Російськомовний текст вулиці: структурно-функціональний аспект

Структурна, функціональна й граматична класифікація текстів вулиці. Аналіз використання в текстах вулиці тропів і стилістичних прийомів. Неточності й недоліки в наявному матеріалі. Рекомендації до складання текстів вулиці на матеріалі російської мови.

Рубрика Иностранные языки и языкознание
Вид автореферат
Язык украинский
Дата добавления 27.07.2015
Размер файла 55,4 K

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Savchenko O.V. Russian-language of street text: structural and functional aspect. - Manuscript.

Thesis for the degree of the candidate of Sciences in Philology, speciality 10.02.02 - Russian Language. - Dnipropetrovs'k Oles' Honchar National University. - Dnipropetrovs'k, 2010.

The research paper deals with the analysis of structural and functional peculiarities of the Russian-language texts on the basis of signboards and inscriptions of Dnipropetrovs'k city.

The theoretical material that concerns directly the linguistic investigations in the field of text was introduced in the work. The peculiarities and borders of application of the object under investigation were determined.

The structural, functional and grammatical classifications of street text were presented.

The material under investigation was considered as the object of realization of different cultural concepts. The usage of the tropes and the stylistic devices in the street texts was analyzed.

The inaccuracies and defects in the available factual material were determined. The recommendations as for optimization of the street text on the Russian language material were suggested.

Key words: text, street text, signboard, inscription, word, word combination, sentence, concept, standard, contamination, stylistic device.

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