US – China trade war in Russian political discourse: strategic opportunities VS. Economic challenges
Evolution of the US-China: structural and economic factors. Trade wars under Trump administration. Russian factor in the US-China confrontation. The origins and effects of the US-China trade war. Russian approach towards the conflict in 2018-2019.
Рубрика | Международные отношения и мировая экономика |
Вид | дипломная работа |
Язык | английский |
Дата добавления | 14.07.2020 |
Размер файла | 195,0 K |
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The position of Russia regarding China seems to be grounded on the deep cooperation with a very strong emphasis on the importance of following the norms of international law as well as procedures. While not necessarily taking sides, Russia expresses the will to work together with China when the international legal procedures are violated being it tariffs or other measures. Such cautions and balanced position with an emphasis on international norms, leaves Russia room for maneuvering as well as maintaining separate geopolitical independent identity.
On the one hand to work jointly with China similar issues, on the other, maintaining the safe distance from the US-China confrontation without being explicitly an ally or determined by.
Russia seeks to advance its interests. In particular, combine the concept of protectionism and sanctions. Moreover, Russia does not pursue the policy of irreversible support of China: the cooperation is balanced, so that this does not cause serious damage to relations with the West, and most importantly, the prospects for restoration.
The research evaluates Russia's approach towards Sino-US trade war through the lens of balancing strategy of the third-party state in the great power conflict. The global political context was described, as the US-China confrontation is the structural conflict, thus could not be analyzed solely from the economic perspective. The trade war is the outcome product of the strategic confrontation that took a form of trade frictions and could evolve into the other types of conflict. The evolution of Russian attitude towards structural, and presumably long-lasting confrontation, has been described through three tracks: economic, political (diplomatic) and strategic (security). The research focused on Russia's balancing of the three tracks, particularly how close each of them is adjusted to one side of the conflict or the other and why this happens.
The economic strategy expressed by the Ministry of Economic Development towards US-China trade war is neutrality. Russia does not possess the economic resources in order to influence the trade confrontation between the two largest economies yet is at risk of being drawn into. The attitude formulated by President Putin was that Russia does not seek to substitute one trade relations with the other, but naturally they have shifted from the West more towards Asia. Although the trade turnover with China has increased over the last several years, providing for opportunity for Russia to substitute the niche previously occupied by US (like agriculture), the prospects remain unstable, due to the US-China ongoing negotiation over Phase 2 of the deal. Already, to reach Phase 1, China agreed on terms that are likely to complicate Russia's access to the Chinese markets, particularly agricultural. In order to balance Chinese influence and hedge itself from becoming too dependent on Chinese economy, Russia seeks to involve China in the regional projects, like pairing the EAEU and BRI, opening of the Power of Siberia. Although China is now the largest trade partner of Russia, the issue of lack of FDI still remains. Given the uncertain investment climate in Russia since the introduction of sanctions, Chinese business does not risk. Due to the existing risks, Russia is cautious with building the economic ties with China, in order to be able to preserve its independent stand, and not to get too much involved into the trade war between the economic giants.
The political track is skewed closer to China than the economic one. Although the official rhetoric states that Russia and China are strategic partners, the relations between the two are ever closer. From the one point that is due to the historical and cultural proximity. The Western expert community often suggests that China and Russia are cooperating only against the US, thus such tandem is unstable and would fall apart as soon as one normalizes the relations with the enemy, however the countries have signed the Treaty on good neighborliness, friendship and cooperation already in 2001 before any of the two got pushed away from the West. Admittedly, the countries have become closer following the 2014 Ukraine Crisis and 2018 Trump's trade war initiation. Russia is now stressing and promoting the idea that both sanctions against Russia and tariffs against China have the same nature, thus the international community should pay attention to the violations of the international law by some states. Although, as numerously voiced by different Russian politicians, that the countries are not creating alliances against others and are cooperation on the basis of mutually beneficial grounds, the relations are above the simple benefit, particularly between the leaders. Despite such partnership, Russia does not express unconditional support to China when it comes to international issues (being it trade war or South China Sea). Russia, like China itself, strictly appeals to the international law, pointing to the violations and only explicitly voices opinions when the law has been violated. Such strategy allows to support China on the world arena, without risking the relations with others for bias policies.
Strategically or militarily, the relations between the two have also been developing rather fast. Both Russia and China do not wish to be dictated by the outside powers, thus are building order and security in the region while also demonstrating that they would not tolerate the US assertive attitudes. Recent inclusion of PLA in Vostok exercise has signified a new step in the relations of the countries. Russia and China are conducting multiple joint military exercises demonstrating capabilities in different regions, moreover Russia is consulting China on the anti-ballistic systems, bringing much of the concerns to the West. Again, there is a clear rhetoric that Russia and China are not building a military bloc. However, such close cooperation of the two regional powers creates security infrastructure that fosters stability at the regional lever, while outcompeting intrusions from the outside forces.
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US - China trade war timeline.
Time period and context |
The US |
China |
April - May2017 US and China Presidents meet and initiate 100 days plan to resolve trade frictions |
Initiation of the investigation on the possibility of steel/aluminum trade to pose national threat. China is given access to the US markets to sell poultry. |
US firms are allowed greater access to China's agriculture, energy, and financial markets. |
February - April2018 Escalation of the conflict with US initiation of investigation on China's policies regarding to technology transfer and intellectual property. First mutual tariffs applied. |
Implementation of `global safeguard tariffs': 30 % tariff on solar panel imports worth $8.5 billion (except from Canada) 20 % tariff on washing machine imports worth $1.8 billion. Filing a WTO case against China for the discriminatory licensing. Tariffs imposed: Chinese products (aerospace, information communication technology and machinery). 25% tariff on all steel imports (except from Argentina, Australia, Brazil, and South Korea) 10 % tariff on all aluminum imports (except from Argentina and Australia). US companies are banned from doing business with ZTE for seven years. |
Tariffs imposed (15-25%) on 128 products worth $3 billion including: including fruit, wine, seamless steel pipes, pork recycled aluminum (retaliatory to the US) Proposed 25 % tariffs on 106 products worth $50 billion including: soybeans, automobile, chemicals Anti-dumping duties of 178.6% on imports of sorghum from the US announced |
July 2018 Ongoing negotiations. Domestic discussions of the new lists of restrictions. Implementation of the first round of tariffs. |
25% tariff on 818 products worth $34 billion |
25% tariff on 545 products worth $34 billion (in response to the US tariffs). |
August 2018 The parties exchange preliminary restriction lists and initiate dialogue. The US and China implement second round of tariffs. |
25% tariff on 279 goods worth $16 billion including: semiconductors, chemicals, plastics, motorbikes and electric scooters |
The WTO case initiated against the US for its tariffs on solar panels, claiming that US tariffs have damaged China's trade interests. Introduction of 25% tariffs on 333 goods worth $16 billion including: coal, copper scrap, fuel, buses and medical equipment (in response to the US tariffs). |
September 2018 US threatens with imposition of new tariffs. The third round of tariffs begin |
10% tariff on $200 billion worth imports from China (subject to further increase up to 25% in January 2019). Tariffs on $200 billion of Chinese goods finalized. |
Retaliatory measures: 5% and 10% tariffs on US imports worth $60 billion. China cancels negotiations and releases the White Paper stating the official position regarding the trade. |
October - December 2018 US and China officials resume negotiations during the G20 summit in Buenos Aires. The sides agree not to increase tariffs for 90 days |
Refrains from increasing the tariffs previously announced to be increased from 10 % to 25 % on Jan. 1, 2019.Refrains to impose previously threatened tariffs on an additional $267 billion worth goods. |
Temporarily removes additional 25 % tariffs on US autos and 5% tariffs on certain US auto parts for three months. Till then US auto imports are charged usual 15 % tariff rate. China resumes its purchase of US-soybeans. |
January - May 2019 Ongoing trade negotiations |
25% tariff (increase from 10%) on $200 billion.Huawei Technologies and its affiliates banned from trading with US companies without government approval. |
China announces tariff hikes on US products: 25%, 20%, 10% tariffs for $60 billion worth of imports (increased from 10%,10%,5% respectively). |
June - August 2019 G20 summit in Osaka. The parties agree to avoid increasing tariffs. Trade war slowdown. |
The ban on trade with Huawei is reconsidered.110 products are excluded from the 25% tariffs. Trump threatens tariffs on another $325 billion of Chinese goods, despite promises following G20 Summit not to. USTR issues an announcement: tariffs on $300 billion worth on Chinese goods to be imposed Sep. 1. China is declared to be a currency manipulator. |
Tariffs of 25%, 20% and 10% (increased by 10%, 10% and 5% respectively) on $60 billion. Announced $75 billion in tariffs on US goods (5% and 10% tariffs on 5,078 US goods). Was a retaliatory tariff to the USTR announcement. |
September 2019 China and US agree to 13th round of trade talks. Sides start to exempt goods from the lists of goods under tariffs. “Phase 1” deal is announced |
Implementation of tariffs on more $125 billion. Tariff exclusion process for $300 billion of Chinese imports initiated. |
Imposition of additional tariffs on $75 billion, including 5% on crude oil (in response to the US). Complaint against the US over import tariffs affecting $300 billion of Chinese exports. As part of the Phase 1 deal China will: be annually purchasing $40-50 billion worth of the US agricultural products Strengthenintellectual property provsions Issue new guidelines to currency management |
November - February 2019 China wins WTO case and imposes compensatory sanctions on $3.6 billion worth US imports as the US failed to follow the anti-dumping rules. The US and China talk: tariff rollback. On January 15, US, China signed Phase1 trade deal. |
China's currency manipulator label is lifted. Confirmed commitment to reduce duties by half on $120 billion worth of Chinese products. Tariffs on $250 billion in Chinese products remains. |
Second set of US products to be excluded from additional tariffs. Will purchase additional $200 billion worth of US goods and services over the next two years (above $186 billion purchases in 2017). Halved tariffs on $75 billion worth of US goods. Exempts tariffs on 696 of the US goods. |
Source: Author's own elaboration based on China Briefing (2020)
Graph 1
Source: Author's own elaboration based on The Central Bank of Russia statistics
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