Сучасна українська історіографія голоду 1921-1923 рр. в україні: регіональний аспект проблеми

Науковою новизною є історіографічний огляд досліджень вітчизняних істориків з регіональної історії голоду 1921-1923 рр. в Україні. Зауважено на географічних і тематичних полях вивчення проблеми, контраверсійних питаннях історіографічного дискурсу.

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Дата добавления 02.08.2024
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11. Vodotyka, S. (2015). Osoblyvosti holodu na Khersonshchyni: metodychni problemy v shkilnomu kursi istorii Ukrainy. [Peculiarities of the Famine in Kherson Region: Methodological Problems in the School Course of History of Ukraine]. Problemy istorii Ukrainy: fakty, sudzhennia, poshuky. [Problems of the history of Ukraine: facts, judgments, searches ], 23, 291-306. [in Ukrainian].

12. Volosnyk, Yu. (2019). Konfiskatsiia tserkovnykh tsinnostei na Kharkivshchyni. [Confiscation of church valuables in Kharkiv region]. Visnic KhNU im. V. N. Karazina: seriia istoriia. [Bulletin of V N. Karazin Kharkiv National University: series history], 55, 59-67. [in Ukrainian].

13. Hovorukha, V. (2020). Prodovolcha dopomoha ARA na Katerynoslavshchyni pid chas holodu 1921 - 1923 rr. [F ood aid of ARA in Katerynoslav region during the famine of 1921 - 1923]. Naukovii visnic Uzhhorodskoho un-tu: seriia istoriia. [Uzhgorod university scientific bulletin: series history], 2 (43), 33-39. [in Ukrainian].

14. Holod: Khronika, dokumenty ta materialy holodu 1921-1923, 1932-1933 rokiv na Kryvorizhzhi. (2003). [Famine: Chronicle, documents and materials of the famine of 1921-1923, 1932-1933 in Kryvorizhya]. (Ed.) O. O. Melnyk. Kryvyi Rih: Vyd. Dim. 384. [in Ukrainian].

15. Golodomory v Ukraini: Odeska oblast: 1921-1923, 1932-1933, 1946-1947: Doslidzhennia, spohady, dokumenty. (2007). [Holodomors in Ukraine: Odessa region: 1921-1923, 1932-1933, 1946-1947: Research, memoirs, documents]. (Ed.) L. H. Bilousova ta in. Odesa: Astroprynt. [in Ukrainian].

16. Holodomory na Zaporizhzhi: (1921-1922, 193-1933, 1946-1947 rr.): Statti, dokumenty, spohady. (2007). [Holodomors in Zaporizhzhia: (1921-1922, 193-1933, 1946-1947). Articles, documents, memoirs]. Spokuta. [Atonement], 8-9. [in Ukrainian].

17. Horburov, Ye. (2008). H. Holody 1921-1923, 1932-1933 rokiv na terytorii Mykolaivshchyny: skhozhist i vidminnist. [Famines of 1921-1923, 1932-1933 on the territory of Mykolayiv region: similarities and differences]. Holodomor-henotsyd 1932-1933 rr. na terytorii Mykolaivshchyny: mat. obl. nauk.-prakt. konf. Mykolaiv. [Holodomor-genocide of1932-1933 on the territory of Mykolayiv region: Materials of regional scientific-practical conference], 98 - 102. [in Ukrainian].

18. Hryhorenko, T. (2013). Holod 1921-1923 rokiv na Cherkashchyni. [Famine of 1921-1923 in Cherkasy region]. Holod v Ukraini u pershii polovyni ХХstolittia: prychyny ta naslidky (1921-1923, 19321933, 1946-1947): mat. Mizhnar. nauk. konf., Kyiv, 20-21 lystop. [Materials of international scientific conference, Kyiv, November, 20-21]. Kyiv: Kyivo-Mohylianska akademiia. [in Ukrainian].

19. Hryshchenko, Yu. (2017). Bolharske naselennia v umovakh holodu 1921-1923 rr. [The Bulgarian population in the conditions of the famine of 1921-1923]. Rehionalna istoriia Ukraine. [Region history of Ukraine], 1, 156-161. [in Ukrainian].

20. Yermakova, V. & Romaniuk, I. (2014). Diialnist mizhnarodnykh orhanizatsii ARA ta "Dzhoint" po nadanniu dopomohy dytiachomu naselenniu Skhidnoho Podillia v umovakh holodu (1921-1923 rr.). [The activities of the international organizations ARA and "Joint" to assist the children's population of Eastern Podillia in conditions of famine (1921-1923)]. Sumskyi istoryko-arkhivnyi zhurnal. [Sumy historically-archivaljournal], 23, 61-66. [in Ukrainian].

21. Ivanchenko, B. (2003). Vykorinennia: Holodomory 1921-22; 1932-33 rr. v Dnipropetrovskii oblasti. [Eradication: Holodomors of 1921-22; 1932-33 in Dnipropetrovsk region]. Pavlodar: [b. v.]. [in Ukrainian].

22. Zerkal, M. (2009). Holod v pivdennykh raionakh Ukrainy na pochatok realizatsii novoi ekonomichnoi. [Famine in the southern regions of Ukraine at the beginning of the implementation of a new economic]. Humanitarno - ekon. doslidzh. [Humanitarian-economic research]. Mykolaiv, 132 - 148. [in Ukrainian].

23. Ylevych, S. Pomniat na Dnepropetrovshchyne ymia Frytofa Nansena. (1997). [The name of Fridtjof Nansen is remembered in the Dnipropetrovsk region]. Zerkalo nedely. [Mirror of the week], 30 [in Russian].

24. Kaminska, O. & Fedorchenko, O. (2020). Kampaniia vyluchennia tserkovnykh tsinnostei u Khersonskomu poviti v 1920-1930 rr.: istoryko-pravovyi aspekt [The campaign of confiscation of church valuables in Kherson district in 1920-1930: historical and legal aspect]. Pravovi novely. [Legal novels], 12, 1-11. [in Ukrainian].

25. Kyrylenko, V. (2015). Holod 1921-1923 rokiv u pivdennii Ukraini. [Famine of 1921-1923 in southern Ukraine]. Candidate's thesis. Mykolaiv. [in Ukrainian].

26. Kyrylenko, V. (2013). Holod 1921-1923 rokiv na Mykolaivshchyni ta dopomoha "Misii Nansena" v yoho podolanni. [The famine of 1921-1923 in the Mykolaiv region and the assistance of the "Nansen Mission" in overcoming it]. Arkasivski chytannia. [Arkasivsky reading]. Mykolaiv. [in Ukrainian].

27. Kyrylenko, V. P. (2014). Diialnist "Dzhoint" na Pivdni Ukrainy v period 1920-kh rr. [Help from the "Joint" starving Odessa region during the famine of 1921-1923]. Naukovii visnuc Chornomorskyi derzh. un-t im. V. Sukhomlynskoho. [Scientific journals of the Black Sea State. University named after V Sukhomlinskoho], 3, 37, 43-47. [in Ukrainian].

28. Kyrylenko, V. (2014). Dopomoha vid "Dzhointa" holoduiuchym Odeshchyny v period holodu 19211923 rr. [Help from the "Joint" starving Odessa region during the famine of 1921-1923]. Istorychni midrashi Pivnichnoho Prychornomoria. [Historical Midrashes of the Northern Black Sea Coast], 3, 1, 31-35. [in Ukrainian].

29. Kyrylenko, V. (2012). Istoriohrafiia problemy holodu 1921-1923 rr. na Pivdni Ukrainy. [Historiography of the problem of the famine of 1921-1923 in the South of Ukraine]. Arkasivski chytannia. [Arkasivsky reading]. Mykolaiv: MNU im. V. O. Sukhomlynskoho. [in Ukrainian].

30. Kohan, F. (2014). Yevobshchestkom, Dzhoint, ARA ta inshi. (2014). [Evobshchestkom, Joint, APA and others]. Istorychni midrashi Pivnichnoho Prychornomoria [Historical Midrashes of the Northern Black Sea Region]. Retrieved from https://www.twirpx.com/files/science/historic/ukraine/ istorichni_midrashi_pivnichnogo_prichornomor_ia/ [in Ukrainian].

31. Kozerod, O. (2010). Stanovyshche yevreiskykh zhinok pislia zakinchennia pohromiv periodu hromadianskoi viiny. [The situation of Jewish women after the end of pogroms during the civil war ]. Hrani. [Faces], 3 (71), 26-304. [in Ukrainian].

32. Kozerod, O. (2003). Yevrei Ukrainy v period novoi ekonomichnoi polityky: 1921-1929 rr. [Jews of Ukraine in the period ofthe new economic policy: 1921-1929]. Kyiv: SPD "Savchyna". [in Ukrainian].

33. Kozyreva, M. & Kustovska, S. (2014). Dzhoint na Mykolaivshchyni. [Joint in Mykolaiv region].

34. Istorychni midrashi Pivnichnoho Prychornomoria [Historical Midrashes of the Northern Black Sea Coast]. Retrieved from https://www.twirpx.com/files/science/historic/ukraine/

35. istorichni_midrashi_pivnichnogo_prichornomor_ia/ [in Ukrainian].

36. Kozyreva, M. & Hubska, V (2014). Diialnist "Dzhointa" na Pivdni Ukrainy pid chas holodomoru

37. 1921-1923 rr. [The activities of the Joint in the South of Ukraine during the famine of 1921-1923]. Istorychni midrashi Pivnichnoho Prychornomoria [Historical Midrashes of the Northern Black Sea Coast]. Retrieved from https://www.twirpx.com/files/science/historic/ukraine/

38. istorichni_midrashi_pivnichnogo_prichornomor_ia/ [in Ukrainian].

39. Kozyreva, M. (2001). Holod 1921-1923 rokiv v nimetskykh koloniiakh na Mykolaivshchyni [Famine of 1921-1923 in German colonies in Mykolaiv region]. Naukovipratsi. [Scientificpapers], 10, 93 - 98. [in Ukrainian].

40. Kozyreva, M. (2008). Holod 1921-1923 rokiv vКозирева Mykolaivshchyny. [Famine of 1921-1923 in German settlements of Mykolaiv region]. Voprosyhermanskoiystoryy [Question. Khermanhistory], 45-56. [in Ukrainian].

41. Kozyreva, M. (2012). Mezhdunarodnaia pomoshch holodaiushchym na Yuhe Ukrayny v 1921-1923 rr. : natsyonalniy komponent. [International aid to the starving in the South of Ukraine in 1921-1923: national component]. VisnucLuhanskoho nats. [Visnuts of Luhansknational], 6 (241), I, 17-124. [in Russian].

42. Knyha - memorial Velykolepetyskoho raionu Khersonskoi oblasti. Holodomory 1921-1923, 1931933, 1946-1947 rr. na Velykolepetyshchyni. Slovamy ochevydtsiv ta movoiu dokumentiv. [The book is a memorial to the Velykolepetysky district of Kherson region. Holodomors of 1921-1923, 1931933, 1946-1947 in Velykolepetyshchyna. In the words of eyewitnesses and the language of documents]. (2007). Kherson: IDS. [in Ukrainian].

43. Kondratiuk, H. (2013). Krymski tatary v umovakh holodu 1921-1923 rokiv. [Crimean Tatars in the conditions of the famine of 1921-1923]. Holod v Ukraini u pershii polovyni ХХstolittia : prychyny ta naslidky (1921-1923, 1932-1933, 1946-1947): mat. Mizhnar. nauk. konf. Kyiv, 20-2l lystop. [Famine in Ukraine in the first half of the twentieth century: causes and consequences (1921-1923, 1932-1933, 1946-1947): mat. of the international scientific conf., Kyiv, November 20-21, 2013]. Kyiv: Nats. un-t "Kyivo-Mohylianska akdemiia", 73-82. [in Ukrainian].

44. Kotliar, Yu. & Myronova, I. (2008). Holodomory 1921-1923 rr. ta 1932-1933 r. na Pivdni Ukrainy: etnichnyi i mizhnarodnyi aspekt. [Holodomors of 1921-1923 and 1932-1933 in southern Ukraine: ethnic and international dimension.]. Mykolaiv: Vyd-vo MDHU im. P. Mohyly. [in Ukrainian].

45. Kotliar, Yu. (2004). Holodomor 1921-1923 hodov v Povolzhe y Yuzhnoi Ukrayne. [The Holodomor of 1921-1923 in the Volga Region and Southern Ukraine]. Perspektyvnye razrabotky naukyy tekhnyky: mat. nauch.-prakt. konf. Ystoryia. [Promising developments of science and technology: materials of the scientific-practical conference. History], Dnepropetrovsk: Nauka y obrazovanye. 11, 13-14. [in Ukrainian].

46. Kotliar, Yu. (2008). Povstanskyi rukh etnichnykh menshyn pivdnia Ukrainy (1917-1931 rr.). [Insurgent movement of ethnic minorities of southern Ukraine (1917-1931)]. Kyiv-Mykolaiv: Vyd-vo MDHU im. Petra Mohyly. Ist. b-ka MDHU, 1. [in Ukrainian].

47. Kotliar, Yu. (2004). Selianstvo Pivdnia Ukrainy: doba novoi ekonomichnoi polityky (1921-1929 rr.). [Peasantry of the South of Ukraine: the era of new economic policy. (1921-1929)]. Odesa: TOV ViD. [in Ukrainian].

48. Landa, S. (19б 2). Borotba z holodom na Odeshchyni. 1921-1922 rr. [The fight against hunger in Odesa region. 1921-1922.]. Ukrainskyi istorychnyi zhurnal. [Ukrainian historical magazine], 10, 118-120. [in Ukrainian].

49. Linov, A. (2003). Mizhnarodna dopomoha holoduiuchym na Mykolaivshchyni v 1921-1923 rr. [International assistance to the starving in Nikolaev region in 1921-1923]. Naukovi doslidzhennia v konteksti istorychnykh problem, 1: Istoriia ta ukrainoznavstvo. [Scientific research in the context of historical problems, 1: History and Ukrainian studies]. Mykolaiv ; Odesa, 157-168. [in Ukrainian].

50. Linov, A. & Shkvarets, V. (2001). Do istoriohrafii problemy holodu 1921-1923 rokiv na Mykolaivshchyni [To the historiography of the problem of the famine of 1921-1923 in the Mykolaiv region]. Vseukrainska naukova konferentsiiado 10-yi richnytsi nezalezhnosti Ukrainy. [All-Ukrainian scientific conference dedicated to the 10th anniversary of Ukraine's independence], I. Mykolaiv; Odesa: Tetra. [in Ukrainian].

51. Mykolaivshchyna v holodnykh 1921-1923 rr.: Holodomory XX stolittia na terytorii [Mykolaiv region in the famines of 1921-1923 Holodomors of the XX century on the territory]. (2008). Mykolaiv: Shamrai. [in Ukrainian].

52. Magdalina, G. (1988). Nansen na Ukrayne [Nansen in Ukraine]. Sotsyalystycheskaia yndustryia. [Socialist industry]. 30, 3. [in Russian].

53. Makovyi, O. (2011). Fritof Nansen na Apostolshchyni i v sviti [Fridtjof Nansen in the Apostolic and in the World]. Promin osvity. [Ray of Education], 13. [in Ukrainian].

54. Mykhailovskyi, T. (2016). Amerykanska administratsiia dopomohy (ARA) na Dnipropetrovshchyni (1922-1923 rr.). [American Relief Administration (APA) in Dnipropetrovsk region (1922-1923)]. Mynule i suchasnist: Khersonshchyna. Tavriia. Kakhovka. [Past and present: Kherson region. Tavria. Kakhovka: collection of materials of the 16th All-Ukrainian scientific-practical local history conference, September, 16-17]. Kakhovka-Kherson: Hileia, 95-97. [in Ukrainian].

55. Mykhailovskyi, T. (2009). ARA na Pivdni Ukrainy (1921-1923 rr.): istoriohrafiia problemy [APA in the South of Ukraine (1921-1923): historiography of the problem]. Eminak. [Eminak], 1-4, 88-94. [in Ukrainian].

56. Mykhailovskyi, T. (2010). Diialnist mizhnarodnykh orhanizatsii na Mykolaivshchyni u 20-kh rokakh ХХ st. [Activities of international organizations in Mykolaiv region in the 20s of the twentieth century]. Kraieznavstvo. [Local history]. 4, 151-161. [in Ukrainian].

57. Mykhailovskyi, T. (2010). Diialnist yevreiskoho ob'iednanoho rozpodilchoho komitetu "Dzhoint" na Mykolaivshchyni u 20-kh rr. ХХ st. [Activities of the Jewish Joint Distribution Committee "Joint" in the Mykolaiv region in the 20's Twentieth century]. Naukoviprstsi Chornomorskyi derzh. un-t im. P Mohyly, Istoriia. [Scientificpapers: historical sciences. Petro Mohyla Black Sea state University, history], 108, 21. Mykolaiv, 120-125. [in Ukrainian].

58. Mykhailovskyi, T. (2009). Misiia F. Nansena u 1922-1923 rr. na Mykolaivshchyni. [The mission of F. Nansen in 1922-1923 in Mykolaiv region]. Pivden Ukrainy: etnoistorychnyi, movnyi, kulturnyi ta relihiinyi vymiry. mat. II mizhnar. nauk.-prakt. konf., prysviachenoi 65-i richnytsi vyzvolennia Odesy vid okupantiv. Odesa, 10-11 kvitnia. [South of Ukraine: ethnohistorical, linguistic, cultural and religious dimensions: mat. II International scientific and practical conf., dedicated to the 65th anniversary of the liberation of Odessa from the invaders, Odessa,10-11 April]. Odesa: "VMV", 181-185. [in Ukrainian].

59. Mykhailovskyi, T. (2013). Mizhnarodni orhanizatsii na pivdni Ukrainy u 20-kh rokakh ХХ st.: istoriohrafiia pytannia [International organizations in the south of Ukraine in the 20s of the twentieth century: historiography of the issue]. Nauk. visn. Mykolaivskoho nats. un-tu im. VO. Sukhomlynskoho. 1st. nauky. [Scientific bulletin of VO. Sukhomlynskiy Nikolaiv national University. Hist. science], 3.35, 241-247. [in Ukrainian].

60. Mykhailovskyi, T. (2012). Shvedskyi Chervonyi Khrest u borotbi z holodom na Khersonshchyni (1922-1923 rr.). [Swedish Red Cross in the fight against famine in Kherson region (1922-1923)]. Arkasivski chytannia: mat. IIMizhnar. nauk. konf., Mykolaiv, 27-28 kvit. [Arkas readings: mat. II International scientific conference, Mykolaiv, Apr. 27-28]. Mykolaiv: MNU im. V. O. Sukhomlynskoho, 241-244. [in Ukrainian].

61. Mykhailovskyi, T. (2012). Mizhnarodna dopomoha studentstvu Odesy (1922-1923 rr.). [International assistance to students in Odessa (1922-1923)]. Pivdenna Ukraina v mizhnarodnykh vidnosynakh: istoriia ta suchasnist. Zb. mat. Vrehion. stud. nauk.-prakt. konf. Mykolaiv, 15-16 berez. [Southern Ukraine in International Relations: History and Modernity: Collection ofmaterials of the Vth regional student's scientific-practical conference, Mykolaiv, March, 15-16]. Mykolaiv: MNU im. V. O. Sukhomlynskoho, 30-34. [in Ukrainian].

62. Mykhailovskyi, T. (2016). Vzaiemodiia mizhnarodnykh filantropichnykh orhanizatsii z radianskymy orhanamy vlady (1921-1925 rr.) [Interaction of international philanthropic organizations with Soviet authorities (1921-1925)]. Eminak. [Eminak], 3 (15), 2,18-26. [in Ukrainian].

63. Movchan O. Trudyaschiesya USRR v borbe s prodovolstvennyim krizisom pri perehode k nepu. [Workers of the USRR in the fight against the food crisis during the transition to the NEP]. Kyiv: Naukova dumka. 1988. [in Ukrainian].

64. Nykyforenko, A. (1997). Vyluchennia tserkovnykh tsinnostei pid chas holodu 1921-1922 rr. (na materialakh Donechchyny). [Seizure of church valuables during the famine of 1921-1922 (based on materials from Donetsk region)]. Istoriia nauky, politolohiia. [History of science, political science], 1, 104-107. [in Ukrainian].

65. Nikolaiev, I. (2008). Diialnist orhaniv partiinoho radianskoho aparatu na terytorii Mykolaivshchyny pid chas holodu 1921-1923 rr. [Organizational and humanitarian activities of the "Nansen Mission" in Ukraine during the famine of 1921-1923 (based on materials from the Mykolaiv region)]. Holodomor- henotsyd 1932-1933 na terytorii Mykolaivshchyny: mat. obl. nauk. - prakt. konf. [Holodomor- genocide of 1932-1933 on the territory of Mykolaiv region: materials of the reginal scientific - practical conference]. Mykolaiv. [in Ukrainian].

66. Nikolaiev, I. (2011). Orhanizatsiino-humanitarna diialnist "Misii Nansena" v Ukraini pid chas holodu 1921-1923 rokiv (na materialakh Mykolaivskoi oblasti) [Organizational and humanitarian activities of the "Nansen Mission" in Ukraine during the famine of 1921-1923 (based on materials from the Mykolaiv region)]. Mandrivets. [Mandrivets]. 6, 31-34. [in Ukrainian].

67. Nikolaev, I. (2015). Missiia Nansena na Nikolaevshchine v period goloda 1921-1923 godov. ["Nansen's mission" in the Mykolaiv region during the famine of 1921-1923]. Novosti N. [News N.], 5. [in Russian].

68. Olitskyi, V. (2019). Kampaniia po vyluchenniu tserkovnykh tsinnostei 1922 r. v Romenskomu poviti: perebih ta naslidky. [The 1922 Church Valuables Seizure Campaign in Romny's district: Course and Consequences]. Visn. ahrarn. in-t. [Bulletin of the agrarian institute], 27-28, 35-41. [in Ukrainian].

69. Ostasheva, N. (1996). Kryza menonitskoi spilnoty Ukrainy ta zakordonna menonitska dopomoha (1914-pochatok 1930-kh rr.). [The crisis ofthe Mennonite community of Ukraine and foreign Mennonite aid (1914-early 1930s)]. Abstract of candi-date's thesis. Dnipropetrovsk. [in Ukrainian].

70. Ostasheva, N. (1998). Na perelome epokh. Menonytskoe soobshchestvo Ukraynbi v 1914-1931 hh. [At the turn of epochs. Mennonite community of Ukraine in 1914-1931]. Moskva: Hotyka, 256. [in Russian].

71. Pankiv, K. (2019). Orhanizatsiino-humanitarna diialnist F. Nansena na terytorii Kryvorizkoho povitu Katerynoslavskoi hub. v 20-kh rokakh ХХ st. [Organizational and humanitarian activities of F. Nansen on the territory of Kryvyi Rih district of Ekaterinoslav Bay. in the 20s of the twentieth century]. Kryvorizhzhia: pohliad u mynule... : mat. p'iatykh istoryko-kraieznavchykh chytan. Kryvyi Rih, [Kryvorizhia: a look into the past... : materials of the fifth historical local history readings. Kryvyi Rih], Kryvyi Rih, 2, 41-59. [in Ukrainian].

72. Petrov, V. (2000). Prodnalohovaia kampanyia na Nykolaevshchyne (mart 1921 - yiul 1923 rr.). [Food tax campaign in the Mykolaiv region (March 1921 - July 1923)]. Istoriia. Etnohrafiia. Kultura. Novi doslidzhennia. [History. Ethnography. Culture. New research], 120 - 121. [in Russian].

73. Pohromskyi, V. (2014). Diialnist Dzhoint na Kirovohradshchyni u 20-kh rr. XX st. [Activity of the Joint in Kirovohrad region in the 20's XX century]. Istorychni midrashi Pivnichnoho Prychornomoria: Mat. Mizhnar. nauk.-prakt. konf. Mykolaiv. [Historical midrash of the Northern Black Sea coast]. III, III. Mykolaiv: Shamrai, 120-126. [in Ukrainian].

74. Pohromskyi, V. (2014). O Diialnist "Dzhointa" i "Ahro-Dzhointa" na Pivdni Ukrainy ta u Krymu u mizhvoiennyi period [Activities of "Joint" and "Agro-Joint" in the South of Ukraine and Crimea in the interwar period]. Nauovi. pratsi Chornomorskyi derzh. un-t im. P Mohyly. [Scientificpapers of the Petro Mohyla Black Sea state university], 227, 229, 23-27. [in Ukrainian].

75. Portnov, I. (1955). Proval antisovetskoi deiatelnosti ARA na iuge Ukrainy dekabr 1921 g. iiun 1923 g. [The failure of the anti-Soviet activities of the ARA in the south of Ukraine (December 1921 - June 1923)]. Candidate's thesis. [in Russian].

76. Rebrova, M. (2015). Izieiatie tserkovnykh tsennostei na territorii sovremennoi Donetskoi oblasti. [Seizure of church valuables on the territory of the modern Donetsk region]. Vestnik PSTG (Pravoslavnogo Svyato-Tihonovskogo gumanitarnogo universiteta/ ІІ: Istoriia Russkoi pravoslavnoi tserkvi. [Bulletin of the Saint Tikhon's orthodox university of humanities. II: History. History of the Russian Orthodox Church], 6. (67). 64-77. [in Russian].

77. Ryzheva, N. (2014). Deiaki aspekty humanitarnoi dopomohy "Dzhoint" v Ukraini u 20-ti rr. XX st. [Some aspects of humanitarian aid "Joint" in Ukraine in the 20s. XX century.]. Istorychni midrashi Pivnichnoho Prychornomoria. [Historical midrash of the Northern Black Sea coast]. Retrieved from https://www.twirpx.com/files/science/historic/ukraine/istorichni_midrashi_pivnichnogo_ prichornomor_ia/ [in Ukrainian].

78. Savchenko, V (2003). Robitnychyi rukh na Pivdni USRR v chasy Holodomor 1921 - 1922 rr. [Workers' movement in the South of the Ukrainian SSR during the Holodomor of 1921 - 1922]. 80 rokiv Holodomoru 1932 - 1933 rr. v Ukraini: mat. Vseukr. konf. [80th Anniversary of the Holodomor of 1932 - 1933 in Ukraine: materials of the All-Ukrainian conference]. Lviv, 170 - 174. [in Ukrainian].

79. Sakhno, V. (2003). Arkhivni dokumenty ta mistsevi periodychni vydannia pro diialnist mizhnarodnykh humanitarnykh orhanizatsii na Pivdni Ukrainy v 20-30-ti rr. XX st. [Archival documents and local periodicals on the activities of international humanitarian organizations in the South of Ukraine in the 20-30s. XX century.]. Studii z arkhivnoi spravy ta dokumentoznavstva. [Studies in archival affairs and records keeping], 10, 122-124. [in Ukrainian].

80. Sakhno, V. (1999). Uchast humanitarnykh orhanizatsii Huvera - Nansena v podolanni holodu 1921 - 1923 rokakh na Khersonshchyni - Mykolaivshchyni. [Participation of humanitarian organizations Hoover-Nansen in overcoming the famine of 1921-1923 in Kherson-Mykolaiv region]. Tavriiskyi naukovui visnuc [Taurida scientific Bulletin], 10, 164 - 173. [in Ukrainian].

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