К вопросу об управлении природопользованием прибрежными рекреационными территориями Российской Федерации

Обзорная характеристика прибрежных рекреационных территорий Российской Федерации. Выявление неблагоприятных и опасных явлений природы, свойственных таким территориям, изучение их влияния на туризм и их хозяйственную деятельность человека в целом.

Рубрика Экономика и экономическая теория
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Дата добавления 17.06.2021
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Землянов И.В., Фащук Д.Я., Кочемасов Ю.В., Зацепа С.Н. Морское природопользование: концепция, современные проблемы и пути их решения // Известия РАН. Серия географическая. 2015. № 1. С. 21-34.

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A.Yu. Sanin, У.А. Kulakovskaya

Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia


The literary and cartographic material gives an idea of the structure of human activity on coastal territories and its adverse and dangerous natural processes. However, general recommendations on environmental management needed, taking into account natural and other factors that affect economic use, the interests of tourists and local residents, as well as those of the state and business. The purpose of the study is to define a framework for these recommendations and to identify their factors that should be taken into account.

The following characteristics of coastal territories also should be considered:

1. Recreational potential, which determined by climatic characteristics, landscape diversity as well as the level of the development of recreational infrastructure.

2. Recreational resources defining types of rest

3. Adverse and dangerous natural processes. They are especially evident for the mountain regions: the North Caucasus coast of the Black sea, the southern coast of the Crimea, the coast of the Sea of Japan.

Some dangerous natural processes are a feature of coastal recreational areas, for example, abrasive processes. Others are typical for mountain areas in general - landslides, earthquakes, avalanches, mudslides, etc.

For the majority of recreational seaside areas the measures of counteraction to adverse and dangerous processes are similar. These are:

1. Minimization of economic use of coastal areas where dangerous processes are most pronounced.

2. Informing recreationists about the dangers associated with adverse and dangerous natural processes.

3. Fighting for the most attractive areas of the shoreline for economic activity with dangerous natural processes: coastal protection, landslide measures, and so on.

Using foreign experience in environmental management to Russian coastal territories has become more urgent. In particular, in the development and implementation of the concept of integrated coastal zone management, and in the implementation of the principles of Marine spatial planning (MPP).

Effective management of natural resources in the coastal area is possible only on a scientific basis, taking into account economic, social and environmental characteristics of the territory. It is also particularly important to take into account physical and geographical characteristics of territories that affect the value of its recreational potential. The following factors should also be taken into account in environmental management:

- Adverse and dangerous natural processes, their causes, characteristics and impact on people, statistics on them for the past years.

- Typification of the coasts.

- History of development of coasts and their modern dynamics.

- Nature management structure of the area, its most important types and relationships between them.

- Conflicts between different types of human activities.

Keywords: environmental management, coastal areas, recreational potential of the territory, integrated coastal zone management, marine spatial planning.

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