Балканська криза (1990–2005) в контексті геополітичних трансформацій в Європі

Зовнішньополітичний контекст кризи (глобалізація, розпад СРСР, європейська інтеграція) та основна роль зовнішнього чинника на Балканах. Аналіз стану відносин країн Східної Європи, Балканського регіону та Балтії після завершення Балканської кризи.

Рубрика Международные отношения и мировая экономика
Вид автореферат
Язык украинский
Дата добавления 28.08.2015
Размер файла 45,9 K

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Ключевые слова: Балканский кризис, глобализация, Советский Союз, ООН, НАТО, ЕС, Балканы, международные организации, Европа, США, ОБСЕ.


Mariya Heletiy. Balkan Crisis (1990-2005) in the context of geopolitical transformations in Europe. - Manuscript.

Thesis for the Ph.D. in Political Sciences, Specialization 23.00.04 - Political Problems of International Systems and Global Development. Institute of World Economics and International Relations, NAS of Ukraine. - Kyiv, 2008.

In a thesis there is found out the meaning of “Balkan Crisis” (1990-2005) based on the different approaches of Ukrainian and International experts. It provides arguments that the principal changes in the system of international relations at the end of XX century provoked emerging of the new threats. The Balkan crisis possesses the important place among them. It also stresses on the attitudes of all concerned parties in relation to the settlement of the Balkan Region conflicts and forecasts Balkan policy of the Great Powers.

The Author makes deep analysis of the Balkan Crisis issue and revives its geopolitical background as well as transformations in the world on the one hand, and crisis influence on the shaping of the new international order, on the other hand. It is proved that international political context and globalization were the major factors influenced on the events development in the region. Moreover, it was drawn attention to the role of international factor in the crisis on the territory of the former SFRY and made stress on the positions of involved parties concerning settlement of Balkan Crisis. In addition, it is analyzed the role of Albanian factor in the process of crisis development and deepening.

On the basis of different conceptual approaches to this topic, the author try to develop own position and on this basis provide own explanation. It is proved that the Balkan Crisis is the transformation crisis developing on the clashes of the biggest civilizations which is now are the axis of religion in modern world. As a product of transformation process in Europe and the world it became the ground for changes in the system of international relations and formation of new international order, in which the dominating role would play the USA and the European Union. It is emphasized on the positions of stakeholders concerning the solving of the crisis issues of the Balkan region, proposed the prognosis of the possible development situation in the region. The author try to support her point of view that from the beginning, the crisis was provoked mainly the intensification of the globalization processes of international relations and external factor became the crucial factor of the crisis development.

The aim of the research is to find out the degree of international political actors involvement into the Balkan Crisis process. This prescribes the task of the article's author: to develop own view on the ground of different conceptual positions and to give own explanation of the international background of the Balkan Crisis and demonstrates the influence of globalization, Soviet Union disintegration, and therefore the NATO transformation, as well as Western European integration on the events in the Region.

In the author opinion, in the conditions of the changing of the internationals relations system and deep globalization on the Balkan territory where is crisis developing and as a result it will lead to the change of international order and establishment of EC security and defense policy. Globalization and transformations in the system of international relations provoked the change of the role of international organizations and separate actors of international relations in the support of this international order. It was stressed on the process of elaborating of the European Security and Defense Policy and proposed prognosis of its development after the Balkan Crisis.

As well it is emphasized on the process of development of European Security and Defense policy after the Balkan crisis and proposed the prognosis of the future EU security policy. The subject of the research is new international; order which is forming in the Balkan crisis conditions. On the author point of view, in the conditions of changing of international relations system and strong globalization it is Balkan crisis development on the Balkan territory what leads to the change of international order and development of EU Common Security and Defense Policy.

The author argues its own position that from the beginning the crisis was largely determined by the intensification of the globalization processes in the international relations, and foreign policy factor became the crucial aspect in the crisis developing. In the thesis there is given reasons for the conclusion that the process elaboration of common security and defense policy what is determined by Balkan Crisis and lost by the UN its position in the world. The author considers that in the conditions of changing of the system of international relations, the new international order will not be shaping on the basis of the of big wars but as result of local conflicts.

Keywords: Balkan crisis, globalization, Soviet Union, UN, NATO, EU, Balkans, international organizations, Europe, USA, OSCE.

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