К вопросу о воинских погребениях эпох бронзы и железа могильника Карашамб, Армения (по данным физической антропологии и палеопатологии)

Изучение антропологических материалов из воинских погребений могильника Карашамб на территории Котайской провинции Республики Армения. Специфика развития костно-мускульного рельефа, оценка по останкам состояния здоровья индивидов южноевропеоидного типа.

Рубрика История и исторические личности
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12. Привес М. Г. Некоторые итоги исследования влияния труда и физических нагрузок на строение аппарата движения человека // Архив анатомии, гистологии и эмбриологии. 1959. Т. 36. № 5. С. 7-18.

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14. Русаков А. В. Патологическая анатомия болезней костной системы (введение в физиологию и патологию костной ткани). М.: Медгиз, 1959. 320 с.

15. Хохлов А. А. Ритуальные травмы на черепах у носителей хвалынской энеолитической культуры Поволжья // Этнографическое обозрение. 2012. № 2. С. 118-125.

16. Хохлов А. А., Китов Е. П. Дефекты травматического происхождения на палеоантропологических материалах эпохи раннего металла Волго-Уралья // Stratum plus. 2019. № 2. С. 267-280.

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20. Avetisyan Р., Melikyan V., Hakhverdyan A., Chazin H., Harutyunyan T. The dynamics of socio-cultural transformations from the 20th-19th to the 8th-7th centuries BC (based on the results of excavations at the Karashamb necropolis) // Archaeology of Armenia in regional context II. International Conference dedicated to the 60th Anniversary of the Institute of Archaeology and Ethnography. Yerevan, 2019. P 31-32.

21. Buikstra J. E., Ubelaker D. H. Standards of data collection from human skeletal remains. Arkansas Archaeol. Survey Research Series (44). Fayetteville, 1994. 218 p.

22. Capasso L., Kennedy K., Wilczak C. Atlas of occupational markers on human remains. Teramo: Edigrafital S.P.A., 1999. 183 p.

23. Goodman A. H., Martin D. L., Armelagos G. J., Qark G. Indications of stress from bones and teeth // Paleopathology at the origins of agriculture. N. Y., 1984. P 13-49.

24. Khudaverdyan A. Trauma in human remains from Bronze Age and Iron Age archaeological sites in Armenia // Bioarchaeology of the Near East. 2014. № 8. P 28-52.

25. Khudaverdyan A. Short report of traumatic injuries from Khor Hor cave (Armenia) // Paleopathology Newsletter. 2016. № 176. P. 17.

26. Khudaverdyan A. Tumpline Deformation on Skulls from Late Bronze and Early Iron Age Armenia: A Cause of Enigmatic Cranial Superstructures? // Mankind Quarterly. 2018. Vol. 59 (1). P 8-30.

27. Lazaridis I., Nadel D., Rollefson G., Merrett D. C., Rohland N., Mallick S., Fernandes D., Novak M., Gamarra B., Sirak K., Connell S., Stewardson K., Harney E., Fu Q., GonzalezFortes G., Jones E. R., Roodenberg S. A., Len-gyel G., Bocquentin F., Gasparian B., Monge J. M., Gregg M., Eshed V, Mizrahi A.-S., Meiklejohn Ch., Gerritsen F., Bejenaru L., Blьher M., Campbell A., Cavalieri G., Comas D., Froguel Ph., Gilbert E., Kerr Sh. M., Kovacs P, Krause J., Darren McGettigan D., Merrigan M., Merriwether D. A., O'Reilly S., Richards M. B., Semino O., Shamoon-Pour M., Stefanescu G., Stumvoll M., Tцnjes A., Torroni A., Wilson J. F., Yengo L., Hovhannisyan N. A., Patterson N., Pinhasi R., Reich D. Genomic insights into the origin of farming in the ancient Near East // Nature. 2016. Vol. 536, 25. P 419-424.

28. Lieverse A. R., Stock J., Katzenberg M. A., Haverkort C. M. The Bioarchaeology of habitual activity and dietary change in the Siberian Middle Holocene // Human Bioarchaeology of the Transition to Agriculture. Ed. Pinhasi R., Stock J. T. Chichester: Wiley-Blackwell, 2011. P 265-291.

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31. Stock J. T., Bazaliiskii V. I., Goriunova O. I., Savelev N. A., Weber A.W. Skeletal morphology, climatic adaptation and habitual behavior among the Mid-Holocene populations of the Cis- Baikal // Prehistoric huntergatherers of the Baikal region, Siberia: Bioarchaeological studies of past life ways / Ed. Weber A. W, Katzenberg M. A., Schurr T. G. Philadelphia: Univ. of Pennsylvania Press, 2010. P 193-216.

32. Weiss E. Sex differences in humeral bilateral asymmetry in two hunter-gatherer populations: California amerinds and British Columbian amerinds // American Journal of Physical Anthropology. 2009. Vol. 140. P. 19-24.


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20. Avetisyan P., Melikyan V., Hakhverdyan A., Chazin H., Harutyunyan T. The dynamics of socio-cultural transformations from the 20th-19th to the 8th-7th centuries BC (based on the results of excavations at the Karashamb necropolis). In: Archaeology of Armenia in regional context II. International Conference dedicated to the 60th Anniversary of the Institute of Archaeology and Ethnography. Yerevan, 9th-11th of July, 2019, pp. 31-32.

21. Buikstra J. E., Ubelaker D. H. Standards of data collection from human skeletal remains. Arkansas Archaeol. Survey Research Series, iss. 44. Fayetteville, 1994. 218 p.

22. Capasso L., Kennedy K., Wilczak C. Atlas of occupational markers on human remains. Ter- amo, Edigrafital S.P.A., 1999. 183 p.

23. Goodman A. H., Martin D. L., Armelagos G. J., Qark G. Indications of stress from bones and teeth. In: Paleopathology at the origins of agriculture. N. Y., 1984, pp. 13-49.

24. Khudaverdyan A. Trauma in human remains from Bronze Age and Iron Age archaeological sites in Armenia. In: Bioarchaeology of the Near East, 2014, no. 8, pp. 28-52.

25. Khudaverdyan A. Short report of traumatic injuries from Khor Hor cave (Armenia). In: Paleopathology Newsletter, 2016, no. 176, pp. 17.

26. Khudaverdyan A. Tumpline Deformation on Skulls from Late Bronze and Early Iron Age Armenia: A Cause of Enigmatic Cranial Superstructures? In: Mankind Quarterly, 2018, vol. 59 (1), pp. 8-30.

27. Lazaridis I., Nadel D., Rollefson G., Merrett D. C., Rohland N., Mallick S., Fernandes D., Novak M., Gamarra B., Sirak K., Connell S., Stewardson K., Harney E., Fu Q., GonzalezFortes G., Jones E. R., Roodenberg S. A., Len-gyel G., Bocquentin F., Gasparian B., Monge J. M., Gregg M., Eshed V., Mizrahi A.-S., Meiklejohn Ch., Gerritsen F., Bejenaru L., Blьher M., Campbell A., Cavalleri G., Comas D., Froguel Ph., Gilbert E., Kerr Sh. M., Kovacs P., Krause J., Darren McGettigan D., Merrigan M., Merriwether D. A., O'Reilly S., Richards M. B., Semino O., Shamoon-Pour M., Stefanescu G., Stumvoll M., Tцnjes A., Torroni A., Wilson J. F., Yengo L., Hovhannisyan N. A., Patterson N., Pinhasi R., Reich D. Genomic insights into the origin of farming in the ancient Near East. In: Nature, 2016, vol. 536, no. 25, pp. 419-424.

28. Lieverse A. R., Stock J., Katzenberg M. A., Haverkort C. M. The Bioarchaeology of habitual activity and dietary change in the Siberian Middle Holocene. In: Pinhasi R., Stock J. T., eds. Human Bioarchaeology of the Transition to Agriculture, Chichester, Wiley-Blackwell, 2011, pp. 265-291.

29. Rosen A., Ophir D., Marshak G. Acute Mastoiditis: A Review of 69 Cases. In: Annals of Otology, Rhinology and Laryngology, 1986, no. 95, pp. 222-224.

30. Stanievich J. F., Bluestone C. D., Lima J. A., Michaels R. H., Rohn D., Effron M. Z. Microbiology of Chronic and Recurrent Otitis Media with Effusion in Young Infants. In: Intern. Journal of Pediatric Otorhinolaryngology, 1981, no. 3, pp. 137-143.

31. Stock J., Bazaliiskii V, Goriunova O., Savelev N., Weber A. Skeletal morphology, climatic adaptation and habitual behavior among the Mid-Holocene populations of the Cis-Baikal. In: Weber A.W., Katzenberg M. A., Schurr T. G., eds. Prehistoric huntergatherers of the Baikal region, Siberia: Bioarchaeological studies of past life ways. Philadelphia, Univ. of Pennsylvania Press, 2010, pp. 193-216.

32. Weiss E. Sex differences in humeral bilateral asymmetry in two hunter-gatherer populations: California amerinds and British Columbian amerinds. In: American Journal of Physical Anthropology, 2009, vol. 140, pp. 19-24.

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