Направления совершенствования государственной политики по сокращению региональной дифференциации доходов населения

Снижение социально-экономической дифференциации регионов России - приоритетная задача стратегического развития государства. Комплексное исследование основных направлений и инструментов реализуемой в настоящее время государственной социальной политики.

Рубрика Экономика и экономическая теория
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Язык русский
Дата добавления 14.09.2020
Размер файла 1,4 M

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12. Boulant, J., Brezzi, M. & Veneri, P (2016) Income Levels And Inequality in Metropolitan Areas: A Comparative Approach in OECD Countries. In: OECD Regional Development Working Papers. Is. 6. Paris: OECD Publishing. DOI: 10.1787/5jlwj02zz4mr-en.

13. Hoeller, P. et al. (2012) Less Income Inequality and More Growth - Are They Compatible? Part 1. Mapping Income Inequality Across the OECD. In: OECD Economics Department Working Papers. Is. 924. Paris: OECD Publishing. DOI: 10.2139/ssrn.2014780.

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15. Berg, A.G. & Ostry, J.D. (2013) Inequality and Unsustainable Growth: Two Sides of the Same Coin? Translated from English by E.A. Safonkina. Vestnik mezhdunarodnykh organizatsiy: obrazovanie, nauka, novaya ekonomika - International Organizations Research Journal. 4 (8).

16. Grigor'ev, R.A. et al. (2015) Inequality of Income Distribution and Economics Growth in the Regions of Russia in the Post-Crisis Period. Ekonomika regiona - Economy of Region. 3. pp. 102-113. (In Russian).

17. Shevyakov, A.Yu. (2011) Neravenstvo dokhodov kak faktor ekonomicheskogo i demograficheskogo rosta [Income Inequality as a Factor in Economic and Demographic Growth]. Innovatsii - Innovations. 1 (147). pp. 7-18.

18. Malkina, M.Yu. (2016) Institutional Framework of Income Inequality in Modern Economy. Zhurnal institutsional 'nykh issledovaniy - Journal of Institutional Studies. 1 (8). pp. 100-120.

19. Ovcharova, L.N. & Popova, D.O. (2013) Cash Income and Expenditure of the Russian Population: What Are the Changes in Consumer's Standard. Mir Rossii. Sotsiologiya. Etnologiya - Universe of Russia. Sociology. Ethnology. 3. (In Russian).

20. Anisimova, G.V (2016) Methodological Aspects of the Analysis of Economic Inequality: The Soviet and Post-Soviet Problems. Terra Economicus. 1 (14). pp. 61-77. (In Russian).

21. Lyubimov, I. (2016) Income Inequality Revisited 60 Years Later: Piketty vs Kuznets. Ekonomicheskayapolitika - Economic Policy. 1 (11). pp. 27-42. (In Russian).

22. Cingano, F. (2014) Trends in Income Inequality and its Impact on Economic Growth. In: OECD Social, Employment and Migration Working Papers. Is. 163. Paris: OECD Publishing. DOI: 10.1787/5jxrjncwxv6j-en.

23. Abdusamadov, G.S. & Saidzhonov, S.Sh. (2011) Factors and Reasons of Unequal Income in Tajikistan. Vestnik TGUPBP. 4 (48). (In Russian).

24. Zharomskiy, V.S., Migranova, L.A. & Toksanbaeva, M.S. (2018) Socio-Economic Inequality in Russia: Dynamics and Estimation Method. Narodonaselenie - Population. 4 (21). pp. 79-94. (In Russian). DOI: 10.26653/1561-7785-2018-21-4-08.

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32. Kostyleva, L.V (2011) Neravenstvo naseleniya Rossii: tendentsii, faktory, regulirovanie [Inequality of the Russian Population: Trends, Factors, Regulation]. Vologda: Institute of Socio-Economic Development of Territories of the Russian Academy of Sciences.

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