Strategies for intellectual property rights protection in Russian pharmaceutical industry: evidence from the analysis of patent information
Characteristics of the main problems and goals of development of the Russian pharmaceutical industry. Analysis of patent information in the field of pharmaceuticals. Study of basic strategies of russian companies to protect intellectual property.
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According to interviews with «Vertex» representatives, the company is ready to cooperate with large Western and local producers (Dombrova, 2014). Also it is mentioned in the interview about Russian pharmaceutical industry, that full-cycle production in Russia is not always possible, because foreign companies do not trust the Russian side due to the absence of a legal framework for the protection of intellectual values (Dombrova, 2014).
Patent analysis
FIPS presents 15 documents, the following information reflects some insights in the overview of application, 7 patents are found through the Orbit system, entering the name “Verteks”. All patents are valid, applied and granted only in Russian Federation, distribution by publication years and countries shown in Figure 21.
Figure 21. Publication years.countries, “Vertex”
Source: Questel®
Main IPC categories are presented by the Figure 21, indicating that “Vertex” applies for invention of not only A61K and A61P relation, but also of C07 (chemical compounds, chemistry group).
-First application by ascending order occurred in 2010, and devoted to “Antiseptic pharmaceutical composition, process for its preparation and application”. From the available information from the formula of the invention it is prescribed for use in treatment of diseases associated with bacterial and / or protozoal infections periodontal soft tissues.
-Oral pharmaceutical composition of diuretics in micronized form, drug and its application, that mentions two main active ingredients in the composition for of having a cerebrovascular and organo properties: indapamide and ramipril.
-Another one is related more to the biochemistry area and presents Process for the preparation of creatine amides. There are another two applications that claims to protect invention in form of substance, and methods of producing it.
-One of the most recent applied in 2013, published in 2015, represents Oral solid dosage form betahistine sustained release, with several claims for various of forms of a tablet. However, no indication of potential application is revealed.
-The next recent (application -2013, publication - 2015) is combinatory agent Pharmaceutical composition for topical use for the treatment of various forms of acne (dermatology), also listing several claims (12) for the different proportions of ingredients or form of agent.
-Five (5) claims are listed in the application for Combined medication to relieve symptoms and treatment of acute respiratory viral infections and flu, that listing different combination of well-known active ingredients.
-Another patent that has being examined is Combination drugs for treating fungal diseases of nails, pretending for 4 claims, mentioning the active ingredients: Terbinafine hydrochlorideeconazole nitrate.
-The next active patent is Pharmaceutical composition for local application in gynecology, having 5 claims.
-Invention for treatment of different type of skin diseases titled Combined pharmaceutical composition for external therapy, calling for 10 claims.
-Another application from 2014 is Nasal anti infectives, that is also in the process of examination.
-Application published in 2015 as A pharmaceutical composition of antihypertensive action, possessing 4 claims, naming active ingredient as Ramipril, is in the process of examination, and by the generic name it could be used in treatment of cardiovascular diseases.
To summarize, all applications could be distinguished by the several number of claims, establishing advantages and newness of proposed inventions. Text analysis has not detected some beneficial materials.
Proceeding to trademark analysis, it turns out valuable information about the products of «Vertex» that are commercialized, and whether there are parallels between inventions and trademarks by referencing active ingredients.
Trademark analysis
«Vertex» possesses several products in its portfolio, 13 trademarks are registered, 6 of them are of anti-inflammatory and antiviral medicinal effect and 4 are of the implementation for cardiovascular system (Figure 22). Also there are one medicine for dermatology, urology and skeleton-muscular system.
Therapeutic areas of trademarks, “Vertex”
First trademark corresponding the patent in cardiovascular therapeutic area, with active ingredient Ramipril, mentioned in the Patent Application: “A pharmaceutical composition of antihypertensive action”. Another patent that mentioned active ingredient of trade name product is for treating ischaemic or atherosclerotic diseases, and presents modified release of mentioned substance, claiming for the better quality of the invention. However, the corresponding product with registered trademark is not essential as there 25 other trade names and 348 non branded generics.
The last complaisant active ingredient mentioned both in trademark and patent presents “Pharmaceutical composition for local application in gynaecology”, and trademark for treatment of dermatology disorders: that is one of the valuable for the firm.
Overall, the IP management picture unfolds:
Life essential drugs: 0,76
Valuable medicines: 3/13
Cooperations; co-assignees - None
Main forms of patents: compounds
Main areas of patenting: antiviral, antimicrobic
Main areas of trademarks: cardiovascular system, antiviral
Number of corresponding patents and trademarks: 3/13
IPR strategy:
defensive patent strategy;
competitive trademark strategy;
IP exploitation;
General: maximum value strategy
Case 9. «Parapharm»
Company overview
The company was founded in the Russian city Penza in 1995, and still aimed at production of high-technology and high-efficiency prophylaxis medicines, according to their web-site (Company profile, 2016). «Parapharm» specializes on the developing of dietary supplements, however, according to the Patentscope and SPARK, this company presents many inventions and what is more, is situated in the Top-10 Russian companies by the annual net profit. Despite the fact that company produces mainly BADs, its patent activity is higher than of all other firms rest in the list of Russian pharm companies.
As of today, the company has more than 25 patents for inventions, 3 utility model patents, 5 patents for industrial designs, European and Eurasian patents, patent from China.
«Parapharm» obtained a residency in the Skolkovo centre and is actively engaged in the innovation processes, being recognized as one of the most innovative companies in the industry.
Patent analysis
Publication years are reflected in the related Figure 23, what about publication offices, the activity of a firm is somewhat diverse, it has more than 10 publication countries, most widespread are RU, WO, EP and EA.
Figure 23. Publication years/priority countries, “Parapharm”
Source: Thomson Innovation®
From the first brief glance majority of patents belong to the area of skeleton-muscular system, for treatment of different bone diseases like arthritis and osteoporosis. Also some relate to the treatment of men's dysfunctions by methods of treatment using special food supplements, on which the company focuses on.
19 patents were found by the Thomson Innovation® (r), all published in WO office, with Russian as a priority country. However, a bit more patents are listed in the Patentscope, as well as in the Orbit system, showing 33 alive patents.
3 patents from 2009 were cited: two for two times by EP patents and JP patent and one by EP patent. This is important because with comparing to other patents that were analysed (of other firms), almost no patent from 2009 or earlier has been cited. Two related to the treatment of urogenital system of men and one for osteoporosis. No patent is involved in license agreements or opposition/litigation.
-Starting from the first patent applied in 2009, it is claimed therapeutic medium for prophylaxis and treatment of adenomas and prostatitis and for increasing potency. That is one of the cited patents. The invention constituents of a variety of natural components that also may help to reduce pressure of elderly people.
-The following patent also applied in 2009, mentioning food supplements that shall be implemented for preventing osteoporosis.
-Next one has the following in title: “agent for treatment and prevention of men's diseases of urogenital system”, also comprising anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects.
-The patent application also applied in 2009 represents the agent for antioxidant.
-“Biologically active food additive for preventing cardiovascular diseases and enhancing cardiovascular system” provides long-term effect and no negative side-effects as invention novelty.
-The next invention submitted is food supplement that could be implemented in prophylaxis objectives regarding erectile function of men; it corresponds to previous ones works in the same sphere by the referring to the same natural ingredients (drone brood and L-carnitine, etc.).
-Following patent opens a direction for treatment of cerebral dysfunctions, and for implementing improving neural activity of a person, including memory issues and other psychological determinants.
-The patent from 2010 relates to the treatment of hormonal disbalances and also for normalization of hormone levels and preventing obesity in men.
-Another invention called coffee drink relates to the prevention and treatment of different fatigue issues, and is presented in the form of coffee drink or other liquid.
-The method for preparing and containing drone brood is included in the mentioned invented, is an interesting patent that aimed at preserving the biological properties of an ingredient. The invention also points to the long-term opportunity of stabilization of drone brood for a long time and make mass production available.
Unfortunately, not all 33 inventions could be described in this section, but the general overview and graphs analyze all of the patents, providing with important facts and figures, according to which the comparative analysis of trademark was made.
Therefore, from the patent analysis it could be seen that the company uses patent protection for its BADs medicines, solely for the purpose of market competition and profitability, and in order to be the unique with its products on the market, since no license agreement was concluded for the application of abovementioned patented inventions.
Life essential drugs: not applicable
Main competitors: not applicable
Valuable medicines: not applicable
Cooperations; co-assignees - None
Main forms of patents: compounsd and compositions
Main areas of patenting: osteoporosis, BADs
Main areas of trademarks: not applicable
Number of corresponding patents and trademarks: not applicable
IPR strategy:
competitive patent protection
General: business strategy (advancing and development of BADs as main direction)
Case 10. «Geropharm»
Company overview
«Geropharm» is group of 3 companies, one plant is responsible for full-cycle manufacturing based on approved foreign substances. The company is settled in the special economic zone of Saint-Petersburg. «Geropharm» started to work from 2001, and to present dates it ranked with 16 place in national pharmaceutical manufacturers list according to the volume of own production (About Geropharm Company, 2016).
«Geropharm» is higly growing company that involved in development and production of high-quality medicines for domestic market, together with contributing to technological development and the provision of innovative pharmaceutical environment. Currently, company's efforts are focused on the creation of critical technologies, that is, of complex technologies with high social significance that promote drug security. Identically, “Geropharm” is currently implementing a project of constructing a new production complex in Pushkin.
The mission and values that the this pharmaceutical company incorporates are “impeccable quality, professionalism and conscious responsibility, innovation and openness”, which proclaimed to embrace corporate policies and enhance «Geropharm» competitive positions in the comprehensive Russian pharmaceutical market.
Patent analysis
Thomson Innovation® displays only two results of «Geropharm» Company, and 4 alive and 1 dead patents are presented by Orbit system.
-The patent from 2001 presents Tertapeptide stimulating functional activity of neurons, that had three A61K IPC codes and two A61P: in the sphere of disorders of the nervous system, more precisely for treatment of central nervous system. Significantly, that this patent was cited in 29 other patent documents, by foreign and Russian companies.
Tetrapetide is claimed as the main active component of this invention, that should enhance activity of neurons and normalize metabolism of impaired nervous tissue.
-Another patent of 2011 year stands for Injection for treatment of acute ischaemic insult and cranium-brain trauma containing, that has two IPC codes: A61K and A61P, relating to treatment of ischaemic or atherosclerotic diseases. The patent basically claims for increasing of effectiveness of an active substance heptapeptide by new method of production of an injection, that applied in medicine for treatment of disturbed nervous system. Also the period of storing of the injection has been increased.
No information on licensing or other forms of cooperation was found for all 4 patents.
Trademark analysis
»Geropharm» issues 10 medicines, 9 of which are registered under trade names. Neurology is presented with 4 pharmaceuticals, 2 relate to the treatment of endocrine system diseases, one each is for ophthalmology and gynecology. Almost all medicines are listed as life essential products (7/10), and two medicines for treatment in neurology sphere are presented only by «Geropharm» as Russian company. However, despite the importance of overviewed drugs, the firm does not develop some unique products.
Some trademarks were also registered in other countries, and from the medicines only two are stayed active - Rinsulin, for the endocrine system, and Cortexin, applied in neurology. Application years are reflected in the corresponding graph, started from 2005 (2 trademarks), with the highest activity in 2008 (5).
Countries: one trademark designated to Estonia, and another to Belarus and Kazakhstan. It should be said that trademarks that had expired were designated to WO and had their presence in different participating countries.
Moreover, not all medicines are produced by the company itself, and Biosulin ™ (for treatment of diabetus) is owned by the «Pharmstandard» company (Ufa-vita division), and produced in India. Another medicine for treatment in neurology sphere is produced in Island, and Memantinol ™ , also in the area of neurology, however, other 7 preparations under trademarks are owned and produced by «Geropharm» itself.
Therefore, existing patents do not correspond to the registered trademarks and products that «Geropharm» possesses, and there is no information about the commecialization of related inventions. Therefore, it could be deducted that «Geropharm» primarily use trademark protection as IP strategy for competition on the Russian pharmaceutical market, by selling medicines from the list of life essential pharmaceutical products. What is more, two medicines are presented under Russian trademarks in Estonia, Belarus and Kazakhstan, what could indicate the goal of expansion on the close to Russia territories. Presence of company's products covers 13 countries.
Life essential drugs: 0,55
Valuable medicines: -
Cooperations; co-assignees - None
Main forms of patents: not applicable
Main areas of patenting: not applicable
Main areas of trademarks: not applicable
Number of corresponding patents and trademarks: none
IPR strategy:
not essential patenting strategy,
competitive trademark strategy,
General: business strategy
Overview of total companies' results
Discussion of obtained results chiefly concerns general overview of firm's strategies according to methods of patenting (countries, scope, cooperation) and trademark registration, including the information about relatedness of claimed inventions and products under a tradename. Patent and trademark strategies firstly described separately, then possible directions of IP Management are outlined, concluding on presumed IPR protection strategies.
Given these points, number of patent applications (including granted patents) is 222 for all firms in the sample. Most intensive publication years of patent information are 2011-2015, what could point to the emergence of pharmaceutical development in the end of 1990s.
Figure 24. Patent Publication years. Data from the sample
Generally, companies from the sample exploit strong trademark registration with intention to gain competitive positions on the Russian market and likewise abroad (mostly in CIS countries), while patenting strategies remain more of defensive nature (not for profit extraction), or not essential.
Figure 24. Patent/TM strategies. Data from the Sample
On these conditions, in view of IP management strategies of chosen firms, several parameters of patents and trademarks were jointly assessed in order to say whether there is a IP strategy at all, how existed resources are used and transferred (IP exploitation), if IPR were subjected to opposition and litigation (IP enforcement), or whether taken all determinants together IP strategy is rather weak. It should be said, that only two companies showed exceptional results regarding strong patenting strategies and trademark registration, including close connections between patented inventions and products sold with assigned tradename: «Biocad» JSC and «Akrikhin» LLC. Other companies are generally attributed with rising trademarking activity (mainly within generics market), or not essential TM strategy, as considerable number of products are sold without a trade name.
At present times, the environment over intellectual property of top Russian pharmaceutical firms occupies mostly sphere of trademark registration of generic medicines or medicines on which there is no protection of foreign firms. Diagram below presents the distribution of patents, trademarks and valuable pharmaceutical drugs of all analyzed companies:
Figure 25. IP forms, data from all sample firms
In essence, even if the comparatively big number of trade named medicines is possessed by a company, the share of de facto valuable medicaments is significantly low.
Equally important, the construed method for this research establishing links between patent applications and registered trademarks, concerning simultaneously other patent parameters, portrays that patents are not successfully commercialized and exploited by big Russian pharmaceutical firms. However, it should be stated that some firms firstly register a trademark for some medicines, and also apply for a patent protection, so the strategy of protection of products and defensive strategy are reflected in those actions.
Figure 26. Interrelation of patents and TMs of all companies
Although this may be true, taking into account years of companies' existence, emergence of some IP protection activities could be identified, especially with regard to expansion of products portfolios with new trademarks designated to Russia and foreign countries, mostly CIS. Coupled with development of licenses of trade named products, M&A with national and foreign companies, these factors favor appearance of intellectual property management in Russian pharma industry. On the contrary, without effective changes in IP regulation and legislation of pharmaceutical industry, as well as with no endeavors of firms itself, accomplishments of state development programs is unlikely to occur by 2020. Markedly, cooperation activity is indicated in 6/10 of sample companies, what deducted from R&D cooperation according to the company web-sites profiles, and licensing activity via trademarks.
Conversely, by overviewing of all available patent information, the results in terms of quantity and as well as quality of protected pharmaceutical products is not sufficient. Indicators of “Akrikhin”, the leading innovation company, is not far from other companies that were established in our time. Henceforth, presence of relating to industry and policy barriers exists that hasten fruitful development of Russian pharm market in terms of innovative drugs and valuable medications.
Next section outlines possible solutions for enhancement IP management in companies and on governmental level, improving pharmaceutical industry indicators in Russia in terms of domestic manufacturing, import substitutions and original medicines R&D.
IP management in Russia. Possible solutions
Taking into account government initiatives to develop independent Russian pharmaceutical market, it will be beneficial for companies to invest more in R&D departments, launching joint programs with Universities, attracting more scientific researches to production facilities.
Although trend of expansion and development of the Russian pharmaceutical market and the increase of drug range arises, there is the problem of high drug prices due to excessive dominance of imported products on the market. The high price is a factor limiting consumer access to pharmaceutical products. In order to meet the of the key goals of FTP Pharma 2020, namely to boost the proportion of domestic production of medicines by 50% in value terms, it is vital to arrange real production of finished pharmaceutical products, which includes not only the packaging of medicinal products on the territory of the Russian Federation.
It is envisaged that the increase in the share of domestic products will occur by increasing the volume of production of innovative drugs. However, the execution of task mentioned is only possible to be achieved in Russia in case of real production of finished pharmaceutical products, which includes not only the packaging of medicinal products on the territory of the Russian Federation. Meaningful, that for economic statistics the status of domestic drugs could be gained by manufacturers possessing a patent on the technology itself, or on the product; drugs, which are based on technologically important components manufactured in Russia. Another criterion for the transition of the drug in the domestic status implies "compensatory transfer of technological solutions" to Russian legal entity from the list and in the order to be approved by the Government. But the main feature of "domestic" / "foreignness" was clarified in a way that the primary and secondary package will not serve as a basis for the recognition of Russian medical product preparation. Local status is to be obtained by drugs issued within implementation stage of production of the substance and / or dosage form on the Russian Federation territory. These provisions Ministry of Industry proposes by amending the Federal Law "On the basis of public health protection." Documents providing for the extension of a 15% price preference for domestic enterprises, are under development.
Under these conditions, some essential propositions for management of intellectual property in pharmaceuticals for national companies could be:
-Special attention to the construction of a full-fledged cooperation with foreign partners,
-Inendent development of the product portfolio in order to maintain competitiveness through innovation rather than price competition.
-Production of works in accordance with modern rules of production and quality control of medicines (GMP).
-Balanced commercial policy with the distributors - in order to enhance the competitiveness of products and increase sales.
-Continuous improvement of the production: - development of new and revision of existing pharmacopoeia articles in accordance with the result of their own research projects;
- Expanding the range of products by new products or contract manufacturing;
-Improvement of technologies that ensure the sustainability of production and quality of the medicinal products;
- The use of modern forms of packaging;
- Work with manufacturers of substances, the organization of assistance in the preparation of all necessary documentation for the registration of substances on the territory of the Russian Federation.
Obviously, that main factor affecting firms' success along with Russian pharmaceutical industry determinants in a positive way is accelerated renewal of the product portfolio.
Conclusions, Limitations and Further research
In the final analysis, problems with IP regulations, investments and human resources in Russia are key decisive factors for the weak IPR strategies of Russian companies, also weak sides of the Pharma2020 exposed. Even if 50% of consumed products will be domestically produced, it does not guarantee the development of inendent national pharmaceutical market, rather it will increase foreign participation. By the same token, some foreign companies now are afraid of contracting with Russian firms for the production of brand medicines due to the several unpleasant reasons mentioned through the current investigation. Above all, the bright sides of the state programs is acknowledgment of R&D centers development close to the universities, in cooperation with some business participants. This could lead to raising of the potential of development the pharmaceutical full cycle-production of domestic pharmaceutical companies.
At the same time. public welfare of patent protection for pharmaceutical products (including vaccines) are evidenced.
Today, more than 90% of prescription drugs and vaccines available on the market are the result of applied research, that is likely to occur by stimulus of patent protection, provided that exclusive rights benefits market sales.
Patent protection establishes the necessary balance between the natural tendency of inventors to recoup their costs and society's need for new, effective and safe medicines.
At a high level of patent protection to producers it becomes impossible to produce pharmaceutical drugs of low quality that can cause serious injury.
Effective patent protection gives manufacturers the time needed for training professionals the appropriate use of new drugs and treatments.
Presently, in times of rapid technological developments, the transparent trend of tightening patent protection regimes has been emerged (Beck, 2013). Specifically, it forms new tendencies in pharmaceuticals sphere, where at the expense of numerous and ongoing costs of new medicines creation, as well as with notably excessive legal risks, defense of company's inventions is indeed important. In parallel with this ongoing debates over the "excessive rigidity" of patent law in the field of medicines, that limiting, as for opinions of poor countries, access to the latest technologies. Thus, the problem of protection of pharmaceutical patents has a number of closely interconnected economic, social, political and ethical dimensions.
Most compelling evidence of IPR enforcement insufficiency in Russia, despite the high level of the Russian patent law, that it does not oblige the Ministry of Health to check the purity of the registered patent medicines. Moreover, the Ministry does not have the right to refuse the registration, even if the development company announces the current Russian patent for its drug (Yablokova, 2015). In other words, they are allowed to sell products that violate existing patents of original drug manufacturers. For example, about a dozen copies of omeprazole have been reported in Russia after one foreign company received the Russian patent for the respective original product.
Thus, patent protection of pharmaceutical products, as a security element of intellectual property rights, is inevitable forming factor the medical science progress and health welfare. Alternatively, there would be constraints to establishing majority of highly efficient drugs that form the basis of modern pharmacotherapy. Without it, development of the worldwide pharmaceutical connections and corporations, that Russia is seeking for, would be hard to achieve.
To create an effective global strategy to guarantee access of all the world's population to essential medicines needed balance the rights of private firms, patent and national interests of countries in the world to find ways of mutually beneficial compromises in the existing international copyright protection system.
The value of this work for policy-makers highlights the necessity in changing the intellectual property laws in the country in order to favor Russian companies in their R&D activities, and at the same time provides incentives for international cooperation, as a lot of life essential medicines are imported, and own production facilities of Russian companies do not always capable of full-cycle development of medicines.
Looking beyond
All things considered, several shortcomings of current paper outlined in next few paragraphs.
To begin with, focus of the study concerned on pharmaceutical industry solely, without considerations of other industries. Hence, some bias in the qualitative analysis may occur, given that “interactions between industries may turn into changes in another industry, and Cross-Impact analysis is one of the key method for this” (Altuntas at al., 2014).
Point that should not be overlooked, that existing evaluation approaches do not consider a patent's life cycle, an important and unique characteristic of pharma and bio- tech patents. Moreover, assuming scope and research question of the study and investigation of IP strategies in general, comprehensive methods of patent analysis are ignored. Conclusions on patent's parameters made are chiefly of descriptive nature. Independent path for the research could be in the form of deep analysis of company's patent portfolio, with comparison of patents determinants of other similar countries.
What is more, in further research parameters for comparison of patent information among similar countries may be established, with focusing on applications for inventions and patents separately.
Identically significant, that in order to clarify IPR protection strategies of companies' official data outputs may not be enough: a comprehensive anonymous survey of top-managers involved in processes of R&D and legal protection is necessary to support or deny obtained results, and also acquire deep insights in technological activities.
On the whole, the topic of this study could be benefited from other investigations close to the current research question; we hope that this work will contribute for the purposes of evolution Russian pharmaceutical industry technological capacities and will create new directions in discussions of intellectual property protection strategies globally and nationally.
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Figure 2. Areas of state regulations needing improvements
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Declaration in lieu of oath
by Zimireva Alexandra
This is to confirm my Course Work / Master Thesis was independently composed/ authored by myself, using solely the referred sources and support. I additionally assert that this thesis has not been part of another examination process.
Moscow 16/05/2016
Zimireva Alexandra
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Critical literature review. Apparel industry overview: Porter’s Five Forces framework, PESTLE, competitors analysis, key success factors of the industry. Bershka’s business model. Integration-responsiveness framework. Critical evaluation of chosen issue.
êîíòðîëüíàÿ ðàáîòà [29,1 K], äîáàâëåí 04.10.2014Analysis of the peculiarities of the mobile applications market. The specifics of the process of mobile application development. Systematization of the main project management methodologies. Decision of the problems of use of the classical methodologies.
êîíòðîëüíàÿ ðàáîòà [1,4 M], äîáàâëåí 14.02.2016Relevance of electronic document flow implementation. Description of selected companies. Pattern of ownership. Sectorial branch. Company size. Resources used. Current document flow. Major advantage of the information system implementation in the work.
êóðñîâàÿ ðàáîòà [128,1 K], äîáàâëåí 14.02.2016Description of the structure of the airline and the structure of its subsystems. Analysis of the main activities of the airline, other goals. Building the “objective tree” of the airline. Description of the environmental features of the transport company.
êóðñîâàÿ ðàáîòà [1,2 M], äîáàâëåí 03.03.2013Types of the software for project management. The reasonability for usage of outsourcing in the implementation of information systems. The efficiency of outsourcing during the process of creating basic project plan of information system implementation.
ðåôåðàò [566,4 K], äîáàâëåí 14.02.2016Evaluation of urban public transport system in Indonesia, the possibility of its effective development. Analysis of influence factors by using the Ishikawa Cause and Effect diagram and also the use of Pareto analysis. Using business process reengineering.
êîíòðîëüíàÿ ðàáîòà [398,2 K], äîáàâëåí 21.04.2014Formation of intercultural business communication, behavior management and communication style in multicultural companies in the internationalization and globalization of business. The study of the branch of the Swedish-Chinese company, based in Shanghai.
ñòàòüÿ [16,2 K], äîáàâëåí 20.03.2013The concept and features of bankruptcy. Methods prevent bankruptcy of Russian small businesses. General characteristics of crisis management. Calculating the probability of bankruptcy discriminant function in the example of "Kirov Plant "Mayak".
êóðñîâàÿ ðàáîòà [74,5 K], äîáàâëåí 18.05.2015Considerable role of the employees of the service providing company. Human resource policies. Three strategies that can hire the right employees. Main steps in measure internal service quality. Example of the service profit chain into the enterprise.
ïðåçåíòàöèÿ [338,7 K], äîáàâëåí 18.01.2015The primary goals and principles of asset management companies. The return of bank loans. Funds that are used as a working capital. Management perfection by material resources. Planning of purchases of necessary materials. Uses of modern warehouses.
ðåôåðàò [14,4 K], äîáàâëåí 13.05.2013