Вчені-сходознавці в науковому та громадському житті Одеси (ХІХ–початок ХХ ст.)

Одеса як епіцентр торгових і дипломатичних відносин зі Сходом. Вивчення країн Сходу в одеських навчальних закладах та наукових організаціях з першої третини XIX ст. Роль Одеського товариства історії у накопиченні і примноженні сходознавчого матеріалу.

Рубрика История и исторические личности
Вид автореферат
Язык украинский
Дата добавления 13.08.2015
Размер файла 50,4 K

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Традиции ориенталистики в Одессе были прерваны революционными событиями 1917 г., гражданской войной и последующим закрытием Новороссийского университета и Одесского общества истории и древностей.

Ключевые слова: восток, Одесса, институт Восточных языков, Ришельевский лицей, Новороссийский университет, Одесское общество истории и древностей.


Skripnik V. V. Scientists-orientalists in scientific and public life of Odessa (ХІХ - the beginning of the ХХ century). - Manuscript.

Thesis for a candidate degree of historical sciences in specialty 07.00.02 - world history. - Petro Mohyla Black Sea State University. - Mykolayiv, 2010.

In the thesis based on predecessors' works (pre-revolution, Soviet, Ukrainian and Russian historiography) and personal research (archive materials, collections of documents, memoirs, works of scientists-orientalists) the complex investigation of scientific and public activity of Odessa scientists-orientalists in the ХІХ - at the beginning of the ХХ century was conducted.

Due to its geographical position Odessa became the epicenter of trade and diplomatic relationships with East. The society had an urgent necessity in preparing professional orientalists.

On the whole, from the first third of the XIX century an active study of East started in Odessa educational institutions and scientific public organizations. By the first fourth of the ХХ century certain results had been attained. A number of specialists-orientalists graduated from the East Languages Institute of the Richelieu Lyceum and historical-philological department of the Novorossia University. Odessa Association of History and Antiquities played an important part in the multiplication and scientific elaboration of the materials on orientalism. The traditions of orientalism in Odessa were interrupted by the Revolution and Civil war, and the subsequent closure of the Novorossia University and Odessa Association of History and Antiquities.

Key words: East, Odessa, East Languages Institute, Richelieu Lyceum, Novorossia University, Odessa Association of History and Antiquities.

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