Нахождение оптимального метода моделирования трещин гидравлического разрыва пласта в моделях месторождений

Основные уравнения фильтрации жидкости и газа. Характеристика продуктивных коллекторов по гидравлическому разрыву пласта. Проведение исследования литолого-стратиграфического разреза. Особенность главных функций относительных фазовых проницаемостей.

Рубрика Геология, гидрология и геодезия
Вид дипломная работа
Язык русский
Дата добавления 16.05.2017
Размер файла 1,5 M

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окупается в год вложения

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окупается в год вложения

Дисконтированный доход государства, млн.руб



Экономическая эффективность, млн.руб.



1. Экономическая оценка выбора наиболее эффективной системы разработки месторождения «М» (недропользователь ОАО «Томскнефть» ВНК) проведена по месторождению в целом по двум технологическим вариантам разработки месторождения. По совокупности технико-экономических показателей в качестве рекомендуемого был выбран вариант 2.

2. Проект разработки месторождения характеризуется положительной экономической эффективностью. Реализация проекта позволит добыть за проектный период 133 года 44 702 тыс.т. нефти, обеспечить недропользователю дисконтированный доход 19 115 млн. руб., пополнить бюджет государства за проектный период дисконтированными налоговыми платежами и отчислениями в размере 170 455 млн. руб.


Основной целью данной работы являлось нахождение оптимального метода моделирования трещин ГРП в гидродинамических моделях месторождений. Для достижения данной цели в работе был выполнен целый ряд промежуточных задач. Среди этих задач:

· освоение принципов моделирования месторождений;

· получение навыков работы в основных программных комплексах моделирования (Eclipse, Petrel, tNavigator);

· построение и корректная адаптация гидродинамической модели месторождения;

· сравнение трех методов моделирования трещин ГРП;

· Моделирование трещин многостадийного гидравлического разрыва пласта на горизонтальной скважине;

· Анализ полученных результатов.

По результатам данной работы можно сказать, что основная цель достигнута, а задачи выполнены. На начальном этапе работ проведен анализ научно-технической литературы, изучена методика и последовательность построения ГДМ. Затем, сравнив три метода моделирования трещин ГРП, был сделан вывод, что второй и третий подходы являются наиболее корректными для моделирования операции гидравлического разрыва пласта. Первый же подход ограничен, и, по сути, трещина моделируется лишь скин-фактором, без учета ее параметров.

Отдельно можно отметить привлекательность метода с виртуальными перфорациями. За счет своей применимости в любом гидродинамическом симуляторе и корректной адаптации забойного давления с историческими данными разработки, данный метод можно использовать как для моделирования ГРП на вертикальных скважинах, так и для моделирования многостадийного гидравлического разрыва пласта на горизонтальных скважинах. Третий же метод, моделирование трещин в ПО «tNavigator», мы можем использовать лишь только в данном симуляторе, т.к. используются оригинальные ключевые слова.

Список использованных источников

1. Батурин А. Ю. Геолого-технологическое моделирование разработки нефтяных и газонефтяных месторождений. - М: Изд. ВНИИОЭНГ, 2008 - 111 с.+

2. Косентино Л. Системные подходы к изучению пластов. - М. Ижевск: Институт компьютерных исследований, НИЦ «Регулярная и хаотическая динамика», 2007. - 400 с.

3. Каневская Р. Д. Математическое моделирование гидродинамических процессов разработки месторождений углеводородов. - Москва-Ижевск: Институт компьютерных исследований, 2002. - 140 с.

4. Справочное руководство ECLIPSE 2012.2.- Schlumberger.- 2012.- 2771 с.

5. Косентино Л. Системные подходы к изучению пластов. - М. Ижевск: Институт компьютерных исследований, НИЦ «Регулярная и хаотическая динамика», 2007. - 400 с.

6. ГОСТ Р ИСО 26000-2012. Руководство по социальной ответственности. - М: Стандартинформ, 2014. - 23 с.

7. СанПиН Гигиенические требования к микроклимату производственных помещений, утв. Постановлением ГКСЭН России 01. 10. 1996 г. - М.: Информационно-издательский центр Минздрава России, 1997. - 39 с.

8. СанПиН 2.2.1/ Гигиенические требования к естественному, искусственному и совмещенному освещению жилых и общественных зданий. - М.: Минздрав России, 2003 (утв. Главным государственным санитарным врачом РФ 6.04.03 г.)

9. СанПиН 2.2.2/2.4.1340-03 «Гигиенические требования к персональным электронно-вычислительным машинам и организации работы». - М.: Госкомсанэпиднадзор, 2003 (утв. Главным государственным санитарным врачом РВ 13.06. 2003 г.)

10. ГОСТ 12.1.038-82 ССБТ. Электробезопасность. Предельно допустимые уровни напряжений прикосновения и токов.

11. Правила устройства электроустановок. 10-е изд. с изм. и дополн. - Новос: Сибирс. универ. изд-во, 2009. - 512 с.

12. ГОСТ 12.1.019 -79 (с изм. №1) ССБТ. Электробезопасность. Общие требования и номенклатура видов защиты.

13. РД 52.04.186-89 «Руководство по контролю загрязнения атмосферы»

14. Федеральный закон от 22.07.2008 N 123-ФЗ (ред. от 02.07.2013) "Технический регламент о требованиях пожарной безопасности".

15. ГОСТ 12.4.009-83. Пожарная техника для защиты объектов.

16. Постановления Главного государственного санитарного врача Российской Федерации от 03.06.2003 № 118 «О введении в действие санитарно-эпидемиологических правил и нормативов СанПиН 2.2.2/2.4.1340-03»

17. ТОИ Р-45-084-01. «Типовая инструкция по охране труда при работе на персональном компьютере».

18. Трудовой кодекс Российской Федерации от 30.12.2001 № 197-ФЗ (ред. от 28.12.2013) // Собрание законодательства Российской Федерации. - 07.01.2002. - N 1 (Ч. 1). - Ст. 3.

19. Reducing uncertainty with fault-seal analysis, Kip Ceverny, Russell Davies, 2005

20. WPC-19-1935, Dr Song-jiang Dou,2008. The study and application of fault-sealing in complex faulted-block development

21. SPE 59405, R. Sorkhabi, U. Suzuki, and D. Sato, 2000. Structural evaluation of petroleum sealing capacity of faults

22. SPE 21049 R.D. Hutchins and H.T. Dovan, Unocal science &Technology, and B.B. Sandiford, Polymer applications. Aqueous tracers for oilfield Applications.


Methods of fault-sealing determination

For increasing efficiency of oilfields development widely pressure maintenance system is used, which is present by the surface equipment and injection wells for preparation, transportation and injection fluid into reservoir.

On fields with faults traditional methods of pressure maintenance system are not efficient, for this reason it is necessary to form approach how to design this systems on fields with block structure. For answering on this question first of all fault-sealing capacity is necessary to be known. From literature there are some methods of fault-sealing determination such as:

· Tracers investigation ;

· Well-test analysis ;

· Static analysis (from Dagang Oilfield Company, CNPC, China) [20];

· Allan diagrams (juxtaposition triangle diagrams) [19] ;

· Quantitative approaches (Shale Smear Factor(SSF), Clay Smear Potential (SCP), Shale Gouge Ratio (SGR), Effective Shale Gouge Ratio (ESGR)) [21].

Tracers investigations and well-test analysis is practical tools for fault-sealing determination. Static analysis, using of Allan diagrams and quantitative approaches is theoretical methods.

Tracers investigations.

Tracers have been used to determine which producers are affected by injectors, to locate geologic barriers for example sealing faults or channels and to use these data to design and evaluate enhanced oil recovery projects. There are different types of tracers commonly used in the oilfields such as:

· Anions (halides, thiocyanates, nitrates);

· Water soluble tracers (alcohols) ;

· Radioactive chemincals ;

· Fluorescent dyes such as fluorescein, tinopal CBS and rhodamine-B;

· Dichromate and formaldehyde[22] ;

For fault-sealing determination by tracers, injection well and production well (reacted well) selected on both sides of fault. If tracers is detect in production well there is hydrodynamic connection between wells and fault is conduit. Tracers is effective tool to improve the reservoir description knowledge.

Well-test analysis

Well testing is also effective tool for fault sealing determination, moreover this method can solve following questions:

· Permeability and porosity values of reservoir

· Distance to the faults

· Orientation of the fault with respect to the flow directions

· Fault sealing characteristics

Paper SPE-17992-PA represent effective application of pressure transient test specially pressure buildup test for fault-sealing determination. Also in this paper after investigation stage which determined fault-sealing in management stage development plan is improved for more effective production. For fault-sealing determination on Fateh field following methods are used [23]:

Pressure buildup tests for indication of extensive linear flow or bilinear flow periods and fracture half-length

· Interference test to determine the degree of fault conductivity

· Tracer studies to discern the influence of injection wells to the producing wells [23]

Static analysis

This method is offered by Dr Song-jiang Dou from research institute of exploration and development, Dagang oilfield company, CNPC, China. Idea of the method is that fault is selected, then criteria from membership degrees of the fault-sealing properties well be established (from the table 1). And table 2 shows criterion values for fault-sealing determination [20].

Table Criterion Value [20]


Sealing fault


Fairly scaling fault


Poorly scaling fault

Allan diagrams

Based on seismic data and wellbore information, this diagrams demonstrate the juxtaposition relationships across a fault plane.

On triangle diagrams juxtaposition scenario can be analyzed. If sand A juxtaposed against impermeable shale that provides seal. If sand A juxtaposed against sand it is potential point of fluid flow.

Quantitative approaches for fault sealing determination

From the Paper Structural Evaluation of petroleum Sealing capacity of faults quantitative approaches for fault sealing assessments is described.

On fault-sealing affecting many processes such as compaction and catalysis, cementation due to fluid channeling along the fault and clay smearing. Quantitative approaches based on the assessments of clay-smearing.

Clay-smearing is achieved through three processes such as:

· Abrasion of clay by sandstone on grain-scale

· Fault shearing

· Ductile injection of shale from both blocks in fault zone due to contraction and extension

There are four quantitative approaches for clay smearing assessments:

· Shale smear factor (SSF)

· Clay smear potential (CSP)

· Shale gouge ratio (SGR)

· Effective shale gouge ratio (ESGR)

Effective shale gouge ratio is modification of SGR method. This method considered weighting factor of shale into sandstone matrix.

SSF-Most useful when discrete faults of fault segments are the target of fault sealing assessment. CSP-Useful for sealing assessment of various points rather than whole fault plane. SGR is more realistic parameter where alterations of shale and sandstone occur in the reservoir [21]

There are some factors that affecting on fault-sealing capacity. Figure 3 from paper SPE 59405 represents relationships of various parameters that control flow properties of faults.

Other problem in individual project after fault-sealing determination is how to design pressure maintenance system if field divided into blocks by sealing faults.

For effective planning and management of pressure maintenance system it is necessary to :

· Knowledge of development strategy and reservoir regime

· Data collection and analysis

· Geologic and petrophysics description of reservoir

· Simulation for optimal pressure maintenance system choice

· Economics

When different designs are developed there are some important factors that should be noted such as:

1. Reservoir geometry. The structure and stratigraphy of the reservoir control the location of wells.

2. Lithology influence on the efficiency of water injection into reservoir

3. Pertophysical properties distribution

4. Production to injection well ratio

5. Waterflooding sweep efficiency coefficient

6. Water flooding system type.

For fields with block structure these factors should be taken into account when pressure maintenance system is designed.

Interference testing across a partially communicating fault

Interference and pulse tests can investigate reservoir properties over a larger region of the reservoir than single-well tests. They can therefore give information about reservoir characteristics that is not available from other sources. For example, the performance of a highly faulted reservoir may depend more on the transmissibility of the faults then the formation permeability - as measured by core plug experiments or single-well transient tests. Indeed, the investigation of fault transmissibility would seem to be an obvious application for such tests.

However, when pulse testing was first introduced it was assumed that it could only describe communication across faults qualitatively, because the mathematical basis for any analysis has depended on the assumption of reservoir homogeneity. The mathematical model is the infinite line source solution which also requires that the reservoir fluid be single phase and slightly compressible. When field data can be matched to this model it will give estimates of two unknown parameters. i.e. the average formation transmissibility (T) and the average storativity (S) within the region influence of the test. The presence of a partially communicating fault between the active and observation wells invalidates the assumption of reservoir homogeneity and introduces a third unknown parameter, which is the transmissibility of the fault. Consideration of this problem has led to a new mathematical mode) which describes the effect of a partially communicating fault on transient pressure behavior and makes possible the quantitative interpretation of interference tests which are carried out across faults.

Mathematical model for a partially communicating fault

The following is a summary of the mathematical model which is presented more comprehensively in [21]. The assumptions concerning reservoir and fluid properties are the same as for the infinite, homogeneous reservoir model except that a linear discontinue is included to represent the fault. The following additional assumptions are needed to model the fault itself:

1. The fault is linear and infinitely long.

2. The fault plane acts as a vertical, semi-permeable barrier.

3. The fault zone has negligible capacity.

Fluid leakage per unit length of the fault is therefore modelled by:


where is assumed to be a constant for the fault and represents its specific

transmissibility(i.e. its transmissibility per unit length). are the

upstream and downstream pressures respectively, on opposite sides of the

fault (Figure 5)

For x < 0,




The parameters are referred to as the specific transmissibility ratio of the fault.

The pressure response created by a pulse test cannot be matched directly against interference type curves, such as those in Figure 8. This disadvantage can be overcome by the method of rate desuperposition, which converts the variable-rate pulse test response to an equivalent constant-rate interference response.

The method was originally proposed by Bostic, for type curve matching of pressure buildup data on massive hydraulically fractured gas wells. However, it is a completely general numerical technique which can be applied to any type of transient testing.

The desuperposition algorithm for any period of the pulse testis given by,



is the actual pressure change measured at any cumulative time during the n-th period while is the pressure change that would have been measured at time if the rate of the active well had been kept constant at the initial rate . Each is to the cumulative time to the end of the j-th period.

Application of Eq. (*) requires some interpolation of the measured data, which is best done logarithmically. It may also require extrapolation at the beginning of a new period and towards the end of the final period. Excessive extrapolation should be avoided by reducing the time range of the desuperposed response. The desuperposed response may also show excessive noise if the data set is too dense. The same problem occurs with numerical differentiation. A smoother result can be obtained by filtering the data set to reduce the number of points.

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