Новые технические решения по снижению негативного воздействия лесопромышленных производств на лесную среду
Анализ негативных факторов воздействия на природную среду при проведении лесозаготовок. Новые аспекты, возникшие с усовершенствованием законодательства. Влияние отсутствия контроля на лесных площадках на распространенность аварий, утечку нефтепродуктов.
Рубрика | Экология и охрана природы |
Вид | статья |
Язык | русский |
Дата добавления | 22.10.2023 |
Размер файла | 589,1 K |
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45. СП 318.1325800.2017 Дороги лесные. Правила эксплуатации / Минстрой России. М.: Стандартинформ, 2018. 45 с.
46. СП 288.1325800.2016 Дороги лесные. Правила проектирования и строительства / Минстрой России. М.: Стандартинформ, 2017. 61 с.
47. Филина Н.А. Исследование сорбционных свойств древесных отходов для сбора нефтепродуктов с последующей утилизацией их в виде топливных брикетов: специальность 03.02.08 - Экология (химия и нефтехимия): Автореф. дис…. канд. техн. наук. Пенза, 2011. 23 с.
48. Царев Е.М., Рукомойников К.П., Анисимов С.Е., Капитонова Ю.А. Анализ вариантов и поиск альтернативных решений выработки окорённых сортиментов с повышением экологической эффективности утилизации отходов // Вестник Поволжского государственного технологического университета. Серия: Материалы. Конструкции. Технологии. 2021. №2. С. 64-72. DOI: 10.25686/2542-114X.2021.
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10. Venitsianov E.V., Grafova E.O., Ayukaev R.I., Chudnova T.A. Multilayer sorption filters to protect water protection zones of highways from pollution. Water: chemistry and ecology, 2012, no 12 (54), pp. 32-41. (In Russ.)
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12. Galaktionov O.N., Piskunov M.A., Bezlatny P.V. Evaluation of the efficiency of using logging waste for the construction of skidding trails. Bulletin of the St. Petersburg Forestry Academy, 2008, no 185, pp. 86-93. (In Russ.)
13. Gerasimov Y.Y., Katarov V.K. Forest roads. Joensuu, Publishing house of the Research Institute of Finnish Forests, 2009. 70 p. (In Russ.)
14. Gerasimov Y.Y., Syunev V.S. Cutting machines for thinning: Computer decision-making system. Petrozavodsk, Publishing house of PetrSU, 1998. 236 p. (In Russ.)
15. Gerasimov Y.Y., Syunev V.S. Ecological optimization of technological processes and machines for logging. Joensuu, Publishing House of the University of Joensuu, 1998. 178 p. (In Russ.)
16. Hertz E.F. Assessment of the technology of forest use in logging operations. Yekaterinburg, Ed. Ural state Forestry University, 2003. 219 p. (In Russ.)
17. Grafova E.O., Parshin N.V. Research of methods of treatment of sewage sludge from Petrozavodsk treatment facilities. Resources and Technology, 2019, vol. 16, no 4, pp. 94-118, doi: 10.15393/j2.art.2019.5042. (In Russ.)
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24. Kislitsyn S.N., Shitova I. Yu. Methods for processing waste woodworking industry: textbook. Allowance. Penza, PGUAS, 2016. 140 p. (In Russ.)
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28. Forest Code of the Russian Federation (as amended on July 2, 2021, as amended on September 1, 2021) 200-FZ. State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation, 2006. 102 p. (In Russ.)
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32. Nazarov V.D., Nazarov M.V., Khakimova G.F. Purification of surface runoff from highways. Science and technology in the road industry, 2018, no 4 (86), pp. 29-33. (In Russ.)
33. Manual on the ecology of forestry. Finnish Forest Service. 2007. 42 p. (In Russ.)
34. On approval of the Accounting Procedure in the field of waste management. Order of the Ministry of Natural Resources of Russia (Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment of the Russian Federation), no 1028. 2020. (In Russ.)
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36. Order of Rosprirodnadzor dated 22.05.2017 no 242 (as amended on 02.11.2018) «On approval of the Federal classification catalog of waste» (as amended and supplemented, entered into force on 04.10.2021). Ministry of Natural Resources of the Russian Federation. 2021. (In Russ.)
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39. Recommendations for felling in the protective forests of Karelia. Ed. KarRC RAS, 2015. 29 p. (In Russ.)
40. Rodionov A.V. Cutting and forest restoration based on resource-saving technology. Moscow, Science, 2006. 276 p. (In Russ.)
41. Sanzharovskaya M.I. Review of the state and development prospects of the market of fuel briquettes in Russia and abroad [Economic efficiency of obtaining and using fuel briquettes from plant and wood waste, peat when using the unit for briquetting UBO-2]. Engineering and technical support of the agro-industrial complex. Abstract journal, 2008, no 4, p. 947. (In Russ.)
42. SanPiN 2.1.3684-21 Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for the maintenance of the territories of urban and rural settlements, for water bodies, drinking water and drinking water supply, atmospheric air, soils, living quarters, the operation of industrial, public premises, the organization and implementation of sanitary and anti-epidemic (preventive) events. Chief State Sanitary Doctor of the Russian Federation. 2021. 13 p. (In Russ.)
43. Sviridova O.V., Vorobiev N.I., Petrov V.B. Microbiological destruction of wood waste and the involvement of lignin-containing components in the agroecosystem. Post-genomic era in biology and problems of biotechnology: Proceedings of scientific. Conf. Moscow, MAKS Press, 2004, pp. 11-15. (In Russ.)
44. SP 155.13130.2014 Warehouses of oil and oil products. Fire safety requirements (with Amendment no 1). Ministry of the Russian Federation for Civil Defense, Emergencies and Elimination of Consequences of Natural Disasters. Moscow, EMERCOM of Russia, 2014. 41 p. (In Russ.)
45. SP 318.1325800.2017 Forest roads. Operating rules. Ministry of Construction of Russia Moscow, Standartinform, 2018. 45 p. (In Russ.)
46. SP 288.1325800.2016 Forest roads. Design and construction rules. Ministry of Construction of Russia. Moscow, Standartinform, 2017. 61 p. (In Russ.)
47. Filina N.A. Investigation of the sorption properties of wood waste for the collection of oil products with their subsequent disposal in the form of fuel briquettes: specialty 03.02.08 -
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48. Tsarev E.M., Rukomoinikov K.P., Anisimov S.E., Kapitonova Yu. A. Analysis of options and the search for alternative solutions for the development of debarked assortments with an increase in the environmental efficiency of waste disposal. Bulletin of the Volga State Technological University. Series: Materials. Constructions. Technologies, 2021, no 2, pp. 64-72. doi: 10.25686/2542-114X.2021. (In Russ.)
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