Countering covid-19 as a tool for hybrid influence of Russia and China on regional subsystems of international relations: european and asian dimensions

Geopolitical component and conceptual background of the foreign policy strategy of Russia and China at the regional level. Features of the use of fight COVID-19 by Russia and China at the regional level. The hybrid influence of Russia and China.

Рубрика Международные отношения и мировая экономика
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Дата добавления 23.01.2023
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Both Russia and China use pandemic influence to lobby their own national interests - to reduce tensions or “distract” from conflict situations. In particular, the issue of energy transportation (development of “Nord Stream-2”) is acute for Russia in the relations with Europe. This issue becomes urgent in the context of the sanctions regime against Russia by European states and the EU as a result of Russia's aggression against Ukraine and the illegal annexation of Crimea in 2014. China also has contradictions with the Southeast Asian countries in the format of the South China Sea dispute.

In the second half of 2020, both Russia and China begin to use “vaccine diplomacy”, which is a tool for spreading their influence and affirming a positive image. Such interaction can be investigated as the spread of its influence on a bilateral and multilateral basis. It is necessary to say, Europe and Southeast Asia have reached a high level of regionalization. In Europe - the functioning of the European Union, and in Southeast Asia - the Association of Southeast Asian Nations. It should be noted that neither Russia nor China are member states of these integration groups. However, China has close cooperation with ASEAN in the ASEAN + 3 format. The Russian Federation cooperates to some extent with the EU, but the dynamics of such cooperation has slowed down due to Russia's aggression against Ukraine in 2014.

Prospects to make a deal and agreements on the sale of domestically produced vaccines in the respective regions can be seen as the use of “soft power” and the possibility of raising image by Russia and China.

Note that the use of hybrid influence (“hard power” and “soft power”) on neighboring regions by both Russia and China may be justified as a means of “deterring” US action in these regions, which are strategically important for Washington and in which the United States has allies, and, in turn, is an additional destabilizing factor in the regional system of international relations.

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