Формування комунікаційної структури управління грошовими потоками суб’єктів господарювання в Україні

Сутність управління грошовими потоками суб'єктів господарювання в сучасних умовах в Україні. Інформаційно-організаційне забезпечення комунікаційної структури управління грошовими потоками при розподілі та використанні коштів суб'єктів господарювання.

Рубрика Экономика и экономическая теория
Вид автореферат
Язык украинский
Дата добавления 26.09.2015
Размер файла 40,2 K

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Ключевые слова: субъекты хозяйствования, денежные потоки, денежные средства, управление, коммуникационная структура, модель, эффективность, диагностика, оценка, мониторинг.

Selivanova Y.V. Formation of the communication structure of managing cash flows of economic entities in Ukraine. - Manuscript.

Dissertation for scientific degree of the Candidate of Sciences in Economics on the Specialty 08.00.03 - Economy and management of the national economy. - Donetsk National university, Donetsk, 2009.

The dissertation is devoted to the problem of developing mechanism of cash flow management communication structure formation, which will be able to enhance the level of communication structure potential and to provide the financial stabilization of economic entities. The dissertation describes the essence the of cash flow management, the role of communication structure and defines the main directions of its improvement. The concept of cash flow management communication structure formation is developed. It includes principles, purpose, tasks, functions and models of the mechanism implementation. The special purposes, specific functions of models of the cash flow management communication structures, related to forming, distributing and use of money are defined. The system of indicators of communication structure diagnostics, the evaluation signs of the function realization states and the system of indexes of alarm directions of monitoring are proposed.

The informative and organizational support of mechanism of cash flow management communication structure formation is also proposed. On the basis of cash flow management quality analysis of the agents in Donetsk region the drawbacks of its communication structures, necessity of introduction of the developed concept are established. Approbation of such mechanism was conducted, it allowed to enhance the cash flow management communication structure and to increase the financial stability.

Keywords: economic entities, cash flow, cash assets, management, communication structure, model, effectiveness, diagnostics, estimation, monitoring.

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