Вплив митрополита Андрея Шептицького на суспільне і культурно-просвітницьке життя в Галичині кінця ХІХ–першої половини ХХ століття
Громадсько-політичне і культурно-освітнє життя українців у Галичині наприкінці ХІХ–на початку ХХ ст. Значення митрополита А. Шептицького у популяризації освіти серед населення Галичини. Роль церкви у навчанні та вихованні підростаючого покоління.
Рубрика | История и исторические личности |
Вид | автореферат |
Язык | украинский |
Дата добавления | 26.09.2013 |
Размер файла | 47,9 K |
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Ключевые слова: митрополит Андрей Шептицкий, Украинская греко-католическая церковь, Галичина, христианство, украинцы, поляки.
Krupa L.L. The influence of metropolitan Andrey Sheptytsky on the modern cultural life and enlightment of Halychyna at the late 19-th, early 20-th centuries.
Dissertation for the attainment of the scientific degree of Candidate of Historical Sciences: Speciality 07.00.01. - History of Ukraine. - Chernivtsi State University named after Yu. Fedkovych, Chernivtsi, 2003.
The dissertation is devoted to the investigation of metropolitan Andrey Sheptytsky's activity, his influence on social, cultural, and educational life of Halychyna at the late 19-th, early 20-th centuries. The author gives the thorough analysis and classification of the referential literature, records, annals and the historiography upon the problem. He also defines gains and shortcomings of native and foreign researchers, which proves the importance and novelty of the given thesis. The main sources of the information for the dissertation were the documentts of Lviv Central State Archive, State Archive of Lviv Oblast`, and manuscripts of Lviv State Scientific Library named after V. Stephanyk.
The author illuminates political, cultural, and economic life of Ukraine in the late 19-th century within Austro-Hungarian Empire, which enables tocomprehend the importance of the metropolitan's work for the social and cultural rebirth of the country. While being in charge of the Greek-Catholic Church of Ukraine metropolitan Sheptytsky was trying to make it a part of the nation's life and the bedrock of the national spirit. The special attention in the complex research is given to the metropolitan's activities in enlightening and political life of Ukraine. The dissertation illustrates that Sheptytsky held his metropolitan's post during the most stressful period in the history of Halychyna and the whole Ukraine; at time, when all means and resources that could help the rebirth of the nation should have been brought into action. Being a priest by his nature and position he could not but participate in spiritual and social life of Halychyna and Ukraine. It is undoubtful that he strived for the freedom for Ukrainians, which he thought, could be achieved only by peaceful ways. He supported no methods of political violence, and thus his relations with such underground organisations like OUN and UPA were distant and reserved. The author describes the relationship of Andrey Sheptytsky with the Polish in between-wars period, during which he definitely held pro- Ukrainian position and strongly condemned Poland's expansion on the east. He also criticised totalitarian regimes of Germany and Russia in the 20's of the 20-th century. He dissertation gives the characteristics of the educational life in Halychyna when Andrey Sheptytsky held the office. It also reveals his assistance in striving of Halychyna's nobility to open the Ukrainian University. It was due to Sheptytsky that this dream came true; due to his participation in political negotiations between the Polish and the Ukrainians. It is as well established that Sheptytsky was engaged with Ukrainian underground university and assisted in the creation of Theological Academy in Lviv in 1928. The metropolitan was interested in Ukrainian educational establishments on a large scale: he donated financial aid to Ukrainian Agricultural Academy in Podebrady (Czechoslovakia); supported Ukrainian students' body in Warsaw. A special attention in the research is given to his collaboration with Shevchenko's Scientific Society, in which he made membership in 1926.
The paper highlights the reasons for interconnection of educational organisations and communities like “The Pedagogical society of Russ”, “Prosvita”, “ Ukrainian school”. It is as well stated that the metropolitan gave financing aid to some national intellectuals to promote their scientific work. He also urged the priests to help Ukrainian education and culture to evolve.
The author claims the metropolitan's initiative and assistance in creation of new Christian, cultural, and legal youth organisations like “Plast”.
Much attention is given to Sheptytsky's founding and boosting of various educational establishments and care for orphans, the number of which dramatically increased after World War II. Poland was trying to updring these orphans as Polish citizens and made them forget about their belonging to Ukrainian nation. The metropolitan managed to organise an active sponsorship to such orphanages with the help from local authority as well as from Diaspora abroad.
Key words: metropolitan Andrey Sheptytsky, Ukrainian Greek-Catholic Church, Halychyna, Christianity, Ukrainian, Poland.
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