Роль Організації Об’єднаних Націй у боротьбі проти міжнародного тероризму
Всебічний аналіз антитерористичної діяльності ООН, оцінка її ефективності та виявлення проблемних аспектів, які набули нового виміру після подій 11 вересня 2001 р. Роль та місця Організації Об’єднаних Націй у боротьбі проти міжнародного тероризму.
Рубрика | Международные отношения и мировая экономика |
Вид | автореферат |
Язык | украинский |
Дата добавления | 29.08.2013 |
Размер файла | 63,2 K |
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Ключевые слова: терроризм, международный терроризм, террористический акт, события 11 сентября 2001 г., международная борьба, антитеррористическая деятельность, ООН
Gutsman M. Role UN in struggle against international terrorism. - Typescript.
Thesis for the Ph.D. in Political Science, speciality 23.00.04. - Political Problems of International Systems and Global Development. - Kyiv National Taras Shevchenko University, Institute of International Relations, Kyiv, 2008.
The thesis is devoted to investigation of the United Nations place and role in struggle against international terrorism.
The United Nations Organization takes leading position among the international interstate and regional organizations in struggle against the international terrorism. During more than forty years the United Nations is engaged in development of the adequate legally proved and really operating mechanisms of overcoming of a problem of the international terrorism.
The basic approaches to studying concepts "terrorism" and "the international terrorism ", characteristic features of the international terrorism as global problem, evolution of the United Nations position to the international terrorism, mechanisms and instruments of counteractions to threat, key directions of the international cooperation with the interstate regional organizations (on an example of NATO, EU, OSCE and СЕ) are investigated and analyzed in the Ph D. thesis.
The significant attention also is given to researching of such problems as using of force in the international conflicts resolution and infringements of human rights in a context of struggle against the international terrorism which have got new value after the 11th September events, 2001.
Global changes in the world which have occurred on boundary XX-XXI of centuries, such as opposition of civilizations, economic break between the South and the North, globalization, strengthening of a role of the religious factor in system of the international attitudes etc. transformed the international terrorism from a method of achievement of political aims to a global problem of the present. Complexity of a problem of the international terrorism consists that it is closely connected with other not less actual problems of the present, such as distributions of the weapon of mass destruction, criminality, internal conflicts, poverty etc. and it is closely concerned with them - they are the reason of terrorism activation and at the same time - consequence of terrorist activity.
The problem of terrorism has started to be considered in the United Nations since the middle 1960-s . In reply to a plenty of the made acts of terrorism the UN adopted 13 international conventions which competence covers different kinds of terrorism which can be made on the sea, in air and on a land. After the end of "Cold war» the problem of struggle against terrorism arises again. Then were adopted symbolical but at the same time significant Declarations on measures on liquidation of the international terrorism 1994 and 1996, what meant the new phase of international struggle against terrorism. Certainly, The 11th September events, 2001 made the biggest influence on antiterrorist activity of the United Nations. By decision of The Security Council Resolution № 1373 a wide international antiterrorist coalition was founded as well as new institutions, such as Counterterrorism Committee were established. Struggle against international terrorism received its legal consolidation.
But, the 11th September events 2001 not only have put forward the international terrorism on the main place among global problems of the present, they also have specified blanks which exist in antiterrorist activity of the United Nations for today. Sharp necessity of adaptation of existing tools and mechanisms to realities of the present with the purpose of improvement of policy in sphere of maintenance of the world and safety and strengthening of positions as the unique universal international organization created for maintenance of the world, safety and democracy becomes ripe.
The question of Ukraine's role and place in the international antiterrorist struggle under aegis of the United Nations, national legal and institutional mechanisms of struggle against the international terrorism, a degree of execution of the obligations taken on in conformity with standards of the United Nations in the given sphere are comprehensively investigated. Author's recommendations concerning improvement of antiterrorist activity of Ukraine are in the thesis too.
Key words: terrorism, international terrorism, act of terrorism, the 11th September events, 2001, international struggle, antiterrorist activity, the UN.
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