Корпоративная социальная ответственность авиакомпаний: региональный аспект

Рассмотрены основные подходы ведущих авиаперевозчиков к пониманию своей корпоративной социальной ответственности. Комплексное исследование региональных особенностей в принципах, подходах и путях исполнения ими возложенных социальных обязательств.

Рубрика Менеджмент и трудовые отношения
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Дата добавления 20.08.2020
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Airlines corporate social responsibility: cross-regional study

Goncharova Natalia - Expert of the Research and Education Laboratory of Business Communications Study of the National Research University - Higher School of Economics.

The corporate social responsibility of air carriers lies at the intersection of the need of negative impact minimization, critical infrastructure safety and the regional development both in the performance of operational activities and beyond it. Despite the high impact of globalization on civil aviation, airlines retain a close connection to the regions of their base. This article discusses the main approaches of leading air carriers for understanding their corporate social responsibility, and also examines the regional features of the principles, approaches and ways of fulfilling their social obligations.

Key words: CSR, corporate social responsibility, citizenship, sustainability, reporting, civil aviation, airlines, air transportation.

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