Лінгвостилістичні особливості комічного відображення дійсності (на матеріалі американських романів "чорного гумору")

Мовні чинники створення комічного ефекту в романах письменників, що належать до школи "чорного гумору". Лінгвостилістичні засоби комічного відображення дійсності у конвенційній та неконвенційній прозі. Реалізація іронії, гротеску, пародіювання, парадоксу.

Рубрика Иностранные языки и языкознание
Вид автореферат
Язык украинский
Дата добавления 30.09.2013
Размер файла 53,8 K

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Leskiv A. Z. Lingual and stylistic peculiarities of comic depiction of reality (on the material of American novels of black humor). - Manuscrpipt.

A thesis for a candidate degree in the field of philology by speciality 10.02.04. - Germanic Languages. - Ivan Franko Lviv National University, 2005.

The thesis deals with the comprehensive study of linguistic mechanism of comic effect creating in the novels of the writers who belong to the American literary school of black humor. The ambiguous and contradictory nature of black humor derives from the combination of opposite features it preserves: gayety - sadness, laughter - tears, despair, suffering. Black humor is no longer a kindhearted mockery aimed at improving some of the minor flaws of a positive character or reality. This is the basic difference between black humor and traditional humor. In contrast to satire, black humor is not directed at negative phenomena that do not correspond to a social ideal. It is characterized by a total ridicule of man, the very phenomenon of existence and universe, including the author himself and the creative process as such. Thus in the dissertation the general theory of comic effect creating is deepened by its specific treatment in the novels of black humor.

The thesis aims at differentiating lingual and stylistic means of comic depiction in experimental and traditional prose, mainly the realization of irony, grotesque, parody, paradox, language game, etc. on different language levels: phonological, lexical, syntactical, textual. While the traditional authors use conventional linguistic means, the experimentalists create unconventional prose with the following peculiarities: vast employment of reduction to absurdity, language game, irregular word building, author's commentaries on the very process of belles-lettres text creating, inserted episodes unconnected with the theme of narration, ironically hyperbolized use of traditional forms of narrative. All these experimental means aim at shocking a reader, drawing attention to nonsense, evoking laughter.

The most commonly used objects of black humorists' laughter are negative psychological and physiological states of human beings such as fear, suffering, weakness and tiredness, despair, death. Therefore, of the highest frequency are the lexemes of negative connotation used by the authors to denote the above mentioned states. In the dissertation the lexicon is studied within lexico-semantic fields and frames. This facilitates the process of researching their stylistic functioning, pragmatics and discourse in the analyzed novels. The constituents of the analyzed lexical paradigms interact among themselves and also within the context. They are foregrounded by a great number of linguostylistic means. As the result many contextual meanings are actualized.

KEY WORDS: comic, irony, grotesque, parody, paradox, language game, negative connotation, lexico-semantic field, frame.

Підписано до друку 3.02.2005 р.

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Тираж 100 прим. Зам.25.

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79011, м.Львів, вул. У.Самчука, Тел. 76-07-75.

Свідоцтво Держкомітету інформаційної політики, телебачення та радіомовлення України

Серія ДК № 226 від 16.11.2000 р.

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