthan for-profit company, has low hospitalisation rates, and has more nursing staff(Center for Medicare Advocacy, 2012).
Considering the marketing of the American firm, the marketing strategy of the organisation is contributing to the organisation's performance. The firm uses different promotion channels to attract new clients considering the features of marketing of services for the elderly. One of the most effective promotion channel for the organisation is increasing presence in primary and secondary hospitals by visiting newly referred patients to provide service information or to get admission contracts signed, as well as visiting current nursing patients or assisted living residents, and recent nursing patients who are re-hospitalised with 90 days of discharge from one of the nursing facilities.The company considers features of marketing in elderly care while promoting its services not only to direct patients but also to other people who might influence the decision of the potential resident (Meiners& Seeberger, 2010). This is an effective practice since this attract new residents to come to this senior living facility.
As for human resource management of the American organisation, the retention rate is rising in the organisation. This means that an effective training system and the leadership of supervisors make the employees committed to the organisation. The company encourages training programs, opportunities to grow, and the feedback from the employees. The Michigan Masonic Home prioritises the empowerment of employees (Castle, Ferguson, & Hughes, 2009) by training programs, which means that this is an effective practice since resulting in the rise of retention rate.
Regarding the business development of the American firm, the Michigan Masonic Home invites consultants to get experts' opinions while making strategically important changes. Moreover, the organisation allocates funding to research with consultants. Another best practice in terms of business development is forming partnerships with external entities which differ the company from the competitors. These are effective practices for the company because they enable to be more flexible and confident while making strategic changes considering experts' opinions anddifferfrom the competitors by partnering with other organisations.
Finally, concerning the finances of the American firm, the company has a large financial endowment which makes it financially secure. One of the best practices is getting money for the development from donations. This is a very common source of financial resources on the American market, which is very different from the Russian market, according to responses of the participant of the study.
The study allows senior living facilities' management teams to compare alternatives for running an assisted-living facility in order to improve residents' experience and quality of services. The results of this study are contributing to increase effectiveness and efficiency of managing senior living facilities. Companies in this field mightfind the findings applied to their operations because best practices are defined. Furthermore, different approaches are compared in this work, which is beneficial for companies operating in the field, because they have an opportunity to find out the difference of managing elderly care in the United States and Russia.
5. Conclusion
This study has emphasised that the United States and Russia need improvements in health care management in senior living facilities. The elderly care might be the priority because of the ageing population. The importance of the study is that sharing of the best practices can be implemented by the administration and health care professionals. The lack of law regulations is one of the most significant external factors which influence the running of a senior living facility.
The major results of the study are:
a) Senior living facilities of the study consider training for employees, features of marketing for older adults, growth strategies, cost-effective financial management in order to be flexible and solve issues in the industry;
b) the field of elderly care is more developed in the United States than in Russia therefore the management system of the American organisation is more complicated than in the Russian firm;
c) the American firm focuses on the partnership with the Grand Masonic Lodge while the Russian organisation partners with the government and not-for-profit fund;
d) the marketing strategy of the American company is more complicated since the Russian organisation does not experience the need to promote its services;
e) both organisations consider trends in human resource management and perform well in this area providing training programs for employees;
f) the American company pays more attention to research and development than the Russian company since the organisation in Russia is on the return investments stage;
g) both organisations have effective financial management which enables to perform great in the field because of partnerships, the legal form, and firms' strategies.
Summarising all points have been discussed above, there are still a lot of issues in Russia and the United States with ensuring a decent life in a facility for older adults. According to the Global Retirement Index of 2019, Russia ranked 38 from 44 countries, which means that the social politics of Russia concerning the elderly people's needs global changes (Natixis Investment Managers, 2019).
Thus, there is a large variety of social welfare facilities providing by the United States government to seniors, the high cost of healthcare in the United States is a serious problem. The study will also consider this as an external factor which influences the ability of residents to pay for living in a senior living facility.
Both organisations which took part in the study operate in a different working context and the business performance of these companies depends on many external factors such as an economic situation in the country of operation, political changes, labour supply, competitive environment, and law regulation of the industry. New entrants should pay attention to these factors and organise a flexible management system of the facility for older adults.
Considering the contribution of the study to the scientific discussion, the research focuses on examples of management systems in senior living facilities in the United States and Russia which were not studied and compared in prior research. Both countries experience the population ageing (World Bank, 2018), therefore the study contributes to developing approaches to adapt to rapidly growing needs for elderly care services. The current research approves that many residences on the Russian market experience lack of funding, lack of health workforce, and poor system approach (TechartResearch, 2012) because the respondent from the Russian organisationmentions lack of qualified personnel and poor system approach as issues in the field. With regard to the American external environment, the study contributed the solution to the issue of high health care expenses for patients in senior living facilities (Lopez, 2015), the participant of the study is the Michigan Masonic Home which major target audience is Masons. This means they have a special fund which helps affiliated residents to cover health care expenses. That is why affiliation with a religious or fraternal organisation can positively influence the performance of the organisation. From a managerial perspective, both organisations' top management provides education and support for the employees, which corresponds to the argument of the role of top management mentioned in the theoretical foundation (Castle, Ferguson, & Hughes, 2009). According to the responses of the respondents and observation, both organisations consider facility management for building or renovating the residence, which is critical for senior living facilities (Leung & Liang, 2019; Ball et al., 2012). The working environment is positive in both senior living facilities, the employees are well trained and qualified. Both companies follow key principles for quality elderly care (Kajonius et al., 2016). As for the firms' finances, the respondent from the American organisation mentioned that they have a financial endowment which was described in prior research for a not-for-profit organisation (Eastman, 2013) while the Russian company cooperates with a for-profit company and the government. Finally, the current study's contribution is a managerial approach to study senior living facilities and global perspective on the field of elderly care services.
Primary limitations of the study are the results of the research cannot be generalised; limited access to real information about activities of the organisation; and not all levels of management are examined. To overcome these limitations in future studies, the research personnel should consider expanding the sampling in each location, using a mixed-method approach with quantitative methods, and adding different levels of management to examine.
Future studies might consider analysing senior living facilities' management systems in other countries in order to apply to a global perspective or focus on one area of the management system and discuss it in more detail. The following idea is also can be considered: to do quantitative research in order to show how the management system relates to the performance of a senior living facility. Moreover, future studies might consider learning distinct leadership styles of the supervisors and their influence on the quality of care.
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Appendix 1
The interview guides
Thank you for agreeing to take part in this interview for the study “Analysis of Assisted Living Residences' Management Systems in the United States and Russia”. Today you will be asked questions about your department and you company's activities. The interview lasts around 45 minutes. The interview will be recorded and will later be transcribed for further analysis. You reserve the right to end the interview at any time without penalty.
CEO or deputy director
· What is the management style in your organisation?
· How many employees work at your company?
· What factors influence the performance of the company?
· What is your organisational structure? What are the advantages and disadvantages of the structure?
· ?What are currently the most pressing issues you face in senior care?
· What strategy ?differentiates your organisation ?from other long-term care facilities?
· How do you ?ensure employees follow the vision and mission of your organisation?
· What are the most difficult challenges of managing a long-term care facility?
· What is the marketing strategy of your organisation?
· What channels of promotion do you use?
· What channels are the most effective?
· What are the marketing goals for next year?
· Do you have any benchmarks while choosing what services to provide?
· How do you gather information about your clients' experience and target market expectations?
· What are the specific characteristics of marketing for older adults?
Human Resource Management
· Could you please describe the selection process of employees?
· What techniques do you use to motivate your employees?
· How is the recruitment process implemented in your company?
· How do you control the performance (accomplishing tasks) of the personnel?
· What tools do you use to increase the productivity of employees?
· What training do you provide for the employees of your organisation?
· Do employees participate in the strategic decision-making process? How?
Business Development
· How do you gather information about trends in the field of elderly care?
· What new techniques do you use in the management of the organisation?
· What studies do you need to solve current issues in the field?
· How much of the budget do you spend on research?
· What is your strategy of development of the business?
· What are your strategic partners?
· Do you get any grants in order to improve your senior living facility?
· What is the type of your financial model?
· Are you a for-profit or not-for-profit organisation?
· How is your organisation taxed?
· Is your organisation profitable? How do you spend your profit?
· What are the business aspects of operating senior living facilities which differ it from other businesses?
· How do you set a price for services?
· Are there any governmentprograms or non-governmental which help clients to pay for services?
· What are the current issues in the financing of the senior living facilities?
· What are external factors which influence the financial resources of your organisation?
Appendix 2
Informed Consent
Olga Petrushkova
Higher School of Economics, Saint Petersburg, Russia
Public Health
Alma College
Alma, MI 48801
+7 (962) 707 34 89
Study title: The Comparative Analysis of the Senior Living Facilities' Management Systems in the United States and Russia
Study investigators: the researcher, Olga Petrushkova, is leading the study and academic advisor, Professor Anastasia Meylakhs at National Research University “Higher School of Economics”. Location of research is Alma, Michigan and Saint Petersburg, Russian Federation.
Study purpose: the purpose of this study is to compare and analyze management systems of senior living facilities in the United States and Russia, and determine the best practices used in the field. You are invited to take part in this research to help us to find out how senior living facilities are operated in two different countries, Russia and the United States.
Inclusion/Exclusion criteria: to be eligible to participate in this study, you must be a representative of a senior living organisation, aged 18 and older, and be informed about one of the management areas discussed in the study.
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Analysis of the peculiarities of the mobile applications market. The specifics of the process of mobile application development. Systematization of the main project management methodologies. Decision of the problems of use of the classical methodologies.
êîíòðîëüíàÿ ðàáîòà [1,4 M], äîáàâëåí 14.02.2016Investigation of the subjective approach in optimization of real business process. Software development of subject-oriented business process management systems, their modeling and perfection. Implementing subject approach, analysis of practical results.
êîíòðîëüíàÿ ðàáîòà [18,6 K], äîáàâëåí 14.02.2016Types of the software for project management. The reasonability for usage of outsourcing in the implementation of information systems. The efficiency of outsourcing during the process of creating basic project plan of information system implementation.
ðåôåðàò [566,4 K], äîáàâëåí 14.02.2016Logistics as a part of the supply chain process and storage of goods, services. Logistics software from enterprise resource planning. Physical distribution of transportation management systems. Real-time system with leading-edge proprietary technology.
êîíòðîëüíàÿ ðàáîòà [15,1 K], äîáàâëåí 18.07.2009Milestones and direction of historical development in Germany, its current status and value in the world. The main rules and principles of business negotiations. Etiquette in management of German companies. The approaches to the formation of management.
ïðåçåíòàöèÿ [7,8 M], äîáàâëåí 26.05.2015Definition of management. The aim of all managers. Their levels: executives, mid-managers and supervisors. The content and value of basic components of management: planning, organizing, coordinating, staffing, directing, controlling and evaluating.
ïðåçåíòàöèÿ [414,2 K], äîáàâëåí 16.12.2014The concept of transnational companies. Finding ways to improve production efficiency. International money and capital markets. The difference between Eurodollar deposits and ordinary deposit in the United States. The budget in multinational companies.
êóðñîâàÿ ðàáîòà [34,2 K], äîáàâëåí 13.04.2013Selected aspects of stimulation of scientific thinking. Meta-skills. Methods of critical and creative thinking. Analysis of the decision-making methods without use of numerical values of probability (exemplificative of the investment projects).
àòòåñòàöèîííàÿ ðàáîòà [196,7 K], äîáàâëåí 15.10.2008The primary goals and principles of asset management companies. The return of bank loans. Funds that are used as a working capital. Management perfection by material resources. Planning of purchases of necessary materials. Uses of modern warehouses.
ðåôåðàò [14,4 K], äîáàâëåí 13.05.2013Company’s representative of small business. Development a project management system in the small business, considering its specifics and promoting its development. Specifics of project management. Problems and structure of the enterprises of business.
ðåôåðàò [120,6 K], äîáàâëåí 14.02.2016