Дослідження подій "Зеленої брами": історіографічний аспект

Аналіз початкового етапу німецько-радянської війни, оточення 6-ї і 12-ї армій у липні-серпні 1941 року, причин масового потрапляння в полон червоноармійців, їх утримання в німецьких концентраційних таборах. Оточення вогневе: трагедія героїв Зеленої Брами.

Рубрика История и исторические личности
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Язык украинский
Дата добавления 16.12.2020
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16. Potylchak, O.V. (1999). Exploitation of manpower resources of Ukraine by Hitlerite Germany during the years of occupation: dissertation for the degree of candidate of historical sciences. Kyiv: National Pedagogical University M.P. Dragomanov (in Ukr.)

17. Stetskevich, V. (2010). Soviet historiography of World War II. Ukrayina v Druhiy svitoviy viyni: pohlyad z XXI st. Istorychni narysy. Knyha persha. NAN Ukrayiny, Instytut istoriyi Ukrayiny (Ukraine in World War II: the view from the 21st century. Historical essays. Volume 1. NAS of Ukraine, Institute of History of Ukraine). Kyiv: Naukova Dumka (Academic thought), 43-82 (in Ukr.)

18. Fasolnyak, Y. Y. (2012). Some aspects of Uman defensive operation in the light of new documents. Pereyaslav- Khmelnitsky: Naukovi zapysky z ukrayins'koyi istoriyi: zbirnyk naukovykh stattey (Academic transactions in Ukrainian History: academic bulletin), issue 29, 240-244 (in Ukr.)

19. Shevchenko, S. (2011). In Babenko, O. (Ed.). The historiography of defensive battles in Kirovograd Region in summer of 1941 (local history studies of Soviet period and the period of independent Ukraine). Krayeznavchyy visnyk Kirovohradshchyny (Local History bulletin of Kirovograd Region), issue VI. Kirovohrad: Central Ukraine publishing house, 27-34 (in Ukr.)

20. Mdller, C. (2001). Mass extinction - Stalag 305 in Ukraine in 1941-1944. - MPhil: Schulenburg-Leine (in Germ.)

21. Schtrait, K. (2009). Trans. from German by I. Diakonov. «They are not our brothers». Wehrmacht and Soviet prisoners of war in 1941-1945. Moscow: Russian historical society (in Russ.)

22. The warfare of Germany against the Soviet Union, 1941-1945: documentary exposition. (1994). Ryurupa, R. (Ed.), transl. from German by T. Pereverzeva. Berlin: Blank & Reschke (in Russ.)

23. Tippelskirch, K. von. (2001). History of World War II 1939-1945. Transl. from German by M. A. Zakharchenko. Moscow: ACT; St.Petersburg: Poligon (in Russ.)

24. Schtrait, K. (2005). Soviet prisoners of war in Germany. Vtoraya myrovaya voyna: vzhlyad yz Hermanyy (World War II: view from Germany). Moscow: Eksmo; Yausa, 233 -258 (in Russ.)

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26. Shevchenko, V. (2008). Fascist occupation regime in Ukrain and the fate of prisoners of war (1939-1944). Military captivity and internment. 1939-1956. View in 60 years: materials of international scientific conference. Kyiv: Parliament publishing house (in Ukr.)

27. Vronska, T. V. (2015). In O. E. Lysenko (Ed.). The militaries in encirclement of the first «pockets» in 1941: right and suppression. Traven' 1945 roku u naukovomu dyskursi, natsional'niy svidomosti ta istorychniy pam'yati: zb. materialiv mizhnar. nauk. konf. (May 1945 in academic survey, national consciousness and historical memory: bulletin of materials of international scientific conference). Kyiv: HUOU (in Ukr.)

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30. Pastushenko, T. (2014). In O. E. Lysenko (Ed.). From the outlaw to the «unknown hero» of war. The character of a Soviet prisoner of war in the official ideology and Soviet literature. Borot'ba za Ukrayinu v 1943-1944 rr.: vlada, zbroyni syly, suspil'stvo. Zb. nauk. prats' (Struggle for Ukraine in 1943-1944: power, armed forces, society. Collected research papers). Kyiv: Institute of History of Ukraine of NASU, 587-597 (in Ukr.)

31. Levykin, V., & Pastushenko, T. (2011). On both sides of the front: the problem of Soviet prisoners of war in World War II. Ukrayina v Druhiy svitoviy viyni: pohlyad z XXI st. Istorychni narysy. U dvokh knyhakh. Knyha druha (Ukraine in World War II: the view from the 21st century. Historical essays. In two volumes. Volume 2). NAS of Ukraine, Institute of History of Ukraine. Kyiv: Naukova Dumka (Academic thought), 340-385 (in Ukr.)

32. Pastushenko, T. (2015). In O. E. Lysenko (Ed.). Breakout of Kiev encirclement by the Red Army units in 1941: reasons for defeat and losses. Storinky voyennoyi istoriyi Ukrayiny: zbirnyk naukovykh statey (Pages of military history of Ukraine: collected research papers). Kyiv: Institute of History of Ukraine of NASU, issue 17, 61-76 (in Ukr.)

33. Vronska, T. V., & Pastushenko,T. V. (2015). The back side of the war: historical and social legal portrait of Soviet people in encirclement. Ukrayins'kyy istorychnyy zhurnal (Ukrainian historical journal), 2, 22-41(in Ukr.)

34. Zabolotny, O. M.(2012). The status of Soviet prisoners of war on the territory of Ukraine 1941 -1944: dissertation for the degree of candidate of historical sciences. Kiev: National University T. Shevchenko (in Ukr.)

35. Myahkiy, I. M. (2015).Concentration camps of prisoners of war in Ukraine in 1941 -1943 (in accordance with the documents of CSAGA of Ukraine). Arkhivy Ukrayiny (Archives of Ukraine), issue 3, 101-114 (in Ukr.)

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40. Krymovska, S. (2012, May). Uman gives back the names to «Soviet traitors» posthumously: ascertainment of the names of the fallen in «Uman pocket». Molod Cherkashchyny (Youth of Cherkasy Region) (in Ukr.)

41. Hryhorenko, T. V. (2013). History of Uman District: bibliographical guide. Uman: «Vizavi» publishing house (in Ukr.)

42. Melnichenko, M. (1994, November). Uman pocket: genocide closely. Cherkaskiy kraj (Cherkasy Region) (in Ukr.)

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56. Datsenko, V. (2015, April). To the memory of those who have passed through the hell of Nazi death camps. The first electronic newspaper. Retrieved from http://persha.kr.ua/news/42420-pamyati-tix-xto-projshov-cherez- peklo-nacistskix-taboriv-smerti.html (in Ukr.)

57. Kovalchuk, M. (2006). Fire encirclement: heroic deed and tragedy of Zelena Brama heroes: fiction and documentary story about a little known page in history at the beginning of the Great Patriotic War. Ternopil: Aston (in Ukr.)

58. Panasenko, O. V. (2014). Pages in history of Kirovohrad Region occupation 1942-1944. Concentration camp at Abadash station. Mizh Buhom i Dniprom. Naukovo-krayeznavchyy visnyk Tsentral'noyi Ukrayiny (Between the Bug and the Dnieper. Scientific and local history bulletin of Central Ukraine), issue II. Kirovohrad: Central Ukraine publishing house, 264-271(in Ukr.)

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