Результативность введения эффективного контракта с медицинскими работниками

Характеристика основных изменений в оплате и условиях труда медицинских работников, их трудовой мотивации и соответствия этих изменений целям введения эффективного контракта. Особенность повышения удовлетворенности медиков определяющими сторонами труда.

Рубрика Экономика и экономическая теория
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Дата добавления 24.11.2021
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Студенты, аспиранты, молодые ученые, использующие базу знаний в своей учебе и работе, будут вам очень благодарны.

22. Шишкин С. В., Темницкий А. Л., Чирикова А. Е. Трудовая мотивация российских врачей и влияние на нее национального проекта // Российское здравоохранение: мотивация врачей и общественная доступность / Под ред. С. В. Шишкина. М.: Независимый институт социальной политики, 2008. С. 69-228.

23. Эффективный контракт для профессионалов социальной сферы: тренды, потенциал, решения. Экспертный доклад / Под ред. Я. И. Кузьминова, С. А. Поповой, Л. И. Якобсона. М.: ИД НИУ ВШЭ, 2017.

24. Shishkin S., Temnitsky A. From Salary to the Performance-Based Remuneration of Russian Physicians: How Motivation at Work Is Changing. Higher School of Economics. Working Papers Series: Public and Social Policy. WP BRP 08/PSP/2017. 2017.

25. Sergey V. SHISHKIN, Dr. Sci. (Econ.). Centre for Health Policy, National Research University Higher School of Economics Moscow, Russian Federation).

26. Aleksandr L. TEMNITSKY, Сand. Sci. (Sociol.). Moscow State Institute of International Relations Moscow, Russian Federation).

27. The Outcomes of Introducing the Effective Contract with Medical Staff


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8. Kozeeva T. R., Konovalova V. G. Vnedrenie effektivnykh kontraktov v organizatsiyakh zdravookhraneniya: problemy i usloviya ikh preodoleniya [Implementation of Effective Contracts in Health Organization: Problems and Their Conditions for Overcoming]. Vestnik universiteta, 2016, no. 11, pp. 201-204.

9. Kuzminov Ya. I. Akademicheskoe soobshchestvo i akademicheskie kontrakty [Academic Community and Academic Contracts]. In: Yudkevich M. (ed.). Kontrakty v akademi- cheskom mire [Contracts in the Academic World]. Moscow, HSE Publishing House, 2011, pp. 13-30.

10. Kuchits S. S., Gridnev O. V., Pesennikova Е. V., Gadaborshev M. I., Vartanyan E. A. Oso- bennosti trudovoy motivatsii sotrudnikov gosudarstvennykh meditsinskikh uchrezhdeniy [The Labor Motivation Features of Employees of State Medical Institutions]. Problemy sotsial'noy gigieny, zdravookhraneniya i istorii meditsiny [Problems of Social Hygiene, Health Care and History of Medicine], 2018, vol. 26, no. 6, pp. 452-456.

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12. Mikhalkina Е. V, Andreychenko N. V Effektivnyy kontrakt kak institutsional'naya forma re- alizatsii sotsial'no-trudovykh otnosheniy v uchrezhdeniyakh zdravookhraneniya: ozhidaniya i real'nost' [Effective Contract as the Institutional Form of Social-Labor Relations in Health Care Institutions: Expectations and Reality]. Gosudarstvennoe i munitsipal'noe upravlenie. Uchenye zapiski [State and Municipal Management. Scholar Notes], 2017, vol. 1, pp. 39-47.

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18. Temnitskiy A. L. Izmeneniya v motivatsii truda vrachey v usloviyakh vnedreniya effektivnogo kontrakta [The Changing Doctors' Labor Motivation in the Conditions of Effective Contract Application]. Sotsiologicheskie issledovaniya [Sociological Studies], 2018, no. 4, pp. 90-102.

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20. Shishkin S. V, Temnitskiy A. L. Rezul'tativnost' vvedeniya effektivnogo kontrakta s me- ditsinskimi rabotnikami [The Outcomes of the Introduction of an Effective Contract with Medical Professionals]. HSE Working Papers, Series: Public and Municipal Administration, WP8/2019/02, 2019.

21. Shishkin S. V., Temnitskiy A. L., Chirikova A. Е. Strategiya perekhoda k effektivnomu kontraktu i osobennosti trudovoy motivatsii meditsinskikh rabotnikov [The Strategy of Transition to the Effective Contract and the Features of Motivation of Health Workers]. Ekonomicheskaya politika [Economic Policy], 2013, vol. 8, no. 4, pp. 27-53.

22. Shishkin S. V., Temnitskiy A. L., Chirikova A. E. Trudovaya motivatsiya rossiyskikh vrachey i vliyanie na nee natsional'nogo proekta [Labor Motivation of Russian Doctors and the Impact of the National Project on It]. In: Shishkin S. V. (ed.). Rossiyskoe zdravookhranenie: motivatsiya vrachey i obshchestvennaya dostupnost' [Russian Health Care: the Motivation of Doctors and Public Access]. Moscow, Independent Institute for Social Policy, 2008, pp. 69-228.

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24. Shishkin S., Temnitsky A. From Salary to the Performance-Based Remuneration of Russian Physicians: How Motivation at Work Is Changing. HSE, Working Papers Series: Public and Social Policy, WP BRP 08/PSP/2017, 2017.

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