Роль Богдана Лепкого та його творчості в українському національному відродженні (кінець ХІХ - початок ХХ ст.)
Огляд процесу еволюції національно-патріотичного світогляду Б. Лепкого. Аналіз його ролі у поглибленні інтеграції України у світовий культурний процес та популяризації української культури. Вивчення постаті діяча у контексті українсько-польських взаємин.
Рубрика | История и исторические личности |
Вид | автореферат |
Язык | украинский |
Дата добавления | 21.11.2013 |
Размер файла | 49,0 K |
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Дисертація на здобуття наукового ступеня кандидата історичних наук за спеціальністю 07.00.01 - історія України. - Чернівецький державний університет імені Юрія Федьковича, Чернівці, 1999.
У дисертації здійснено комплексне дослідження життя й діяльності Б.С.Лепкого через призму української національної ідеї. Головну увагу приділено змісту, формам і напрямкам цієї діяльності. Розглянуто процес становлення та еволюції національно-патріотичних поглядів діяча. Проаналізована роль його письменницької, наукової, культурно-просвітньої та громадсько-політичної діяльності в українському національному відродженні кінця ХІХ - початку ХХ ст., у піднесенні національної свідомості українського народу. Досліджено постать діяча у контексті українсько-польських взаємин, а також значення Б.Лепкого у популяризації української культури серед інших народів. Встановлено місце Б.Лепкого в історії вітчизняної культури.
Ключові слова: Б.С.Лепкий, українська національна ідея, національна свідомість, Галичина, національне відродження, інтеграція, культурний процес.
Билык Н.И. Роль Богдана Лепкого и его творчества в украинском национальном возрождении (конец ХIX - начало ХХ вв.). - Рукопись.
Диссертация на соискание ученой степени кандидата исторических наук по специальности 07.00.01 - история Украины. - Черновицкий государственный университет имени Юрия Федьковича, Черновцы, 1999.
В диссертации осуществлено комплексное исследование жизни и деятельности Б.С.Лепкого сквозь призму украинской национальной идеи. Главное внимание уделено содержанию, формам и направлениям этой деятельности. Рассмотрено процесс становления и эволюции национально-патриотических взглядов деятеля. Проанализирована роль его писательской, научной, культурно-просветительской и общественно-политической деятельности в украинском национальном возрождении конца XIX - начала ХХ вв., в повышении национального сознания украинского народа. Исследована фигура деятеля в контексте украинско-польских взаимоотношений, а также значение Б.Лепкого в популяризации украинской культуры среди других народов. Установлено место Б.С.Лепкого в истории отечественной культуры.
Ключевые слова: Б.С.Лепкий, украинская национальная идея, национальное сознание, Галиция, национальное возрождение, интеграция, культурный процесс.
Bilyk N.I. Bohdan Lepkyi's role and his creative work in the Ukrainian National Revival (the end of XIX - the beginning of the XX cent.). - Manuscript.
The dissertation for the Candidate Degree in History, Speciality 07.00.01 - History of Ukraine. - Chernivtsy Yu.Fedkovych State University, Chernivtsi, 1999.
The dissertation contains an integrated investigation on the live and work of Bohdan Lepkyi performed in the light of the Ukrainian national idea. The main attention has been dedicated to the content, forms and trends of this work.
A systematic research of interrelated problems of the overall topic - the historiography of the topic and an overview of the bibliography sources; national and patriotic viewpoints of B.Lepkyi; the role of a leader in the Ukrainian national, cultural and statehood revival of the later XIX and early XX centuries; B.Lepkyi's involvement in deepening integration of Ukraine in the global cultural process - has been done on the basis of critical analysis of Ukrainian and foreign bibliography, as well as through introducing new sources of bibliography to the sicentific forum.
The historiography of the topic has been analyzed in the dissertation. The author has proved that the given topic has not been touched upon earlier. The work is based on a wide range of documents from Kyiv, L'viv, Krakow and Berezhany (Ukraine) archives that so far have not been introduced to the scientific arena. Some published documents, memoirs, and newspaper materials have been utilized in the work.
The proces of maturing and evolution of national and patriotic viewpoints of the figure have been analyzed against the background of Ukrainian social and cultural life. The main milestones of the process, and main events influencing it have been found. It has been proved that the political viewpoints of B.Lepkyi were closely linked to the realities of his time. Based on the analysis of B.Lepkyi's outlook, it has been proved that the foundation for the latter was built upon the idea of independent Ukrainian state. National and politicval interests conflicting, B.Lepkyi always gave preference to the former. The idea asserted by B.Lepkyi throughout his life - proclamation of Ukrainian national independence, critical role of cultural and spiritual revival in establishing the statehood, deep understanding of Ukraine-wide issues with regard to international relations, integration of Ukrainian society to the European context - was the keystone in his multi-directional activities.
The writer's, scientific, cultural and enlightment efforts of B.Lepkyi aimed at development and dissemination of the Ukrainian national idea have been analyzed. The influence of B.Lepkyi's creative works on his contemporaries, the present national, cultural and social life of the Ukrainian sociesty has been investigated. The role of the artist in encouraging the overall national thinking has been researched. The dissertation touches upon his poetry, as well as the historic novel “Mazepa”, which play the leading role in establishing the figure in the process of national revival. It has been illustrated that the creative work of the writer was a direct response to the national and liberation processes taking place in Ukraine at that time, it reflected the wide range of national feelings of the Ukrainian people.
The investigation deals with the main scientific and popular science works on the Ukrainian literarture of the scientist. His editing and publishing activities were also touched upon. We have also shown the role of B.Lepkyi in the “Prosvita” and “Ridna Shkola” movements, and pointed to the main trends of his cultural and enlightment efforts. The role of B.Lepkyi as a publicist and orator in the creation of the nation and in Ukrainian social and cultural movements on the verge of the centuries has been described. It has been proved that the united Ukraine was the key idea of the intelectual heritage of B.Lepkyi, whereas the forging of Ukrainian state-building consciousness and the national elite was proclaimed by him as the priority of his multi-directional efforts. B.Lepkyi's patriotic initiative was widely supported by the progressive part of the Ukrainian society, while B.Lepkyi himself started to play the role of one of the leading ideologists of Ukrainian independence at the beginning of the XX century.
The dissertation analyzes the figure of B.Lepkyi in the context of Ukrainian-Polish relations during the period of 1899-1914 and 1926-1941. His role in establishing relationship between the neighbouring peoples in the field of culture, science, education, social and political life has been shown. An investigation has been performed on B.Lepkyi's participation in the activities of the Krakow “Slavic Club”, his personal contacts with the representatives of other nationalities, his role as a professor of Jagellonski University in continued representation of Ukrainian studies in the world.
The main trends of B.Lepkyi's popularization efforts aimed at institutionalisation of the Ukrainian culture among cultures of other peoples has been established. His Ukrainian-to-Polish translator's activities, works written in Polish, which carried an important national and political mission, have also been touched upon. The role of his works translated into foreign languages and published in Polish, Czech, Serbian, German, English, US and Canadian publications in deepening integration of Ukraine into the global cultural process has been emphasized.
The work also focuses on integrated work of B.Lepkyi, which was a sound assertion of the thesis of democracy and human character of the Ukrainian national idea. The role of B.Lepkyi in the history of the national culture has been established. His multi-purpose activities have been described as a phenomenon of national revival of Galitia Ukrainians at the beginning of the XX century, as a vivid example of further growth of national spirit. The dissertation proves that the work of B.Lepkyi was of an all-Ukrainian character. This figure has enjoyed influence on the development of Ukrainian national, cultural, social and political life and consequently played a significant role in the self-assertion the Ukrainian nation and creation of prerequisites for the Ukrainian statehood.
Key words: B.S.Lepkyi, Ukrainian national idea, national consciousness, Galitia, national revival, integration, cultural process.
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