Джерелознавчі аспекти реконструкції етнічної історії східних слов’ян у сучасній українській історіографії

Характеристика методів реконструкції етнічної історії спільнот східних слов’ян домонгольської доби. Аналіз неписемних джерел у реконструкціях середньовічної етноісторії. Аналіз особливостей залучення археологічних джерел до етноісторичних реконструкцій.

Рубрика История и исторические личности
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Язык украинский
Дата добавления 15.12.2020
Размер файла 46,2 K

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17. Kazakevych, G. (2015). Oriental Celts: Cultures, Identities, Historiographical Structures. Kyiv. (in Ukr.)

18. Voloshchuk, M. (2014). «Rus» in the Hungarian kingdom (XI - second half of the XIV century.): Sociopolitical role, property relations, migration. Ivano-Frankivsk. (in Ukr.)

19. Voitovych, L. (2009). «Bavarian Geographer»: An attempt to ethnolocalize the population of Central and Eastern Europe in the IX c. Ukrainian Historical Magazine, 5, 12-34. Kyiv. (in Ukr.)

20. Voitovych, L. (2016). «Bavarian geographer»: attempts to ethnolocalize the population of Central and Eastern Europe in the IX c. Studia historica Europae Orientalis (Research on the history of Eastern Europe), 9, 16-51. Minsk. (in Russ.)

21. Baran, V. (2004). State-building and ethno-cultural processes in the period of Kievan Rus. In: The truth is established by the court of history, vol. 2, 82-101. Kyiv. (in Ukr.)

22. Koncha, S. (2012). Slavic tribes from Ukraine according to the description ofthe Bavarian Geographer. Bulletin of the Kiev National University, 16, 19-25. Kyiv. (in Ukr.)

23. Musin, A. (2015). A serious application of the historical and philological direction of the newest Kiev school of the history of Ancient Rus (review: Vilkul, T. (2015). Chronicle and Chronograph, pre-Mongolian chronicles in Kyiv. Kyiv). In: V. Aleksandrovich (ed.). Kniaz 'Age: history and culture, 9, 288-310. Lviv. (in Russ.)

24. Vilkul, T. (2015). Chronographic component of the pre-Mongolian chronicles ofKiev and the origin of ancient chronographs. Dissertation of doctor of sciences (history). Kyiv. Institute of History of Ukraine of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine. (in Ukr.)

25. Vilkul, T. (2008). Ladoga or Novgorod? Paleoslavica, 16, No. 2, 272-280. Cambridge. (in Russ.)

26. Vilkul, T. (2015). Chronicle and chronograph. Studies from the pre-Mongolian Kiev annals. Kyiv. (in Ukr.)

27. Tolochko, P. (2003). Russian chronicles and chroniclers of the X-XIII centuries. St. Petersburg. (in Russ.); Tolochko, P. (2008). Editorial Tale of the interim years of Abbot Sylvester: historical reality or scholarly fiction. Ruthenica, 7, 130-139. Kyiv. (in Russ.); Tolochko, A. (2008). Reconsidering the prescription of Sylvester 1116. Ruthenica, 7, 154-165. Kyiv. (in Russ.).

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29. Vilkul, T. (2009). People and the prince in ancient Russian chronicles in the middle ofthe 11th-13th centuries. Moscow. (in Russ.)

30. Tolochko, A. (2015). The essays of primary rus. Kyiv; St. Petersburg. (in Russ.)

31. Kotlyar, N. (1998). Old-Rus statehood. St. Petersburg. (in Russ.)

32. Tolochko, P. (2003). Rusian chronicles and chroniclers ofthe 10th - 13th centuries. St. Petersburg. (in Russ.)

33. Rychka, V. (2009). «All royal army» (power of Kyivan Rus). Kyiv. (in Ukr.)

34. Plokhy, S. (2015). Origin of Slavic nations. Premodern Identities in Ukraine, Russia andBelarus. Kyiv. (in Ukr.)

35. Momryk, A. (2005). Formation of the concepts of ethnogenesis of the Ukrainian people (historiography of the problem). Thesis of PhD (ethnology). Kyiv. (in Ukr.)

36. Pryhodniuk, O. (1996). Nestor version of the settlement of Slavs from the Poduniavia (experience of chronological stratification and historical interpretation). In: O. Pryhodniuk (ed.). Materials of Im. AD on archeology and history of Ukraine and Hungary, 64-79. Kyiv. (in Ukr.)

37. Tolochko, O., Tolochko, P. (1998). Kyivan Rus. Kyiv. (in Ukr.)

38. Tolochko, A. (2002). Imagined Nationality. Ruthenica, 1, 112-117. Kyiv. (in Russ.)

39. Pryhodniuk, O. (2001). Steppe population of Ukraine and eastern Slavs (second half of the 1st millennium BC). Kyiv; Chernivtsi. (in Ukr.)

40. Aristov, V. (2011). Early chronicle of the streets, Drevlyans and Sveneld (to discuss about the ideas of O. Shakhmatov). Ukrainian Historical Magazine, 6, 172-182. Kyiv. (in Ukr.)

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42. Tolochko, O. (1992). «The image of a stranger» in the picture of the world of pre-Mongol Rus. Medievalia Ucrainica: mentality and history of ideas, 1, 26-46. Kyiv. (in Ukr.)

43. Plokhy, S. (2006). The Origins of the Slavic Nations: Premodern Identities in Russia, Ukraine, and Belarus. Cambridge.

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45. Vilkul, T. (2003). On the manifestations of local patriotism («ours» in the chronicles of the 11th - 13th centuries). In L. Repina (ed.). Images of the past and collective identity in Europe before the beginning of the New Age, 311-320. (in Russ.)

46. Vinogradov, G. (2008). Old Russian statehood as a metanarrative. Eidos: an almanac of theory and history of historical science, 3, part 1, 106-119. Kyiv. (in Ukr.)

47. Tolochko, O. (1991). To the prehistory of «Rus' land» ofthe XI-XIII centuries. Archeology, 4, 34-42. Kyiv. (in Ukr.)

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