English is All around Us. Part 1

Сборник грамматических упражнений и текстов по бытовой тематике (Introducing Myself. Family. Appearance. Character. Daily routine. Free time. Hobby. House and Home), а также контрольные работы для проверки знаний материала. Vocabulary для каждого урока.

Рубрика Иностранные языки и языкознание
Вид учебное пособие
Язык русский
Дата добавления 17.10.2014
Размер файла 3,0 M

Отправить свою хорошую работу в базу знаний просто. Используйте форму, расположенную ниже

Студенты, аспиранты, молодые ученые, использующие базу знаний в своей учебе и работе, будут вам очень благодарны.


In the next picture you can see our kitchen. In the foreground you can see a dinner table with four chairs around it. There is a beautiful lamp above it. You can also see cupboards on the walls, a cooker, a kettle and other kitchen utensils5.


Our bathroom is really funny, isn't it? It's totally orange - they say that this colour helps raise mood. There is a bath near the wall and a basin near it. There is a mirror above the basin.


So I hope you'll like my new flat when you come and see everything with your own eyes!

What news do you have?

Write back soon.

Love xxxxx.


Vocabulary to the text

1. in the neighbourhood of - поблизости от, по соседству с…

2. enclose - прилагать

3. upholstered - обитый

4. stool - табурет

5. kitchen utensils - кухонная утварь

II. Answer the questions

1. Where is Ann's new flat situated?

2. What is the style of the living room?

3. What makes the room look bigger?

4. Describe the furniture in the room.

5. What is the style of Ann's bedroom?

6. What is Ann's opinion about the room?

7. Describe the furniture in the bedroom.

8. Describe the kitchen.

9. Describe the bathroom.

Level 2

Задание 1. Расположите в правильном порядке действия, совершаемые при поиске съемного жилья и покупке своего собственного:

Finding a Place to Live:

arrange the furniture

ask questions

decorate the apartment

get the key

load a van or a track

look for an apartment

make an appointment with the landlord

meet the landlord

meet the neighbors


pay a security deposit

pay the rent

see the apartment

sign the lease


Buying a House

apply for loan

call a realtor

inspect the house

look at houses

make a decision

make a down payment

make an offer

make the (house) payment

move in

negotiate the price

sign the loan documents

Задание 2. В случае каких-то неполадок или проблем в квартире мы приглашаем специалистов, которые помогают нам их решить. Для каждой из перечисленных проблем укажите специалиста для ее разрешения:

a roofer, a plumber, an electrician, a handyman, a locksmith

a) The power is out.

b) The toilet is clogged.

c) The lock is jammed.

d) The roof leaks.

e) The faucet drips.

f) The lightbulb is burned out.

g) The wall is cracked.


The Best Place to Live

There are a lot of fabulous places to live in the world, but you should know that not every place is the best place for you, your needs, and your preferences. Instead of closing your eyes and dropping your finger on a map, you must use a more scientific approach to determining the ideal place to call home.

Choosing between a big city and a small town depends on your concerns about safety and lifestyle options. People believe that small towns are safer, quieter and more peaceful but they certainly lack the entertainment and culture you seek from a big city. Big cities are usually associated with exciting nightlife, they are full of clubs, restaurants, bars and cinemas, though crime frequency is often greater than that in smaller towns.

There are some practical steps to consider beyond fun and safety: whether you are single or have a family to support, whether there are good schools and healthcare for your kids, whether a certain location offers job opportunities in your field, whether the city you are selecting has a cost of living that suits your income and allows for a comfortable lifestyle.

With gas prices skyrocketing, location may be the number one priority when looking for a new house or apartment. Before choosing a place to live ask yourself if you take public transport or your bike to work and if you are concerned about gas prices and want to avoid the commute. However, in the age of the Internet, job locale is no longer important: more careers are taking on a telecommuting role so it does not matter where you live as long as you can get an Internet connection.

If you are looking for an apartment, neighbors may be a concern. Some of the worst horror stories from living in apartments come from having terrible neighbors. One night they are cooking something that smells disgusting and the next they are calling the police because you turn up the bass too loud. To avoid this situation scope out the neighborhood. Stake out the building for thirty minutes. If you see more than two kids under the age of ten come out, bail. Similarly, if you see more than two people over the age of fifty, forget it. You do not need to subject the people you bring over to their judgmental stares. Same rules apply when looking to rent a house, although, you have more leeway with a house because you do not usually have to share a wall with people you do not know.

It is always useful to make a list of what you are expecting out of an apartment or house before you start looking. You should consider the following things:

· Are the walls thick enough that not everyone knows when you are getting laid?

· Are the windows big enough to let good lighting in? Or do they let in too many curious eyes from the street?

· Will you have to wash your laundry at the laundromat or at home?

· Can you cook if you want to?

· Are any of the utilities included in the rent?

· How much does cable/satellite cost in the area you are in?

· How easy will it be to clean?

· Do you need one bathroom or two?

· Do you have to do the lawn work?

· Is there gas or is it all electric?

Although finding a price that you can afford is paramount, you do not want to look for the cheapest, rundown place in the city just to save. Find someplace towards the top of your price bracket so at least you have a sanctuary from all the things life throws at you. The key is to balance your needs with your finances. If you can do that you are going to have a good time come moving day.

I. Ответьте на вопросы к тексту:

1) How should one choose the best place to live?

2) What are some advantages and disadvantages of living in a big city and a small town?

3) What practical steps beyond fun and safety should one consider before choosing a place to live?

4) What is the number one priority when looking for a new house or apartment?

5) How can one check if the prospective neighbors are ok?

6) What else should one consider before choosing the best place to leave?

II. Соответствуют ли приведенные высказывания содержанию текста:

1) When choosing a place to live, one should close their eyes and drop their finger on a map.

2) People believe that small towns are safer, quieter and more peaceful.

3) Location is insignificant when looking for a new house or apartment.

4) If you see more than two kids under the age of ten come out, bail.

5) It is always useful to make a list of what you are expecting out of an apartment or house before you start looking.

Дополнительная литература и Интернет-ресурсы

1. Бонк Н.А., Котий Г.А., Лукьянова Н.А. Учебник английского языка. В 2-х ч.. Часть 2 - М.: Товарищество «ДеКонт», 1994. - 637 с.

2. Голицынский Ю.Б. Грамматика. Сборник упражнений. - СПб.: Каро, 1998. - 475 с.

3. McCarthy M., O'Dell F. English Vocabulary in Use. Elementary. - Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2000. - 168 p.

4. McCarthy M., O'Dell F. English Vocabulary in Use. Upper Intermediate & Advanced. -- Cambridge University Press, 2007. -- 309 p.

5. Redman S. English Vocabulary in Use. Pre-intermediate - Intermediate. - Cambridge: Cambridge Univ. Press, 1997. - 266 p.

6. Evans V. Round up - 5. Pearson Education Limited, 2005. - 209 p.

7. Hartley B. Viney P. Streamline English. Destinations. Oxford University Press. - 83 p.

8. Longman Essential Activator. - Harlow: Pearson Education Limited, 1997. - 1002 p.

9. Murphy R. Essential grammar in use. A self-study reference and practice book for elementary students of English. Cambridge University Press. - 300 p.

10. Oxford Photo Dictionary. - Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1997. - 125 p.

11. The Heinle Picture Dictionary. - Thomson Heinle, 2005. - 262 p.

Контрольные работы

Контрольная работа I (первый семестр I курс)

Задание 1. Раскройте скобки, выбрав нужную форму глагола:

6) There (is, are) a large table in my room.

7) There (is, are) three windows in my classroom.

8) There (is, are) a table and four chairs in my room.

9) There (is, are) a blackboard, four tables and five chairs in our classroom.

10) There (is, are) a text book and two note-books on my table.

Задание 2. Переведите следующие предложения на английский язык, используя конструкцию there is/there are:

1) В Москве много красивых зданий.

2) В его докладе есть некоторые ошибки.

3) На площади Свердлова много театров.

4) В моем диктанте много ошибок.

5) В статье нет ничего интересного.

Задание 3. Заполните пропуски в следующих предложениях глаголом to have (в настоящем или прошедшем времени):

1) Excuse me, _____ you _____ a pen I could borrow?

2) Why are you holding your face like that? _____ you ____ a toothache?

3) _____ you ____ a bicycle when you were a child?

4) “_____you ____ the time, please?” “Yes, it's ten past seven.”

5) When you did the exam, ______ you ____ time to answer all the questions?

6) I need a stamp for this letter. _____ you ____ one?

7) “It started to rain while I was walking home.” “Did it? ______ you ____ an umbrella?”

Задание 4. Вставьте в предложения следующие словосочетания с глаголом to have:

have lunch

have a cigarette

have a shower

have a swim

have a rest

have a party

have a nice time

have a good flight

have a look

have a chat

have a baby

1) I don't eat much during the day. I never have _______.

2) David likes to keep fit, so he _______ every day.

3) We ______ last Saturday. It was great - we invited lots of people.

4) Excuse me, can I ______ at your newspaper, please?

5) `Where's Jim?' `He ______ in his room. He's very tired.'

6) I met Ann in the supermarket yesterday. We stopped and _______.

7) I haven't seen you since you came back from holidays. _______?

8) Suzanne _______ a few weeks ago. It's her second child.

9) I don't usually smoke but I was feeling very nervous, so I ______.

10) The phone rang but I couldn't answer because I ______.

11) You meet Tom at the airport. He has just arrived. You say: Hello, Tom. ______________?

Задание 5. Определите, какое из подчеркнутых существительных правильное:

1) Sue was very helpful. She gave us some very useful advice/advices.

2) We had very good weather/a very good weather while we were on holidays.

3) We were very unfortunate. We had bad luck/a bad luck.

4) It's very difficult to find a work/job at the moment.

5) Our travel/journey from London to Istanbul was very tiring.

6) When the fire alarm rang, there was total chaos/a total chaos.

7) I had to buy a/some bread because I wanted some sandwiches.

8) Bad news don't/doesn't make people happy.

9) Your hair is/your hairs are too long. You should have it/them cut.

Задание 6. Заполните пропуски в предложениях следующими словами. В некоторых случаях необходимо употребить существительное во множественном числе:












1) I didn't have much _______ - just two small bags.

2) They'll tell you all you want to know. They'll give you plenty of _______.

3) There is room for everybody to sit down. There are plenty of _______.

4) We have no _______, not even a bed or table.

5) `What does Alan look like?' `He's got a long beard and very short___.'

6) Carla's English is better than it was. She's made _______.

7) George is unemployed. He's looking for a ______.

8) George is unemployed. He's looking for ______.

9) If you want to leave work early, you have to ask for ______.

10) I don't think Ann will get the job. She hasn't got enough ______.

11) Rita has done many interesting things. She should write a book about her ______.

Задание 7. Поставьте глаголы в нужную форму в следующих предложениях, используя время Present Continuous:









1) `You _________ hard today.' `Yes, I have a lot to do.'

2) I _________ for Christine. Do you know where she is?

3) It _________ dark. Shall I turn on the light?

4) They haven't got anywhere to live at the moment. They _________ with friends until they find somewhere.

5) `Are you ready, Ann?' `Yes, _________.'

6) Have you got an umbrella? It _________ to rain.

7) You __________ a lot of noise. Could you be quieter? I _________ to concentrate.

Задание 8. Используя слова в скобках, закончите вопросы, поставив глаголы Present Continuous:

1) `________ this week' `No, he's on holiday.' (Colin/work)

2) Why ________ at me like that? What's the matter? (you/look)

3) `Jenny is a student at university.' `Is she? What ________?'(she/study)

4) ________ to the radio or can I turn it off? (anybody/listen)

5) How is your English? ________ better? (it/get)

Задание 9. Поставьте глаголы в правильную форму, используя время Present Simple:

1) Jane ________ tea very often (not/drink).

2) What time ________ in Britain (the banks/close)?

3) `Where ________ from?' `He's Scottish (Martin/come).'

4) `What ________?' `I'm an electrical engineer (you/do).'

5) It ________ me an hour to get to work (take). How long ________ you (it/take)?

6) I ________ the piano but I ________ very well (play) / (not/play).

7) I don't understand this sentence. What _________ (this word/mean)?

Задание 10. Закончите следующие предложения, используя указанные ниже глаголы (в некоторых предложениях необходимо поставить глаголы в отрицательную форму), используя время Present Simple:










1) The earth ________ the sun.

2) Rice ________ in Britain.

3) The sun ________ in the East.

4) Bees ________ honey.

5) Vegetarians ________ meat.

6) An atheist ________ in God.

7) An interpreter ________ from one language into another.

8) A liar is someone who ________ the truth.

9) The River Amazon ________ into the Atlantic Ocean.

Задание 11. Поставьте глаголы во время Present Continuous или Present Simple:

1) Let's go out. It ___ now (not/rain).

2) Julia is very good at languages. She ___ four languages very well (speak).

3) Hurry up! Everybody ___ for you (wait).

4) “___to the radio (you/listen)?” “No, you can turn it off.”

5) “___to the radio every day (you/listen)?” “No, just occasionally.”

6) The River Nile ___ into the Mediterranean (flow).

7) Look at the river. It ___ very fast today - much faster than usual (flow).

8) We usually ___ vegetables in our garden but this year we ___ any (grow) / (not/grow).

9) “How is your English?” “Not bad. It ___ slowly (improve).”

10) Ron is in London at the moment. He ___ at the Park Hotel. He ___ there when he's in London (stay) / (always/ stay).

11) Can we stop walking soon? I ___ to feel tired (start).

12) “Can you drive?” “I ___. My father ___ me (learn) / (teach).”

13) Normally I ___ work at 5.00, but this week I ___ until 6/00 to earn a bit more money (finish) / (work).

14) My parents ___ in Bristol (live). They were born there and have never lived anywhere else. Where ___ (your parents/live)?

15) Sonia ___ for a place to live (look). She ___ with her sister until she finds somewhere (stay).

16) “What ___ (your father/do)?” “He's an architect but he ___ at the moment (not/work).”

17) (at a party) Usually I ___ parties but I ___ this one very much (enjoy) / (not enjoy).

18) The train is never late. It ___ on time (always/leave).

19) Jim is very untidy. He ___ his things all over the place (always/leave).

Задание 12. Употребите сравнительную или превосходную степень прилагательных:

1) ___ island in the world is Greenland (big).

2) Healthy people are often ___ than other people who are not fit (happy).

3) It's ___ than yesterday, isn't it (hot)?

4) ___ animal is the blue whale (heavy).

5) Swimming is ___ for your health than golf (good).

6) The nightlife in London is ___ than in Oxford (interesting).

7) The Stade de France was ___ stadium in the world (expensive).

8) Your spelling is ___ than mine (bad)!

Задание 13. Употребите сравнительную или превосходную степень прилагательных:

I went on holiday last year but it was a disaster! My hotel room was 1) ___ than one in the photograph in the brochure (small). I think it was 2) ___ room in the hotel (small). The weather was terrible too. It was 3) ___ than in England (cold). The beach near the hotel was very dirty - it was 4) ___ than all the beaches on the island (dirty). The food was 5) ___ than I expected and I didn't have enough money (expensive). One day I went shopping in a big department store and I broke a vase. It was 6) ___ vase in the whole shop (expensive). But 7) ___ thing of all was that I lost my passport and I couldn't go back home (bad). It was 8) ___ holiday in my life (horrible).

Задание 14. Употребите прилагательные в скобках в нужной форме:

Tom's car John's car Carol's car

Price: $ 15,000 $ 7,000 $ 19,000

Speed: 110 mph 90 mph 130 mph

Size: medium small large

Made in: 1990 1987 1992

1) Tom's car is ___, but Carol's car is ___ (expensive) / (expensive).

2) Tom's car isn't ___ Carol's car (big).

3) Carol's car is ___ of all (big).

4) John's car is ___ (old).

5) John's car isn't ___ Tom's (fast). It is ___ Tom's (slow).

6) Carol's car is ___ of all (fast).

Задание 15. Поставьте артикли «a», «an» и «the», где необходимо:

1) Is ___ tomato ___ fruit or ___ vegetable?

2) Is ___ apple ___ or ___ blue?

3) What is ___ capital of ___ France?

4) When we visited ___ London we stayed at ___ Hilton Hotel.

5) Is ___ elephant bigger than ___ alligator?

6) Is ___ New York in ___ USA or in ___ Canada?

7) Last year ___ Smiths went on holiday to Paris.

Задание 16. Употребите глаголы в скобках в инфинитиве или ing-форме:

1) I don't like … in public. (sing)

2) It's no use … her. She won't listen. (tell)

3) I'm still too upset … about it. (talk)

4) Don't disturb him. He's busy … . (work)

5) Stop … your nails. (bite)

6) Don't expect him … you any money. (lend)

7) I've decided … him. (leave)

8) Mum made me … my medicine. (take)

9) She agreed … him $ 1,000. (lend)

10) He denied … the stolen goods. (receive)

Задание 17. Употребите глаголы в скобках в инфинитиве или ing-форме:

Yesterday I went with my sister 1) … (buy) something for her birthday. She didn';t really know what 2) … (get) but she seemed 3) … (like) the idea of a pet, so we went to the nearest pet shop. She started 4) … (look) around at all the animals. The man in the shop let her 5) … (pick up) the rabbits and stroke the hamsters, but when she saw some puppies 6) … (play) in a box, she said that she would like 7) … (have) one of them. I didn't know if we had enough money 8) … (buy) one and I hoped my mother wouldn't object 9) … (have) a dog in the house, but my sister promised 10) … (look after) it properly and we did have enough money, so we bought a little brown dog. The man gave us a special brush for 11) … (brush) him and some special food. Tomorrow we're going to take Splash to the beach.

Задание 18. Употребите глаголы в скобках в инфинитиве или ing-форме:

My mother is an amazing woman. She is 87 years old and she still enjoys … (go out) for a walk every day. She doesn't mind 2) … (do) all her housework and she's glad 3) … (help) her elderly neighbours when they can't 4) … (go) t the shops. She's too old 5) …(dig) the garden any more - she stopped 6) … (do) that last year - but she's still healthy enough 7) … (mow) the grass! In the summer she still goes 8) … (swim) when it's warm and she lets her grandchildren 9) … (bury) her in the sand. She often says. “It's no good 10) … (be) alive if you don't enjoy herself.” I'd love 11) … (be) like my mother when I'm her age.

Учебное пособие

Иванова Дарья Валерьевна

Кубракова Наталья Алексеевна

Смирнова Анна Ювенальевна

English Is All Around Us

Английский язык для студентов, изучающих дисциплину «Иностранный язык (английский язык)» на неязыковых факультетах ВУЗов

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