Політичні дискусії в Англії з питань колоніальної політики в Африці (1881-1899 рр.)

Досліджено процес територіально-політичного становлення Британської імперії та висвітлені основні положення англійської імперської ідеології. Визначено позицію англійської громадськості стосовно експансіоністської політики Великої Британії в Африці.

Рубрика История и исторические личности
Вид автореферат
Язык украинский
Дата добавления 26.07.2014
Размер файла 45,7 K

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Тhe English-German colonial resistance and the position of parliamentary members was contradictive. It became the reason of many discussions in the parliament. English government tried to reach the compromise in colonial relations with Germany. It raised the negations of politics, which had their own material interests in Africa. But the policy compromise didn't satisfy the demands of both sides and did not give the desired result.

It was certified, that in political discussions appeared contradictions between the basic colonial groups in England. The role of the English government reduced to the fulfilling demand of that group, which is stronger, and which was able to use the parliamentary tribune, press and community views in order to defeat their interests.

So, England's expansive policy in Africa in 1881-1899 was carrying out using powerful ideological base and means of mass propaganda. Correlation of governmental circles and English businessmen, interested in colonial expansion in Africa, was the reason that mass media, social thought and the lobby position of some politicians, as the representatives of such circles, became very vivid in the achievement of political and economical interests of British governed elite.

Key words: liberals, conservatives, Foreign Office, colonial polices, imperialism, political discussions.

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