The state structure of the grand duchy of Lithuania in light of historiographical concepts

An examination of the lands of the former Kievan Rus and Ukraine that were part of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania. History of the Gediminovich Dynasty. Historical and legal study of the formation of the state system of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania.

Рубрика История и исторические личности
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Язык английский
Дата добавления 21.04.2020
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In contemporary historiography, the critic of the so-called "federal concept" is Lithuanian researcher Z. Norcus. The methodological basis was the teaching by M. Romerys one of the most famous theorists of the state. When developing the classification for forms of state structure, he proposed to add to the classic three types (federation, confederation, unitary state) the fourth one empire (Norkus, 2016: 139). In fact, Z. Norcus, considering this theory and analyzing the works of many historians, came to the following conclusion: "We will not find sufficient reasons to consider the GDL to be a federation. There was no equality between the lands that formed the GDL. The metropolis and the rest of lands "annexes" ...had been bound by the relations of subordination. The Rus lands did not have parity representation in the central authorities of the GDL or in its ruling elite. The "annex" is not an equal member of a constituted state, as it should be in the federation" (Norkus, 2016: 256). Moreover, the scientist believes that exactly the arguments of the supporters for "the federal character of the GDL system ... testify about something quite different, namely, showing not the federal but imperial character of the GDL" (Norkus, 2016: 264).

So, let's summarize. To date, there is no thoroughly historical and legal study in historical science that would solve the problem of determining the state structure of the GDL. The coryphaeuses in lithuanistics (M. Lyubavsky, M. DovnarZapolsky, etc.), followed by other scholars (including the modern ones), claimed the federal character of the entire state. This concept received reasoned criticism from scholars of different periods. However, not all of them offered their own classification option. The exceptions are the works of V. Zaikin and Z. Norkus. Their conclusions are fully reasoned and have the right to exist. At the same time, in our opinion, V. Zaikin pointed out the algorithm for solving the problem, paying attention to the possible periods of change in the form of the state structure of the GDL. It is quite clear that the state structure of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania before the beginning of Vitovt reign was completely changed during his rule (a vivid example is the political and legal status of the Podil Principality). Becides various reforms in the GDL after Vitovt could not help but touch to the political and legal sphere. Therefore, in our view, there is now a need for specialized historical studies to address this complex problem. This need is emphasized by the fact that the GDL authorities had consistently declared compliance with the principle of "we do not move antiquities and we do not introduce innovations", which did not correspond to practical realities.

grand duchy lithuania history


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