Соціально-економічний розвиток міст і містечок Галицької землі в другій половині XVI ст. – першій половині XVII ст.
Система адміністративно-правового врядування у галицьких міських населених пунктах. Елементи правових відносин в самоуправлінських містах, їх переваги над приватновласницькими. Роль галицьких міст у внутрішній і зовнішній торгівлі Речі Посполитої.
Рубрика | История и исторические личности |
Вид | автореферат |
Язык | украинский |
Дата добавления | 22.06.2014 |
Размер файла | 47,2 K |
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It was assured, that the formation of the Rich Pospolita put to strengthening of national and religious and socio-economic oppression of the urban population of the Halician Land. In the dissertation the prevailed influence of the agrarian and defensive facts upon some factors is shown , particularly, urbanized processes in cities; the specific character of professional and structures of the urban population; the character of spreading of trade specialties and state of the market. It was setup that the great majority of the Halician cities were private (72,2%) after the lawful status and the tendency of their number on the background of shortening the Royal ownership is shown.
I analyzed the measure of rights, privileges and duties of the urban population according to their legal position .
The peculiarities of the administrative system of Halician cities in connection with their lawful status are regarded.
The main influence of the Mahdeburg Law on the folding up of the structure of the City self-government of the Council of cities is under lined.
I show the essence of the rutenization and juridization and their role in transformation of the classical example of German Municipal Law.
It is proved the capability of the elements of the lawful attitude in the system of the City self-government of the Royal cities.
In the dissertation I showed the evolution of the handicraft industry in connection with technical pr5ogress, economic essence of business and their leading role in conception of marketing.
I analyzed the capacity of the inner and external barter, schedule of goods, the place of Halician cities in transit trade of Rich Pospolita.
It was offered to make up public committee to provide with active participation of the urban citizens in the City Caencil, that is the necessary condition of the formation of democratic municipal system.
Political and lawful status of Halician Land like the Polish province was outlined in the XVI-th century and the national and religious and socio-economic oppression of the local population strengthened.
The further strengthening of farm economy and coming into being of the rent system in the second half of the XVI-th - the first half of the XVII-th century caused the considerable raising of taxes and obligation for urban population like a result of marketability of the magnate-szlachta economy.
The cities of the Halician Lands suited the agrarian and defensive character, which showed itself in the ways of their appearance, the structure of building great raising of their number in researched period. The specific category of cities is explained the professional and social store of their population, the character of spreading of the handicraft professionals and the time of their limited corporation, and also the state of affairs of the internal trade.
The rarity of the structure of Halician cities (Ukrainians were in majority) didn't lead to the complete discharge the latest from the leading posts in the City-Governments and Trade Sections in benefit of Catholics, that existed in other lands of Russky provinces.
The majority of and cities of the Halician Land had the private status (72,2%), that can be explained of the decentralization of the Royal power in Rich Pospolita and of strengthening of the positions of magnates and szlyahta.
The Mahdeburg Law, a part of cities was leaded, by, was influenced by the rutenization and juridization. Thanks to rutenization, the German Law acquired the national peculiarities, included the elements of Russky Law and integrated with the local self-governed traditions. Juridization leaded to dissipation of the urban population like integral unity, strengthened of magnate-szlyahta willfulness and weakening of Poland.
The presence of democratic principles of Mahdeburg Law in council towns, - appointment by election of posts, possibility of appealing to the higher judicial courts, that was connected with the intention of the council control proves the existence of the elements of the legal relations between social groups of the urban population and the political system of the Polish State.
Forming of the law about self-government must be based on the democratic standards of the Mahdeburg Law, the basis of which is the appointment by election of post personalities and their periodical accounts before the urban citizens. The activity of the Control organ (kvadrahintavirat), which will be formed on a voluntary basis and will be at the save time the link between the City Council and the citizens through mass media, can promote the improvement of the modern City Council work.
As a result of the technical progress in limited handicraft of Halician cities the differentiation took place. It caused the increasing of number of handicraft professions and as a result it lead to the increasing of the quantity of goods.
The key words: lawful status; administrative system; agrarian and defensive facts; Mahdeburg law; rutenization, lawful attitude, handicraft industry, business, marketing, juridization.
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