Conceptual potential of anthroponyms in George Gordon Byron’s poetry

This paper is aimed at revealing the semantic parameters of anthropocentric artistic poetic concepts through analysis of the imagery, aesthetic and conceptual load of anthroponyms in Byron’s poetry. The concepts of monarch, aristocrat, national leader.

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Дата добавления 07.11.2022
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From the axiological point of view, the artistic concepts MONARCH, NATIONAL LEADER / NATIONAL HERO are characterized by reciprocity, the ability of transition from one concept to another because of many objective and subjective factors. The complexity and ambiguity of conceptual axiology in Byron's poetic discourse is determined by the fact that the poet evaluates the object of poetic image not only from the standpoint of ontology as the opposition of good and evil, but also foregrounds in the evaluative meanings of anthroponyms the psycho-emotional, subjective sensitive aspects.

The semantic content of the analyzed artistic anthropoconcepts of George Gordon Byron's textual world reflects the nature of the author's understanding of English and European history, the complexity and contradictions of the interaction of the individual and society. The essence of the key images based on the poetization of anthroponyms in the artistic discourse of George Gordon Byron cannot be considered comprehensively decoded and requires further studies. Revealing the associative and symbolic matrix of anthroponyms in the plot and semantic content of the literary text may considerably contribute to identifying other versatile artistic concepts, disclose the peculiarities of individual or national perception of artistically reflected phenomena, highlighting in a particular historical period certain culturally significant elements in their structure and determining their place in the cognitive space of the national community. The above mentioned problems can constitute the perspectives of further research of Byron's creative heritage from the perspective of artistic conceptology or in multidisciplinary approach.

byron's poetry anthroponyms aesthetic conceptual load


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Nataliia Romanyshyn

Department of Applied Linguistics, Lviv Polytechnic National University, Lviv, Ukraine

Background: Irrespective of the great number of researches dedicated to the creative heritage of George Gordon Byron, the essence and conceptual potential of anthroponyms in his poetry have not been the object of comprehensive analysis. The article is based on the assumption that the conceptual space of works of verbal art is a reflection of the author's aesthetic experience of existential values and general development of aesthetic thinking of the ethnic community. The analysis of the system of Byron's artistic representation of the dominant anthropocentric concepts extends the traditional view on «Byron images» and «Byronic hero» and allows establishing the features of artistic concepts actualization that determine the social parameters of the national universe.

Purpose: This paper is aimed at revealing the semantic parameters of anthropocentric artistic poetic concepts through analysis of the imagery, aesthetic and conceptual load of anthroponyms in Byron's poetry. The anthropocentric artistic concepts that are in the focus of the conducted research encompass the concepts of monarch, aristocrat, national leader.

Results: The comprehensiveness of the reflection of various aspects of social and national reality in Byron's poetic works is achieved through the multifaceted prism of anthropocentric concepts MONARCH, ARISTOCRAT, NATIONAL HERO actualization. This artistic conceptualization is achieved and developed by introduction of precedent names as elements of poetic plot and composition, as objects of poetic reflection into the poetic micro context.

Discussion: In the structure of poetic text a certain precedent name manifests itself as a complex linguistic and cultural sign, which carries a significant amount of background information generated by the horizontal context and enriched by the poetic context itself. The poetic anthroponyms of Byron's works are loaded by multifaceted symbolic, mythological, and axiological meanings, and their associative field is extremely wide. The introduction of numerous precedent names into the canvas of a work of art sets the main guidelines for author's individual perception and reflection of ethno- national characteristics in the structure of the object of poetic expression. The meaning emerged in the precedent name can become an expression of the ideological content of the whole text, is able to display the connection of the consciousness of the author and the reader with the code of culture in its development in time. Thus, in Byron's poetry the understanding of fundamental nation-building political categories is carried out through the deployment of a network of artistic anthropoconcepts that in the unity of their semantic aspects display poet's deep generalization about man as a bearer of certain ethnic characteristics, philosophical views and ethical beliefs. The conceptual axiology of anthropocentric concepts actualized by certain precedent names is complex and ambiguous. From axiological point of view, the artistic concepts MONARCH, NATIONAL LEADER and NATIONAL HERO are characterized by reciprocity, the ability of transition from one concept to another as a result of many objective and subjective factors. The semantic content of the key artistic anthropoconcepts of George Gordon Byron's textual world reflects the nature of the author's understanding of the issue of English national identity.

Keywords: George Gordon Byron, anthropocentric artistic concepts, artistic conceptualization, poetry of English Romanticism, poetic discourse.

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