Прикметники зі значенням "старанний, працьовитий" у німецькомовній картині світу
Визначення корпусу номінативних одиниць на позначення "старанності, працьовитості" в німецькій мові та принципів їх розвитку протягом ХІV-ХХ ст. Встановлення зв’язків для вивчення лексичної, семантичної та синтаксичної сполучуваності прикметників.
Рубрика | Иностранные языки и языкознание |
Вид | автореферат |
Язык | украинский |
Дата добавления | 24.10.2013 |
Размер файла | 54,5 K |
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Ключові слова: мовна картина світу (МКС), концепт, концептосистема, вербалізація, лексико-семантична група (ЛСГ), синтагматичні зв'язки, парадигматичні відношення, епідигматичні характеристики, сполучуваність.
Мельник Р.М. Прилагательные со значением “старательный, трудолюбивый” в немецкоязычной картине мира. - Рукопись.
Диссертация на соискание ученой степени кандидата филологических наук по специальности 10.02.04 - германские языки. - Львовский национальный университет имени Ивана Франко. - Львов, 2007.
Диссертация посвящена комплексному изучению лексико-семантической группы прилагательных со значением “старательный, трудолюбивый” в пределах выделенной индуктивным путем концептосистемы СТАРАНИЕ, ТРУДОЛЮБИЕ. В исследовании, основанном на статистических методиках обработки полученных данных, методике контекстуального анализа, направленного на определение номинативных единиц, обозначающих “старание, трудолюбие”, методике компонентного анализа при инвентаризации прилагательных, установлены и проанализированы разночастиречные лексические единицы на обозначение концептосистемы СТАРАНИЕ, ТРУДОЛЮБИЕ в ключевых произведениях художественной литературы Германии ХIV-ХХ вв.; рассмотрено влияние морально-идеологических установок общества на вербализацию концептосистемы в разные периоды развития социума.
На основе количественных параметров прилагательных (по произведениям художественной литературы Германии ХХ в. и текстам газетной публицистики (1997-2002 гг.) установлены синтагматические связи прилагательных и изучена лексическая, семантическая и синтаксическая сочетаемость исследуемой ЛСГ. Установлены парадигматические отношения между словами указанной микросистемы. Рассмотрены эпидигматические характеристики прилагательных со значением “старательный, трудолюбивый” с использованием семных комплексов.
Ключевые слова: языковая картина мира (ЯКМ), концепт, концептосистема, вербализация, лексико-семантическая группа (ЛСГ), синтагматические связи, парадигматические отношения, эпидигматические характеристики, сочетаемость.
Melnyk R.M. Adjectives with the meaning "diligent, industrious" in the German-speaking world picture. - Manuscript.
Dissertation for the Degree of the Candidate of Philological Sciences on specialty 10.02.04 - German languages. - The Ivan Franko L'viv National University. - L'viv, 2007.
The dissertation deals with the complex research of the lexical-semantic group of the adjectives with the meaning “diligent, industrious” within the boundaries of the concept system “diligence, industry” defined by the inductive method.
Recently we denote the increasing number of the linguistic researches devoted to the language picture of the world formation and functioning. Language picture of the world means the way of surrounding reality reflection in the language context. The research of the language picture of the world allows to unite two alternate aspects: onomasiological (analysis from the notion to the means of its expression) and semasiological (analysis from the means of the expression to its meanings) for complex study of the field concept system “diligence, industry” that was exarticulated in the language picture of the world from the protoconcept “work”.
The objective development of any society causes changes in its life and transforms language pictures of the world, causing the necessity of their studying and comparison some time later. Therefore for complete understanding of the concept system “diligence, industry” (the main component of which is the lexical-semantic group of the adjectives with the meaning “diligent, industrious”) in modern German-speaking picture of the world it was necessary to carry out the complex research of this concept system in diachronism. Lexicographic sources, key literary works, texts from newspaper publicism and the titles of the works concerning German language of the 14-20th centuries were used as a material for this research. As a result it was defined, that the concept system verbal registration was promoted by various factors, the most important of which were the development of the society as well as its moral-ideological views.
Both onomasiological concept system research and semasiological research of the group of the adjectives testify to certain "prosperity" of diligence from the 14th century when the concept system “diligence, industry” was precisely allocated at G. fon Trimberg's. Under the influence of the “WORK” concept of M. Luter the use of the components of the researched concept system grows greatly in the 17-19th centuries that is proved with the numerous examples from the fiction prose texts. "Reassessment" of diligence which ceases to be a typically German feature peculiar to the new "generation of pleasure” is traced after 1968 and especially at the end of the 20th century. It is also proved with 25 times less reduction in quantity of the adjectives under investigation in the fiction texts in comparison with the texts from newspaper publicism.
Studying of the concept system mental development through the semantic field of various parts of speech as well as through the separate components - one part of speech lexical-semantic groups - allowed to research the language as a system. In our research we considered the lexical-semantic group of the adjectives with the meaning “diligent, industrious” because on the boundary of the 20-21th centuries it appeared that the nominative space of the researched fragment of the language picture of the world was structured by adjectives. As a result of the formalized procedure of inventory we defined the dominant, the nucleus, the central structure and the periphery of the lexical-semantic group under investigation.
Studying of syntagmatic and paradigmatic features of the lexemes under investigation (regarding their quantity indicators and statistical criteria) allows to characterize objectively enough the relations between separate elements of the lexical-semantic structure on the material from the fiction texts and on the texts from the newspaper publicism.
Paradigmatic relations were researched regarding the data on compatibility of the adjectives with subclasses of nouns with the use of the correlation analysis and on the basis of consociatives (pair word usages). In the first case strong, medium and weak semantic relations were discovered. They prove the interchangeable ability of the adjectives while filling the certain paradigmatic position. In the second case consociatives show the features of development of semantic structure of the adjectives under investigation. Crossing of the syntagmatic links and paradigmatic relations optimally show epidigmatic characteristics of the adjectives with the meaning “diligent, industrious” which for the first time were studied on the basis of the seme complexes mainly on the texts from newspaper publicism. The qualitative - quantitative analysis proves the presence of the certain, frequently varying hierarchy of these seme complexes in semantic structure of the word which is based on the specific realization of the semantic derivation (epidigmatic) under the influence of moral - ideological views of the society.
Key words: language picture of the world, concept, concept system, verbalization, lexical-semantic group, syntagmatic links, paradigmatic relations, epidigmatic characteristics, compatibility.
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