Нэповская модель модернизации: к вопросу о возможностях и проблемах (на примере крестьянско-казачьих хозяйств Юга России)
Рассмотрение новой экономической политики в контексте прерванной рыночной модернизации в истории России и перехода к государственно-плановой модернизации. Изучение особенностей формирования новых экономических отношений в рамках реформ 1921-1929 гг.
Рубрика | История и исторические личности |
Вид | статья |
Язык | русский |
Дата добавления | 08.01.2022 |
Размер файла | 77,8 K |
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11. Danilov V. P. Social'no-ekonomicheskie ukladyi d sovetskoj dokolhoznoj derevne [Socio-economic structures in the Soviet pre-collective farm village]. Novaya ekonomicheskaya politika. Voprosyi teorii I istorii [New Economic Policy. Questions of theory and history]. Moscow, “Nauka” Publ., 1974, pp. 58-79. (In Russian).
12. Dmitrenko V. P. Chetyre izmereniya nepa [Four dimensions of the NEP]. Voprosy istorii KPSS [Questions of the history of the CPSU], 1991, no. 3, рр. 125-132. (In Russian).
13. Zhiromskaya V. B. Posle revolyucionnyh bur': naselenie Rossii v seredine 20-h godov [After the revolutionary storms: the population of Russia in the mid-20s]. Moscow; Berlin, “Direkt-Media” Publ., 2019, 200 р. (In Russian).
14. Ivanov V. V. Sovetskoe gosudarstvo i krest'yanstvo v 1920-1927 gg.: opyt vzaimovliyaniya (na materialah Priangar'ya) [The Soviet state and the peasantry in 1920-1927: the experience of mutual influence (on the materials of the Angara region)]. Avtoref. dis.... kand. ist. nauk [Dissertation abstract for the degree of candidate of historical sciences]. Irkutsk [n. a.], 2017, 23 р. (In Russian).
15. Il'inyh V. A. Kommerciya na hlebnom fronte (Gosudarstvennoe regulirovanie hlebnogo rynka v usloviyah NEPa. 1921-1927 gg.) [Commerce on the grain front (State regulation the grain market in the conditions of NEP. 19211927)]. Novosibirsk, “Nauka” Publ., 1992, 222 р. (In Russian).
16. Katorgin 1.1. Istoricheskij opyit KPSS po osuschestvleniyu novoj ekonomicheskoj politiki (1921-1925) [The historical experience of the CPSU in implementing the new economic policy (1921-1925)]. Moscow, “Mysl” Publ., 1971. 432 p. (In Russian).
17. Korchagin D. M. Sovetskie izbiratel'nye kampanii 1920-h godov. Na materialah Kubano-CHernomor'ya [Soviet election campaigns of the 1920s. On the materials of the Kuban-black sea region]. Avtoref. dis. kand. ist. nauk [Dissertation abstract for the degree of candidate of historical sciences]. Moscow [n. a.], 2003, 18 р. (In Russian).
18. Levin A. Ya. Social'no-ekonomicheskie ukladyi v SSSR v period perehoda ot kapitalizma k socializmu [Socioeconomic systems in the USSR during the transition from capitalism to socialism]. Moscow, “Economics” Publ., 1967, 166 p. (In Russian).
19. Lenin V. I. O kooperacii [On cooperation]. Poln. sobr. soch. [Full composition of writings]. Moscow, “Izd-vo politicheskoj literatury” Publ., 1978, vol. 45, pp. 369-377. (In Russian).
20. Materialy okrtorga k dokladu na V plenuma Kubokruzhkoma VKP(b) i OPKK o hlebozagotovkah. 1929 g. [Materials okrtorga to the report on the V Plenum of the Cup Committee of the CPSU (b) and opkk on grain procurement in 1929]. Centr dokumentacii novejshej istorii Krasnodarskogo kraya (CDNI KK) [Center for documentation of the modern history of the Krasnodar territory]. (in Russian, unpublished).
21. Matyugin A. A., Chugaev D. A. SSSR v period perehoda na mirnuju rabotu po vosstanovleniyu narodnogo hozyajstva [USSR during the transition to peaceful work to restore the national economy (1921-1925)]. Moscow, Moscow State University Press, 1952, 200 p. (In Russian).
22. Mau V. A. Gosudarstvo i ekonomika: opyt ekonomicheskih reform [State and economy: experience of economic reforms]. Moscow, “Delo” RANHiGS Publ., 2017, 624 p. (In Russian).
23. Na novyih putyah. Itogi novoj ekonomicheskoj politiki 1921-1922 gg. V 5 vyip. [On new ways. Results of the new economic policy of 1921-1922 In 5 vol.] / ed. by V.P. Milyutin, A.M. Lezhava, S.G. Strumilin et al. Moscow: Publ. House of the Council of Labor and Defense, 1923, issue 1, 423 p. (In Russian).
24. Nikulin V. V. Vlast' i obshchestvo v 20-e gody. Politicheskij rezhim v period nepa. Stanovlenie i funkcionirovanie (1921-1929 gg.) [Power and society in the 20s. Political regime during the NEP period. Formation and functioning (1921-1929)]. Saint-Petersburg, “Nestor” Publ., 1997, 193 р. (In Russian).
25. Novaya ekonomicheskaya politika. Voprosyi teorii I istorii [New economic policy. Questions of theory and history] / ed. by Yu.A. Polyakov. Moscow, “Nauka” Publ., 1974, 360 p. (In Russian).
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26. Oskolkova E. D. Problemyi metodologii I istoriografii leninskoj koncepcii nepa [Problems of methodology and historiography of the Lenin's concept of NEP]. Rostov-on-Don, Rostov University Press, 1981, 192 p. (In Russian).
27. Otchyot Kubanskogo okruzhkoma v CK VKP(b) 1928 [Report of the Kuban district Committee of the Central Committee of the CPSU(b) 1928]. CDNI KK [Center for documentation of the modern history of the Krasnodar territory]. (in Russian, unpublished).
28. Pavlyuchenkov S. A., Amanzholova D. A., Buldakov V. P. Rossija nepovskaya [NEP Russia]. Moscow, “New chronograph” Publ., 2002, 468 p. (In Russian).
29. Pankova-Kozochkina T. V., Bondarev V. A. Kazach'e-krest'yanskoe hozyajstvo epohi nepa: problemy modernizatsii agrarnyh otnoshenij na Yuge Rossii [Cossack-peasant economy of the NEP era: problems of modernization of agrarian relations in the South of Russia]. Novocherkassk, “Lik” Publ., 2012, 266 р. (In Russian).
30. Perekhov Ya. A. Vlast' i kazachestvo: poisk soglasiya [Power and Cossacks: the search for consent]. Rostov-on- Don, “Gefest” Publ., 1997, 137 р. (In Russian).
31. Pis'ma i zayavleniya krest'yan rukovoditelyam partii i pravitel'stva, i drugie materialy o polozhenii v derevne, yanvar' 1925 g. [Letters and statements of peasants to the leaders of the party and government, and other materials on the situation in the village, January 1925]. RGASPI [Russian state archive of socio-political history]. (in Russian, unpublished).
32. Plenum CK VKP(b) 10-17 noyabrya 1929 g. [Plenum of the Central Committee of the CPSU (b) 10-17 November 1929]. Kommunisticheskaya partiya Sovetskogo Soyuza v rezolyuciyah s'ezdov, konferencij i plenumov CK. Chast' II. 1925-1953. Moscow, “Izd-vo politicheskoj literatury” Publ., 1953, 1204 р. (In Russian).
33. Protokol zasedanij plenumov Kubanskogo okruzhnogo komiteta RKP(b) 17.07.1924 g. [Minutes of plenary sessions of the Kuban district Committee of the RCP(b) 17.07.1924]. CDNI KK [Center for documentation of the modern history of the Krasnodar territory]. (in Russian, unpublished).
34. Protokol zasedanij plenumov Kubanskogo okruzhnogo komiteta RKP(b) (prodolzhenie)17.07.1924 g. [Minutes of plenary sessions of the Kuban district Committee of the RCP (b) (continued) 17.07.1924]. CDNI KK [Center for documentation of the modern history of the Krasnodar territory]. (in Russian, unpublished).
35. Protokol zasedaniya byuro Kubanskogo okruzhnogo komiteta RKP(b) (prodolzhenie) 1-28 iyulya 1924 g. [Minutes of the meeting of the Bureau of the Kuban district Committee of the RCP (b) (continued) July 1-28, 1924]. CDNI KK [Center for documentation of the modern history of the Krasnodar territory]. (in Russian, unpublished).
36. Protokol kooperativnogo soveshchaniya pri Kubanskom okruzhnom komitete RKP(b) 1924 g. [Minutes of the cooperative meeting of the Kuban district Committee of the RCP(b) in 1924] CDNI KK [Center for documentation of the modern history of the Krasnodar territory]. (in Russian, unpublished).
37. Protokol zasedaniya komissii pri krajkome RKP(b) po voprosu o rajonirovanii 12.12.1924 g. [Minutes of the meeting of the Commission under the regional Committee of the RCP (b) on the issue of zoning 12.12.1924]. CDNI KK [Center for documentation of the modern history of the Krasnodar territory]. (in Russian, unpublished).
38. Savel'ev V. A. Evolyuciya hozyajstvennyh predstavlenij krest'yanstva i kazachestva na Donu i Kubani v usloviyah novoj ekonomicheskoj politiki (1921-1929 gg.). [Evolution of economic ideas of the peasantry and Cossacks on the don and Kuban in the new economic policy (1921-1929)]. Avtoref. dis.... kand. ist. nauk [Dissertation abstract for the degree of candidate of historical sciences]. Armavir [n. a.], 2009, 26 р. (In Russian).
39. Svodki Informotdela CK RKP(b) i OGPU s materialami o politicheskom i ekonomicheskom rassloenii derevni o proyavleniyah antikommunizma krest'yanstvom rabochim klassom, o krest'yanskom soyuze, maj 1925 g. [Reports of the information Department of the Central Committee of the RCP(b) and the OGPU with materials about the political and economic stratification of the village about the manifestations of anti-communism by the peasantry of the working class, about the peasant Union, may 1925]. RGASPI [Russian state archive of socio-political history]. (in Russian, unpublished).
40. Stenogramma 1-oj Kubanskoj okruzhnoj konferencii RKP(b) 15.07.1924 g. [Transcript of the 1st Kuban district conference of the RCP(b) 15.07.1924]. CDNI KK [Center for documentation of the modern history of the Krasnodar territory]. (in Russian, unpublished).
41. Telegrammy v Severo-Kavkazskij krajkom VKP(b) 1928 g. [Telegrams to the North Caucasus region of the CPSU(b) in 1928]. CDNI KK [Center for documentation of the modern history of the Krasnodar territory]. (in Russian, unpublished).
42. Tikidzh'yan R. G. Novaya ekonomicheskaya politika sovetskogo gosudarstva i problema predstavitel'stva donskih kazakov v organah vlasti i samoupravleniya v 1920-e gody [The new economic policy of the Soviet state and the problem of representation of the don Cossacks in government and self-government in the 1920s]. Vestnik Volgogradskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta. Serija 4. Istorija [Bulletin of the Volgograd State University. Series 4. History], 2011, no. 1 (19), pp. 18-24. (In Russian).
43. Shepeleva V. B. NEP, stalinizm I sovetskaya katastrofa: kollizii sovremennoj istoriografii [NEP, Stalinism and the Soviet catastrophe: collisions of modern historiography]. Vestnik Omskogo universiteta. Serija “Istoricheskie nauki” [Bulletin of the Omsk University. Series “Historical Sciences”], 2018, no. 1 (17), pp. 102-108. (In Russian).
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