Сопоставительный анализ исходного и переводного текстов в соотношении с понятием поэтичности

Сопоставительный анализ исходного, переводного текстов с точки зрения репрезентации поэтичности оригинала в принимающей культуре. Исследование поэтичности переводов сонета LXVI Шекспира в единстве его идейности, эмотивности, образности, своеобразия формы.

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40. Pugliese C. Translation as Cultural Transfer: Challenges and Constraints. Roma : Aracne, 2005. 158 p.

41. Seleskovitch D., Lederer M. Interprйter pour traduire, Paris : Didier Erudition, 1984. 311 p.

42. Steele S. The Translating Mind: Translation as a Game. QuiEdit di S.D.S. snc Verona, Italy, 2005. 143 p.

43. Steiner G. After Babel. Aspects of language and translation. Oxford : Oxford University Press, 1988. 539 p.

44. Venuti L. Retranslations: The Creation of Value // Translation and Culture / ed. by K.M. Faull. Bucknell University Press, 2004. P. 25-38.

45. БогатыреваЕ.Д. Художественный перевод как интерпретация : автореф. дис. ... канд. филол. наук. М., 2007. 19 с.

46. МальцеваИ.Г. Адекватность перевода цветовых концептов Г. Тракля на русский язык : дис. ... канд. филол. наук. Екатеринбург, 2008. 374 с.

47. Нуждова Е.Н. Лексическая репрезентация концепта «ЛЮБОВЬ» в переводах лирики А.С. Пушкина на английский и французский языки : автореф. дис. ... канд. фи- лол. наук. М., 2008. 21 с.

48. Огнева Е.А. Когнитивно-сопоставительное моделирование концептосферы художественного текста: на материале перевода русской прозы на французский и английский языки : автореф. дис. ... д-ра филол. наук. Белгород, 2009. 42 с.

49. Davis A. Collaborator: Ezra Pound, Translation, and Appropriation // Modernist Cultures. Edinburgh University Press, 2019. Vol. 14, is. 1. P. 17-35.

50. Data-Bukowska E. Translating What is Blurred: Evidence from Swedish-to-Polish Translations // Meaning in Translation: illusion of Precision. 2016. P. 435-452.

51. Filanti R «The Murder and the Echo»: How Meaning Reverberates in Translation // Meaning in Translation: Illusion of Precision. Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2016. P. 321-335.

52. Hvelplund K. T. Digital Resources in the Translation Process - Attention, Cognitive Effort and Processing Flow // Perspective Studies in Translatology. 2019. Vol. 27, is. 4. P. 510524.

53. Mossop B. «Intersemiotic Translating» Time for a Rethink? // Translation and Interpreting Studies. 2019. Vol. 14, is. 1. P. 75-94.

54. Prencipe V. Translation Universals: Assets and Limits of Research Methodology // Translation Studies and Translation Practice: Proceedings of the 2nd International TRANSLATA Conference, 2014. Pt 2. N.Y. : Peter Lang Edition, 2017. P. 35-44.

55. Walter K. Zur Versprachlichung und Ьbersetzung des Nationsbegriffs bei Joyce und Yeats // Translation Studies and Translation Practice: Proceedings of the 2nd International TRANSLATA Conference, 2014. Pt 2. N.Y. : Peter Lang Edition, 2017. P. 187-195.

56. Wang S. Transcontinental Revolutionary Imagination: Literary Translation between China and Brazil (1952-1964) // Cambridge Journal of Postcolonial Literary Inquiry. 2019. Vol. 6, is. 1. P. 70-98.

57. West T. Justo Sierra O'Reilly and John L. Stephens: Translation, History, and Translational Romanticisms in the Americas // Journal of Latin American Cultural Studies. 2019. Vol. 28, is. 1. P. 83-96.

58. Роднянская И.Б. Художественность // Литературный энциклопедический словарь. М. : Сов. энциклопедия, 1987. С. 489-490.

59. Shakespeare W. Sonnet LXVI // Английская поэзия в русских переводах (XIV- XIX века) : сб. / сост. М.П. Алексеев и др. М. : Прогресс, 1981. С. 76-78.

60. HornbyA.S. Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary of Current English. Moscow : Moscow Language Publishers ; Oxford : Oxford University Press, 1982. Vol. I. 510 p.; Vol. II. 527 p.

61. Англо-русский синонимический словарь / Ю.Д. Апресян и др. М. : Рус. яз., 1979. 544 с.

62. Шекспир В. Сонет 66. Пер. В Г. Бенедиктова // Английская поэзия в русских переводах (XIV-XIX века) : сб. / сост. М.П. Алексеев и др. М. : Прогресс, 1981. С. 626627.

63. Шекспир В. Сонет LXVI. Пер. Б. Л. Пастернака // Английская поэзия в русских переводах (XIV-XIX века) : сб. / сост. М. П. Алексеев и др. М. : Прогресс, 1981. С. 77-79.


1. Borisova Ye.B. Khudozhestvennyj obraz v angliyskoy literature XX veka: tipologiya -

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2. Kazakova T.A. Khudozhestvennyj perevod: v poiskakh istiny [Literary Translation: Seek

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3. Karpukhina V.N. Konstruirovaniye lingvisticheskoy real'nosti pri smene semioticheskogo

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4. Kunitsyna Ye.Yu. Lingvisticheskiye osnovy lyudicheskoy teorii khudozhestvennogo

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5. Mal'tseva I.G. Adekvatnost' perevoda tsvetovykh kontseptov G. Traklya na russkij yazyk.

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6. Popovich A. Problemy khudozhestvennogo perevoda [Issues of literary translation]. Mos

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7. Proskurin Ye.G. Kognitivnaya lakunarnost' teksta kak problema mezhkulturnoy kommu-

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8. Psurtsev D.V. Smysloformirovaniye khudozhestvennogo teksta: teoreticheskiye osnovaniya

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9. Sokolovskij Ya.V. Sootnosheniye originala i perevoda khudozhestvennogo teksta:

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10. Stepanenko Ye.V. Kulturologicheskiye aspekty perevoda makedonskoy dramy na russkiy yazyk (na materiale p'yes Gorana Stefanovskogo). Avtoreferat diss. kand. filol. nauk. [Culturological aspect of translation of Macedonian drama into Russian (based on a case study of plays by G.Stephanovsky). Abstract of Cand. philol. sci. diss.]. Moscow, 2007. 19 p.

11. Fyodorov A.V. Iskusstvo prevoda i zhizn' literatury [Art of translation and life of belles- lettres]. Leningrad, Soviet Writer Publ., 1983. 194 p.

12. Tchukovskiy K.I. Vysokoye iskusstvo [High Art]. Moscow, Soviet Writer Publ., 1988. 350 p.

13. Diego E. Po dobroy vole i so skromnoy nadezhdoy [With good will and modest hope] // Perevod - sredstvo vzaimnogo sblizheniya narodov. M.: Progress, 1987. pp. 183-- 187.

14. Aitmatov Ch. Perevod -- ditya lyubvi [Translation -- child of love] // Perevod -- sredstvo vzaimnogo sblizheniya narodov. M.: Progress, 1987. pp. 172--175.

15. Tuvim Yu. Chetverostishiye na verstake [Quatrain on workbench] // Perevod -- sredstvo vzaimnogo sblizheniya narodov. M.: Progress, 1987. pp. 416--426.

16. Turgenev I.S. «Faust», tragediya, soch. Gyote. Perevod M. Vronchenko [«Faust», tragedy, written by Goethe. Translated by M. Vronchenko] // Perevod -- sredstvo vzaimnogo sblizheniya narodov. M.: Progress, 1987. pp. 70--72.

17. Gumilyov N.S. Perevody stokhotvornye [Translations in verse] // Perevod -- sredstvo vzaimnogo sblizheniya narodov. M.: Progress, 1987. pp. 28--33.

18. Lozinskiy M.L. Iskusstvo stikhotvornogo perevoda [Art of verse translation] // Perevod -- sredstvo vzaimnogo sblizheniya narodov. M.: Progress, 1987. pp. 91--106.

19. Avtonomova N.S. Poznaniye i perevod. Opyty filosofii yazyka [Cognition and translation. Experience in philosophy of language]. Moscow, Rossiyskaya Politicheskaya Entsiklope- diya Publ., 2008. 704 p.

20. Alekseeva L.M. Teoriya ekvivalentnosti perevoda kak teoriya ob otnositelnosti [Theory of equivalence in translation as theory of relativity]. Stereotipnost' i tvorchestvo v tekste [Stereotypes and creativity in the text]. Perm, Perm University Press, 2000, pp. 64--83.

21. Alekseeva L.M. Perevod kak refleksiya deyatel'nosti [Translation as reflection on activity]. Vestnik Permskogo universiteta. Rossijskaya i zarubezhnaya filologiya [Perm University Herald. Russian and Foreign Pfilology], 2010. issue 1(7), pp. 45--51.

22. Alekseeva L.M., Shutemova N.V. Tipologiya perevoda [Typology of Translation]. Perm: Perm University Press, 2012. 198 p.

23. Alekseeva L. M. Spetsifika nauchnogo perevoda [Scientific translation]. Perm, Perm University Press, 2013, 125 p.

24. Alekseeva L.M., Shutemova N.V. Tipologicheskaya dominanta teksta v perevode [Typological dominant of the text in translation]. Perm, Perm University Press, 2016. 204 p.

25. Bibikhin V.V. Slovo i sobytiye [Word and event]. Moscow, Editorial URSS Publ., 2001.

280 p.

26. Galeeva N. L. Parametry tipologii khudozhestvennykh tekstov v dejatelnostnoj teorii perevoda. Diss. doct. filol. nauk [Parameters of literary texts typology in theory of translation as activity. Doct. philol. sci. diss.]. Tver, 1999. 352 p.

27. Kuz'mina N.A. Intertext: tema s variatsiyami. Fenomeny kultury i yazyka v intertekstu- al'noi interpretatsii [Intertext: theme with variations. Phenomena of culture and language in intertextual interpretation]. Omsk, Omsk State University Publ., 2009, 228 p.

28. Kushnina L.V. Teorija garmonizacii: opyt kognitivnogo analiza perevodcheskogo pros- transtva [Theory of harmonization: cognitive analysis of translation space]. Perm, Perm State Technical University Publ., 2009. 196 p.

29. Kushnina L.V. Perevod kak sinergeticheskaya sistema [Translation as Synergetic System]. Vestnik Permskogo universiteta. Rossijskaya i zarubezhnaya filologiya [Perm University Herald. Russian and Foreign Pfilology], 2011. Issue 3(15), pp. 81-86.

30. Lun'kova L.N. Intertekstual'nost' khudozhestvennogo teksta: original i perevod. Avtoref- erat diss. kand. filol. nauk. [Intertextuality of the literary text: original and translation. Abstract of Cand. philol. sci. diss.]. Moscow, 2011. 35 p.

31. Minchenkov A.G. Kognitsiya i evrisika v protsesse perevodcheskoj deyatelnosti [Cognition in Translation Activity ] St. Petersburg, Antologiya Publ., 2007. 256 p.

32. Nesterova N.M. Vtorychnost' kak ontologicheskoe svojstvo perevoda. Avtoreferat diss. doct. filol. nauk [The target text as a secondary text. Abstract of Dr. philol. sci. diss.]. Perm, 2005, 42 p.

33. Razumovskaya V.A., Grishaeva E.B. Metaforichnost' khudozhestvennogo obraza: kultur- naya pamyzt' i perevod [An artistic image metaphoricity: cultural memory and translation] // Yazyk i kul'tura. Vyp. 46. 2019. pp. 6-23.

34. Sorokin Yu.A. Perevodovedeniye: status perevodchika i psikhogermenevticheskiye protsedury [Translation Studies: translator's status and psychohermeneutic procedures]. Moscow, Gnozis Publ., 2003, 160 p.

35. Fesenko T.A. Perevod v zerkale kognitivnoj nauki [translation in the Mirror of Cognitive Science]. S lyubov'yu k yazyku [With love for the language]. Moscow, Voronezh: The Institute of Linguistics, Russian Academy of Sciences, Voronezh State University, 2002, pp. 65 - 71.

36. Gutt E.-A. Translation and Relevance. Manchester; Boston: St. Jerome, 2000. 271 p.

37. Hatim B., Mason I. The Translator as Communicator. L.: Routledge. 1997. 244 p.

38. Lederer M. The Role of Cognitive Complements in Interpreting // Interpreting - Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow, ATA Scholarly Monograph Series. Vol. IV. SUNY, 1990. pp. 53-60.

39. Malmkjar K. Linguistics and the Language of Translation/ Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, 2005. 208 p.

40. Pugliese C. Translation as Cultural Transfer: Challenges and Constraints. Roma: Aracne, 2005. 158 p.

41. Seleskovitch D., Lederer M. Interprйter pour traduire, Paris: Didier Erudition, 1984. 311 p.

42. Steele S. The Translating Mind: Translation as a Game. QuiEdit di S.D.S. snc Verona, Italy. 2005. 143 p.

43. Steiner G. After Babel. Aspects of language and translation. Oxford University Press, 1988. 539 p.

44. Venuti L. Retranslations: The Creation of Value // Translation and Culture / ed. by K.M. Faull. Bucknell University Press. 2004. pp. 25-38.

45. Bogatyreva Ye. D. Khudozhestvenny perevod kak interpretatsiya. Avtoreferat diss. kand. filol. nauk [Literary translation as interpretation. Abstract of kand. philol. sci. diss.]. Moscow, 2007. 19 p.

46. Mal'tseva I.G. Adekvatnost' perevoda tsvetovykh kontseptov G. Traklya na russkiy yazyk: diss. ... kand. filol. nauk. Yekaterinburg, 2008. 374 p.

47. Nuzhdova Ye.N. Leksicheskaya reprezentatsiya kontsepta «Lyubov'» in translations of liriki A. S. Pushkina na angliyskiy i frantsuzskiy yazyki. Avtoreferat diss. kand. filol. nauk [Lexical representation of the concept LOVE in translations of poetry by A. S. Pushkin into English and French. Abstract of kand. philol. sci. diss.]. Moscow,

2008, 21 p.

48. Ogneva Ye. A. Kognitivno-sopostavitel'noye modelirovaniye kontseptosfery khudozhestvennogo teksta: na materiale perevoda russkoy prozy na frantsuzskiy i an- gliyskiy yazyki. Avtoreferat diss. dokt. filol. nauk [Cognitive-comparative modelling of the literary text conceptual sphere: based on the study of Russian prose in French and English translations. Abstract of dokt. philol. sci. diss.]. Belgorod, 2009. 42 p.

49. Davis A. Collaborator: Ezra Pound, Translation, and Appropriation // Modernist Cultures. Vol. 14. Issue 1. Edinburgh University Press, 2019. P. 17-35.

50. Data-Bukowska E. Translating What is Blurred: Evidence from Swedish-to-Polish Translations // Meaning in Translation: illusion of Precision, 2016. pp. 435-452.

51. Filanti R. «The Murder and the Echo»: How Meaning Reverberates in Translation // Meaning in Translation: Illusion of Precision. Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2016. pp. 321-335.

52. Hvelplund K.T. Digital Resources in the Translation Process - Attention, Cognitive Effort and Processing Flow // Perspective Studies in Translatology. Vol. 27, Issue 4. Taylor & Francis, 2019. pp. 510-524.

53. Mossop B. «Intersemiotic Translating» Time for a Rethink? // Translation and Interpreting Studies. Vol. 14, Issue 1. John Benjamins Publishing Company, 2019. pp. 75-94.

54. Prencipe V. Translation Universals: Assets and Limits of Research Methodology // Translation Studies and Translation Practice: Proceedings of the 2nd International TRANSLATA Conference, 2014. Part 2. New York: Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang Edition, 2017. pp. 35-44.

55. Walter K. Zur Versprachlichung und Ьbersetzung des Nationsbegriffs bei Joyce und Yeats // Translation Studies and Translation Practice: Proceedings of the 2nd International TRANSLATA Conference, 2014. Part 2. New York: Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang Edition, 2017. pp. 187-195.

56. Wang S. Transcontinental Revolutionary Imagination: Literary Translation between China and Brazil (1952-1964) // Cambridge Journal of Postcolonial Literary Inquiry. Vol. 6. Issue 1. Cambridge University Press, 2019. pp. 70-98.

57. West T. Justo Sierra O'Reilly and John L. Stephens: Translation, History, and Translational Romanticisms in the Americas // Journal of Latin American Cultural Studies. Vol. 28. Issue 1. Routledge, 2019. pp. 83-96.

58. Rodnyanskaya I.B. Khudozhestvennost' [Artisticity] // Literaturnyj entsiklopedicheskij slovar' [Encyclopaedic dictionary on literature]. Moscow, Soviet Encyclopaedia, 1987. pp. 489-490.

59. Shakespeare W. Sonnet LX VI // Angliyskaya poeziya v russkikh perevodakh (XIV - XIX veka). Sbornik. Sost. M.P. Alekseev i dr. na angl. i russk. yaz. M.: «Progress», 1981. pp. 76-78.

60. Hornby A.S. Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary of Current English, Moscow: Moscow Language Publishers; Oxford: Oxford University Press. 1982, V.I. 510 p. V.II. 527 p.

61. Anglo-russkiy sinonimicheskiy slovar' [English - Russian dictionary of synonyms] / Yu.D. Apresyan i dr. M.: Rus. yaz., 1979. 544p.

62. Shakespeare W. Sonnet 66. Translated by V.G. Benediktov // Angliyskaya poeziya v russkikh perevodakh (XIV - XIX veka). Sbornik. Sost. M.P. Alekseev i dr. Na angl. i russk. yaz. M.: «Progress», 1981. pp. 626-627.

63. Shakespeare W. Sonnet LXVI. Translated by B.L. Pasternak // Angliyskaya poeziya v russkikh perevodakh (XIV - XIX veka). Sbornik. Sost. M.P. Alekseev i dr. Na angl. i russk. yaz. M.: «Progress», 1981. pp. 77-79.

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