Rural entrepreneurship in Ukraine (1850’s — early 1900’s)
Research of the role of rural entrepreneurship as an important factor in accelerating the socio-economic modernization of 1861-1914. Prerequisites for the development of private initiative, the spread of market relations and rural entrepreneurship.
Рубрика | История и исторические личности |
Вид | статья |
Язык | английский |
Дата добавления | 18.03.2022 |
Размер файла | 76,2 K |
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The share of the agricultural sector in the Ukrainian economy in the early 1990's was close to 25% (in Gross Domestic Product, GDP), while the industrial processing sector accounted for a total of 80% of the stream of GDP produced. Between 1995 and 2001, the share of agriculture fluctuated between 14,5% and 12%; in 2007, it fell to its lowest level in Ukraine's history (6,6%). The period 2008-2015 manifested a consistent marked increase in the share of agricultural production in GDP (an increase of 5,5% points). In 2017, this share was 10,1% in the Ukrainian economy (Wisla, R. & Chugaievska, S. & Nowosad, A. & Turanli, U. 2020, p. 46).
Rural entrepreneurship became an important factor in accelerating the economic development in the Kyiv, Podillia and Volyn provinces in the second half of 19th -- the beginning of 20th century. The most profitable areas were the cultivation of cereal crops, sugar beets, potatoes, hop, and also sugar, milling and distillery industries. The driving force of economic modernization and the intensification of production were rural entrepreneurs, mainly landowners and wealthy peasants. The basis of economic development was the large land tenure of enterprising landlords, who mastered the effective method of management -- a combination of agricultural and industrial production. At the beginning of 20th century, a significant part of the products on the market were produced at peasant households, which were mastering the wisdom of competition and the ability to make profits.
Examples of multi-industry entrepreneurial activity of Tereshchenko, Khanenko, Symyrenko, Bobrynskyi, Pototskyi, Branytskyi, Balashov, Sangushko, Brodskyi, Yaroshynskyi and many other householders can serve as an example for modern entrepreneurs. Integration of the Poles, Jews, Germans, and Czechs into the system of economic relations in the Right-Bank provinces had a positive influence on the further development of agriculture, industry, trade and entrepreneurship.
In the realities of that time, these were rural entrepreneurs who managed to find ways to intensify their production in rural areas, to conduct profitable economic management, using the climatic conditions of the province, land resources, mineral deposits, timber, capital and entrepreneurial ability, which is so relevant today. Although owners of land resources and enterprises achieved an increase in profits, along with other factors and at the expense of the cheap labor of the impoverished rural population, we regard the entrepreneurship of that period as a positive phenomenon that facilitated economic modernization and intensification of production in Ukraine.
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