Язык Адама, европейский национализм и подъём ренессансной компаративистики
Исследование одного из направлений адамического проекта, развитого в ренессансной культуре и нацеленного на то, чтобы воссоздать первозданный язык человечества. Краткий анализ Ursprache через нахождение его рудиментов в известных исторических языках.
Рубрика | Иностранные языки и языкознание |
Вид | статья |
Язык | русский |
Дата добавления | 29.03.2021 |
Размер файла | 48,0 K |
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На протяжении XVII в. европейская компаративистика медленно освобождалась от обусловленности теологией и всей «системой координат» ренессансного мышления. Приобретали влиятельность концепции, которые, говоря в терминах адамического проекта, являлись всё более «слабыми». Вместе с тем в истории языкознания роль библейского нарратива не была негативной. Открывая простор для множества толкований, сюжеты Бытия питали лингвистическую мысль эпохи и ускоряли появление новых гипотез, многие из которых прокладывали путь индоевропейской теории. То, что действительно мешало прогрессу компаративистики, - это мода на концепции долгой культурной автономии, исключавшие отдельные языки из потока истории, а главное, отсутствие универсальных правил, регламентирующих исследования. Хотя рефлексия над правилами росла, между теоретическими принципами и практикой компаративистов оставался заметный зазор [14. P. 44]. Уже был понят общий механизм языковой эволюции и осознана потребность в аналитическом охвате как можно большей части лексиконов предположительно родственных языков. Однако подлинный расцвет сравнительно-исторического метода смог произойти тогда, когда объектом изучения стали системы грамматических форм и была выявлена логика фонетических измерений, казавшихся прежде случайными.
1. Карабыков А.В. «И нарек человек имена...»: стратегии воссоздания адамического языка в культуре Ренессанса // Человек 2014. № 5. С. 114-131.
2. Van Hal Т., Van Rooy R. Editors' introduction // Metcalf G.J. On Language Diversity and Relationship from Bibliander to Adelung. Amsterdam, Philadelphia: John Benjamins, 2013. P. 1-10.
3. Карабыков А.В. Трансформация метафизики первозданного языка в ренессансном каббализме // Вопросы философии 2016. № 3. С. 186-197.
4. Августин Блаженный. О граде Божьем. Минск: Харвест ; Москва: АСТ, 2000. 1296 с.
5. Georg Stiernhielm. Babel destracta seu runa Suethica Babel destructa, seu runa Suethi- ca. Stockholm, 1669. 429 р.
6. Athanasius Kircher. Turris Babel, sive Archontologia. Amsterdam: Janssonio Waes- bergiana, 1679. 219 р.
7. Conradus Gesnerus. Mithridates. De differentiis linguarum tum veterum tum quae ho- die apud diversas nationes in toto orbe terrarum in usu sunt. Tiguri: Froschoverus, 1555. 78 р.
8. Theodorus Bibliander.De ratione communi omnium linguarum et literarum commentaries. Tiguri: Froschoverus, 1548. 235 p.
9. Claude Duret.Thrйsor de l'histoire des langues de cest univers, contenant les origines, beautйs... dйcadences, mutations... et ruines des langues hйbraпque, chananйenne... etc., les langues des animaux et oiseaux. Yverdon: Pyramus dй Candolle, 1619. 1030 р.
10. Van Hal T. One continent, one language? Europa Celtica and its language in Philippus Cluverius' Germania antiqua (1616) and beyond // European Review of History: Revue europйenne d'histoire. 2014. № 21 (6). Р. 889-9o7.
11. Travoni M. Western Europe // History of Linguistics. Vol. 3: Renaissance and Early Modern Linguistics. London ; New York: Routledge, 2014. P. 2-108.
12. Goropius Becanus.Origines antwerpianae, sive Cimmeriorum becceselana novem libros complexa. Antwerp: Plantinus, 1569. 1058 p.
13. Goropius Becanus. Hermathena // Opera loan. Goropii Becani, hactenus in luce non edita. Antwerp: Plantinus, 1580. 237 p.
14. Metcalf G.J. On Language Diversity and Relationship from Bibliander to Adelung. Amsterdam, Philadelphia: John Benjamins, 2013. 181 р.
15. Considine J. Dictionaries in Early Modern Europe: Lexicography and the Making of Heritage. Cambridge et al.: Cambridge University Press, 2008. 393 p.
16. Тацит. О происхождении германцев и местоположении Германии // Сочинения: в 2 т. Т. 1: Анналы. Малые произведения. Л.: Наука, 1969. C. 353-373.
17. Jones W.J. Images of language: six essays on German attitudes to European languages from 1500 to 1800. Amsterdam, Philadelphia: John Benjamins Publishing Co, 1999. 297 р.
18. Richard Verstegan. A Restitution of Decayed Intelligence in Antiquities. Concerning the Most Noble and Renowned English Nation. London: Newcomb, 1655. 264 р.
19. Anderson J.H. Words that matter: Linguistic perception in the English Renaissance. Stanford: Stanford University Press, 1996. 340 p.
20. Античные теории языка и стиля / под ред. О.М. Фрейденберг. СПб.: Алетейя, 1996. 362 с.
21. Del Bello D. Forgotten Paths: Etymology and the Allegorical Mindset. Washington, D.C.: Catholic University of America Press, 2007. 187 p.
22. Aarsleff H. From Locke to Saussure. Essays on the Study of Language and Intellectual History. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 1982. 422 p.
23. Naborn R.A. Becanus' Etymological Methods // Voortgang. 1995. № 15. Р. 79-86.
24. Philippus Cluverius Germaniae antiquae libri tres. Lugduni Batavorum: Elzevirius, 1616. 400 p.
25. Burke P. Languages and Communities in Early Modern Europe. Cambridge et al.: Cambridge University Press, 2004. 210 p.
26. Simone R. The Early Modern Period // History of Linguistics. Vol. 3 Renaissance and Early Modern Linguistics. London ; New York: Routledge, 2014. P. 149-236.
27. Karabykov, A.V. (2014) “So the Man Gave Names”: The Strategies of Reconstruction of the Adamic Language in Renaissance Culture. Chelovek. 5. pp. 114-131. (In Russian).
28. Van Hal, T. & Van Rooy R. (2013) Editors' introduction. In: Metcalf, G.J. On Language Diversity and Relationship from Bibliander to Adelung. Amsterdam, Philadelphia: John Benjamins. pp. 1-10.
29. Karabykov, A.V. (2016) The Transformation of the Primordial Language Metaphysics in the Renaissance Cabbalism. Voprosy filosofii - Problems of Philosophy. 3. pp. 186-197. (In Russian).
30. Augustine of Hippo. (2000) O grade Bozh'em [The City of God]. Translated from Latin. Minsk: Kharvest, Moscow: AST.
31. Stiernhielm, G. (1669) Babel destructa seu runa Suethica Babel destructa, seu runa Suethica. Stockholm: [s.n.].
32. Kircher, A. (1679) Tunis Babel, sive Archontologia. Amsterdam: Janssonio Waesbergiana.
33. Gesnerus, C. (1555) Mithridates. De differentiis linguarum tum veterum tum quae hodie apud diversas nationes in toto orbe terrarum in usu sunt. Tiguri: Froschoverus.
34. Bibliander, T (1548) De ratione communi omnium linguarum et literarum commentaries. Tiguri: Froschoverus.
35. Duret, C. (1619) Thrйsor de l'histoire des langues de cest univers, contenant les origines, beautйs... dйcadences, mutations... et ruines des langues hйbraпque, chananйenne... etc., les langues des animaux et oiseaux. Yverdon: Pyramus dй Candolle.
36. Van Hal, T. (2014) One continent, one language? Europa Celtica and its language in Philippus Cluverius' Germania antiqua (1616) and beyond. European Review of History: Revue europйenne d'histoire.21(6). pp. 889-907.
37. Travoni, M. (2014) Western Europe. In: Lepschy G. (ed.) History of Linguistics. Volume III. London, New York: Routledge. pp. 2-108.
38. Becanus, G. (1569) Origines antwerpianae, sive Cimmeriorum becceselana novem libros complexa. Antwerp: Plantinus.
39. Becanus, G. (1580) Hermathena. In: Opera loan. Goropii Becani, hactenus in luce non edita. Antwerp: Plantinus.
40. Metcalf, G.J. (2013) On Language Diversity and Relationship from Bibliander to Adelung. Amsterdam, Philadelphia: John Benjamins.
41. Considine, J. (2008) Dictionaries in Early Modern Europe: Lexicography and the Making of Heritage. Cambridge et al.: Cambridge University Press.
42. Tacitus. (1969) Sochineniya v 2-kh tomakh [Works in 2 Vols]. Vol. 1. Leningrad: Nauka. pp. 353-373.
43. Jones, W.J. (1999) Images of language: six essays on German attitudes to European languages from 1500 to 1800. Amsterdam, Philadelphia: John Benjamins Publishing Co.
44. Verstegan, R. (1655) A Restitution of Decayed Intelligence in Antiquities. Concerning the Most Noble and Renowned English Nation. London: Newcomb.
45. Anderson, J.H. (1996) Words that Matter: Linguistic Perception in the English Renaissance. Stanford: Stanford University Press.
46. Freydenberg, O.M. (ed.) (1996) Antichnye teorii yazyka i stilya [Ancient Theories of Language and Style]. Saint Petersburg: Aleteyya.
47. Del Bello, D. (2007) Forgotten Paths: Etymology and the Allegorical Mindset. Washington, D.C.: Catholic University of America Press.
48. Aarsleff, H. (1982) From Locke to Saussure. Essays on the Study of Language and Intellectual History. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press.
49. Naborn, R.A. (1995) Becanus' Etymological Methods. Voortgang. 15. pp. 79-86.
50. Cluverius, Ph. (1616) Germaniae antiquae libri tres. Leiden: Lugduni Batavorum; Elzevirius.
51. Burke, P. (2004) Languages and Communities in Early Modern Europe. Cambridge et al.: Cambridge University Press.
52. Simone, R. (2014) The Early Modern Period. In: Lepschy G. (ed.) History of Linguistics. Vol. 3. London, New York: Routledge. pp. 149-236.
The Adamic Language, European Nationalism, and the Rise of the Renaissance Comparativism
Keywords: history of linguistic thought, theories of language origin, etymology, Cratylism, Boook of Genesis, Hebraism, Goropius Becanus, Richard Verstegan.
The analysis is focused on one of the directions of the Adamic project developed in the Renaissance culture and aimed to reconstruct the primordial, or Adamic, language (Ursprache). Adamic was the primordial language belonging to the forefathers (while at least they remained in the condition of the initial perfection). The project presented a complex of ideas and views together with hermeneutic strategies they determined and was based on a specific set of beliefs, presumptions, and attitudes. The set included a humanistic aspiration for “the origins” (ad fontes), deep reverence for “the ancient wisdom” (prisca sapientia) the first people had possessed and expressed in the Ursprache, which had helped it survive in history, and faith for biblical and heathen narratives. It also included Cratylism, according to which lexical meanings (in their pristine form) sprang from the very essence of things due to the predetermined harmony between the structures of language and of the reality. The mentioned elements of the Renaissance thought formed a sort of a system of coordinates; supporters of the analysed strategy worked within it. The system directed them to study the Ursprache via finding its rudiments in known historical tongues (provided that there is a language that has preserved the maximum of the primordial properties). The article argues that, despite the rich variety of forms the strategy was implemented in, means of justification of some tongue's rights to be taken as the Adamic one or, more often, as its closest derivate were universal at large. They included recourse to a spectrum of mytho-historical narratives current in the Renaissance culture; using them, many Adamicists built new original constructs matching their ideological goals. Besides, the means supposed employment of a vast arsenal of tools of humanistic exegesis and etymology. Particular attention is paid to the Renaissance scholars' etymological practice, which was to provide them with the properly linguistic evidence of the “Adamic” rights of the languages those humanists promoted. The etymological analysis was typically reduced to searches for elements of Adamic in words of later historical languages and to demonstrations of a non-conventional, organically motivated link conjoining original words with their referents in the world. In order to make this double task easier, some etymologists resorted to fragmentation of words into phonosemantic “atoms” considering monosyllabism to be an essential feature of the primordial language.
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