"Аліна й Костомаров" та "Романи Куліша" В. Петрова в контексті українського культурного життя 20-х років ХХ століття

Ідейний спектр образів Костомарова та Куліша з точки зору їх причетності до творення нової української дійсності у 20-х рр. Характер жанру творів, їх зіставлення з романами М. Хвильового, В. Підмогильного. Поетика цитування в романі "Аліна й Костомаров".

Рубрика Литература
Вид автореферат
Язык украинский
Дата добавления 28.09.2013
Размер файла 46,1 K

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Ключевые слова: интеллектуальный дискурс, формализм, романизированная биография, интеллектуальный роман, интертекстуальность.


Zuban V.I. “Alina and Kostomarov” and “Romany Kulisha” by V. Petrov in the context of Ukrainian cultural life of the 1920s. - Manuscript.

The Thesis for a Doctor of philosophy degree (Ph.D.) of philological sciences by according to speciality 10.01.01 - Ukrainian literature. - Kharkiv National University by name V.N. Karazin, Kharkiv, 2003.

The present research gives the information about works “Alina and Kostomarov” and “Romany Kulisha” by Viktor Petrov in the context of others texts of the 1920s which have found new supergenre of the characteristics and have formed definite intellectual discourse. This works are compared to social-cultural processes 20 years when Ukrainian society was reaching a consensus on a new national cultural norm, the main principle of which rested on a denial of populism and provincialism and the recognition of Europe - primarily in its traditional and classical guise - as the preeminent cultural model. The special attention is devoted to ideological aspect of V. Petrov's images of Mykola Kostomarov and Panteleimon Kulish as consequent in process of re-evaluation of a national history, her famous figure and formation of an image of new Ukrainian reality that in concrete display was realized at the discussion of a subject “The Hryhori Skovoroda” in the first half 20 years, “The Panteleimon Kulish”, “The Taras Shewchenko” and “The Brotherhood of S.S. Cyril and Methodius” - in second.

The nature of a genre “Alina and Kostomarov” and “Romany Kulisha” is established by their confrontation to the intellectual novels “Valdshnepy” by Mykola Khvylovy, “Misto” and “Nevelychka drama” by Valeriian Pidmohylny, “Chest'” by Mykhailo Mohyliansky and others V. Petrov's works, pen name for V. Domontovych (“Divchyna z vedmedykom”, “Doctor Serafikus”). About V. Petrov's novels is wrote that they were being peculiar literature form that represented him vision of an image new Ukrainian reality. According to the V. Petrov, in order to create of a new reality need not so much formulation of image-slogans such as “psychological Europe” or “Asian renaissance” how much solution of a definite set of problems. Among them - the denying of populism of the concept of the literature “for domestic custom”, the withdrawal from dominant for early Ukrainian Modernism of a principle of enthusiasm to the aesthetic a system founded on “sensation” of the classic form etc.

It is demonstrated that V. Petrov's literary surveys to such genre could to respond on the formulated requirements to the literature of a new sample have stayed on selection of a genre of the novellas biography. It was popular with German, English, Austrian, French and Russian literature of the early XX century. This genre envisaged to connect of members scientific and art discourses and brightly contrasted with genres that were used by the populist literature. On the basis of complex utilized methods for development a subject-fundamental the novel-biography by V. Petrov resembled activities of Russian scientists-biographists, representative of formal school, which have formulated the theory of “literary everyday life” in the 1920s. Them formalistic discourses were responsible for transformation of images of the national history to the heroes-lovers and for usage of a number of exponential methods of transformation of a biographic stuff: the dislocation, the decanonization, the parodying, the sharpening, the exaggerating, the exposing of technology, the mounting, the cycling etc.

As well was come under reviewed the problem on internal communication of the novels by V. Petrov. In particular were investigated intertextuality peculiarities of the texts. It was demonstrated that both novels the writer has fabricated from the quotations. As base of first novellas biography was used translated from Russian of memory by Alina Krahelska, autobiography by Kostomarov, documents about the Brotherhood of S.S. Cyril and Methodius, letter by Krahelska to the nearest helper of the chief of a gendarmery Leontii Dubelt, letter by Kostomarov to Krahelska and memory by his contemporaries. The fundamental quotations of the second novel-biography was formed private correspondent by Kulish, letter from his colleagues, friends and familiar, autobiographical memories by Kulish and literary-critical studies about literary process of ХIХ century. The quotations by documentary birth V. Petrov had interlaced with borrowings from fiction by Western-European, Ukrainian and Russian writers-romantics and romantic and enlightening cliches. Besides he has used stock word combinations by world cultural complex birth that was represented by different achievements in the field of humanitarian and material sciences: literary criticism, linguistic, philosophy, art criticism, culturology, psychology, psychiatry, geography etc.

As has shown the analysis the transformation quotations by documentary birth to art for V. Petrov accompanied commenting out and critical rethinking. Sometimes “another's” text the writer has used as categorical argument, less often as a causing for dialogue or creation of a situation of a literary competition. Almost always writer has presented information on sources of borrowing: declarative quotations allotted by inverted commas or shared out graphically predominated in both novels.

It was concluded that the novels arranged from other texts “Alina and Kostomarov” and “Romany Kulisha” in Ukrainian artistic milieu of the 1920s represented example of the “fabricated” literature: the literatures that is made of the literature. They were coordinated with formal quests of the writers. Having formed the novels from the documents, works of art, literary cliches and scientific word combinations, V. Petrov once again has confirmed necessity for the writer to study on the best example of the world literature.

Key words: intellectual discourse, formalism, novellas biography, intellectual novel, intertextuality.

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