The influences of A.V. Chayanov and Teodor Shanin on the English-language historiography of peasants in the Russian Empire
The article examines the conclusions that the first-wave of scholarship on the peasantries of the Russian Empire produced. It shows how the ideas of Chayanov and Shanin remained dominant but were challenged by archival sources, history on regional levels.
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Дата добавления | 10.01.2022 |
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In conclusion, this foray into the evolving English-language historiography on peasants in Imperial Russia since the 1980s shows that the influences of Chayanov's and Shanin's thinking were strongest in the first phase of that historiography, which lasted a couple of decades. This was a period when interest in the peasant family, household structures, peasant economy, and functioning of the commune was at its highest. In tandem with this interest, scholars began to turn more and more to women's roles in a patriarchal culture within both household and community. At the same time, although scholars had always been critical in evaluating their sources, those sources themselves by the mid-1990s became the subject of historical inquiry. Historians were beginning to pay more attention to intellectual and cultural history. Several scholars began to dissect the writings that had been produced by contemporary observers and commentators to reveal their ideologies which shaped what they wrote and thought about peasants. This post-structural criticism also applied to the scientific gathering of statistics after emancipation and the overall con-clusions of those statistics. That criticism was not done in isolation but was part and parcel of a larger questioning of statistics in general by historians studying modernizing bureaucracies around the world.
The discovery that the backwardness and traditionalism of Russian and Ukrainian peasants, which dominated the thinking of the late Imperial Russian elites, was in essence a construct rather than a mirror of reality had a dramatic impact upon the study of peasants. The opening of the archives in Russia and the newly independent Ukraine after 1991 as well as newer historical approaches also fostered new inquiries. The English-language works of the early twenty-first century on the peasantries in Imperial Russia nevertheless do engage with the ideas of Chayanov and particularly Shanin as well as the government reformers and specialists of late Imperial Russia. They are still evaluating the centripetal and centrifugal forces within peasant societies that Shanin identified and in doing so are revealing more complex and evolving peasant societies and forces that allowed upward mobility among peasants. More case studies, sustained comparative work to include non-Russian and non-Ukrainian agriculturalists, and the continuing engagement with religious studies, environmental history, legal history, colonial history, and other approaches will reveal further understandings of not only peasants but also society as a whole in Imperial Russia.
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