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9. Bartlett 2009 - Bartlett R. Illustrating Ethnicity in the Middle Ages // The Origins of Racism in the West / Ed. by M. Eliav-Feldon, B. Isaac, J. Ziegler. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2009. P 132-156.

10. Bradbury 2012 - Bradbury C.A. Picturing Maternal Anxiety in the Miracle of the Jew of Bourges // Medieval Feminist Forum: A Journal of Gender and Sexuality. 2012. Vol. 47, no 2. P 34-56.

11. Broshi 2001 - Broshi M. Bread, Wine, Walls and Scrolls. New York; London: Sheffield Academic Press, 2001. 312 p.

12. Capriotti 2014 - Capriotti G. Lo Scorpione sul petto. Iconografia antiebraica tra XV e XVI secolo alla periferia dello Stato Pontifico. Roma: Gangemi Editore, 2014. 206 p.

13. Cluse 1995 - Cluse R. «Fabula ineptissima»: Die Ritualmordlegende um Adam von Bristol nach der Handschrift London, British Library, Harley 957 // Aschkenas: Zeitschrift fur Geschichte und Kulture der Juden. 1995. No 5. P 293-330.

14. Gow 1995 - Gow A.C. The Red Jews: Antisemitism in the Apocalyptic Age 1200-1600. Leiden; New York; Koln: Brill, 1995. 420 p.

15. Grayzel 1933 - Grayzel S. The Church and the Jews in the 13th century: A Study of Their Relations During the Years 1198-1254. Philadelphia: The Dropsie College, 1933. 378 p.

16. Harran 2013 - Harran D. The Jewish Nose in Early Modern Art and Music // Renaissance Studies, 2013. Vol. 28. No 1. P. 50-70.

17. Kaenel 2000 - KaenelPh. L'apprentissage de la deformation: les procedes de la caricature a la Renaissance // Societes & Representations. 2000. Vol. 2. No 10. P. 79-102.

18. Klemettila 2006 - Klemettila H. Epitomes of Evil: Representations of Executioners in Northern France and the Low Countries in the Late Middle Ages. Turnhout: Brepols, 2006. 388 p.

19. Lewis 1992 - Lewis S. Beyond the Frame: Marginal Figures and Historiated Initials in the Getty Apocalypse // The J. Paul Getty Museum Journal. 1992. Vol. 20. P. 53-76.

20. Lipton 2014 - Lipton S. Dark Mirror: The Medieval Origins of Anti-Jewish Iconography. New York: Metropolitan, 2014. 390 p.

21. Lipton 2016 - Lipton S. Isaac and Antichrist in the Archives // Past and Present. 2016. Vol. 232. No 1. P. 3-44.

22. Mellinkoff 1993 - Mellinkoff R. Outcasts: Signs of Otherness in Northern European Art of the Late Middle Ages. Vol. 1. Berkeley; Los Angeles: University of California Pres, 1993. 360 p.

23. Metzler 2006 - Metzler I. Disability in Medieval Europe: Thinking about Physical Impairment during the High Middle Ages, c. 1100-1400. London; New York: Routledge, 2006. 355 p.

24. Patton 2008 - Patton PA. Constructing the Inimical Jew in the Cantigas de Santa Maria: Theophilus's Magician in Text and Image // Beyond the Yellow Badge AntiJudaism and Antisemitism in Medieval and Early Modern Visual Culture / Ed. by M.B. Merback. Leiden; Boston: Brill, 2008. P. 233-255.

25. Resnick 2012 - Resnick I.M. Marks of Distinctions: Christian Perceptions of Jews in the High Middle Ages. Washington: The Catholic University of America Press, 2012. 392 p.

26. Rose 2015 - Rose E.M. The Murder of William of Norwich: The Origins of the Blood Libel in Medieval Europe. Oxford; New York: Oxford University Press, 2015. 416 p.

27. Sagaert 2013/2014 - Sagaert S. L'utilisation des prejuges esthetiques comme redoutable outil de stigmatisation du juif // Revue d'anthropologie des connais- sances. 2013/2014. Vol. 7. No 4. P. 971-992.

28. Sansy 2007 - Sansy D. Signe distinctif et judeite dans l'image // Micrologus. 2007. Vol. 15. P. 87-105.

29. Sauerlander 2006 - Sauerlander W. The Fate of the Face in Medieval Art // Set in Stone: The Face in Medieval Sculpture / Ed. by Ch.T. Little. New York: The Metropolitan Museum of Art, 2006. P. 2-17.

30. Stacey 2007 - Stacey R.C. Adam of Bristol and Tales of Ritual Crucifixion in Medieval England // Thirteenth-Century England. Proceedings of the Gregynog Conference, 2005 / Ed. by B. Weiler, J. Burton, Ph. Schofield. London: Boydell & Brewer, 2007. P. 1-15.

31. Strickland 2003 - Strickland D.H. Saracens, Demons, and Jews: Making Monsters in Medieval Art. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 2003. 336 p.

32. Swain 2007 - Seeing the Face, Seeing the Soul: Polemon's Physiognomy from Classical Antiquity to Medieval Islam / Ed. by S. Swain. Oxford; New York: Oxford University Press, 2007. 699 p.

33. Voh 2012 - Vofi R. Entangled Stories: The Red Jews in Premodern Yiddish and German Apocalyptic Lore // Association for Jewish Studies Review. 2012. Vol. 36. No 1. P 1-41.

34. Wirth 2008 - Wirth J. L'image a l'epoque gothique (1140-1280). Paris: Cerf, 2008. 425 p. Ziolkowski 1984 - Ziolkowski J. Avatars of Ugliness in Medieval Literature // The

35. Modern Language Review. 1984. Vol. 79. No 1. P. 1-20.


1. Back, L. and Solomos, J., eds. (2000), Theories of Race and Racism: A Reader, Routledge, New York; London.

2. Bale, A. (2006), «The Jew in Profile», New Medieval Literatures, no 8, pp. 125-150.

3. Bartlett, R. (2009), «Illustrating Ethnicity in the Middle Ages», in Eliav-Feldon, M., Isaac, B. and Ziegler, J., eds., The Origins of Racism in the West, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, pp. 132-156.

4. Bradbury, C.A. (2012), «Picturing Maternal Anxiety in the Miracle of the Jew of Bourges», Medieval Feminist Forum: A Journal of Gender and Sexuality, vol. 47, no 2, pp. 34-56.

5. Broshi, M. (2001), Bread, Wine, Walls and Scrolls, Sheffield Academic Press, New York; London.

6. Capriotti, G. (2014), Lo Scorpione sulpetto. Iconografia antiebraica tra 15th e 16th secolo alla periferia dello Stato Pontifico, Gangemi Editore, Roma.

7. Cluse, R. (1995), «Fabula ineptissima: Die Ritualmordlegende um Adam von Bristol nach der Handschrift London, British Library, Harley 957», Aschkenas: Zeitschrift fur Geschichte und Kulture der Juden, no 5, pp. 293-330.

8. Gow, A.C. (1995), The Red Jews: Antisemitism in the Apocalyptic Age 1200-1600, Brill, Leiden; New York; Koln.

9. Grayzel, S. (1933), The Church and the Jews in the 13th century: A Study of Their Relations During the Years 1198-1254, The Dropsie College, Philadelphia.

10. Harran, D. (2013), «The Jewish Nose in Early Modern Art and Music», Renaissance Studies, vol. 28, no 1, pp. 50-70.

11. Kaenel, Ph. (2000), «L'apprentissage de la deformation: les procedes de la caricature a la Renaissance», Societes & Representations, 2000, vol. 2, no 10, pp. 79-102.

12. Klemettila, H. (2006), Epitomes of Evil: Representations of Executioners in Northern France and the Low Countries in the Late Middle Ages, Brepols, Turnhout.

13. Lewis, S. (1992), «Beyond the Frame: Marginal Figures and Historiated Initials in the Getty Apocalypse», The J. Paul Getty Museum Journal, vol. 20, pp. 53-76.

14. Lipton, S. (2014), Dark Mirror: The Medieval Origins of Anti-Jewish Iconography, Metropolitan, New York.

15. Lipton, S. (2016), «Isaac and Antichrist in the Archives», Past and Present, vol. 232, no 1, pp. 3-44.

16. Losev, A.F. (2000), Istoriya antichnoi ehstetiki. Aristotel' i pozdnyaya klassika [History of ancient aesthetics. Aristotle and late classics], AST, Folio, Moscow, Russia.

17. Luchitskaya, S.I. (2001), Obraz drugogo: musul'mane v khronikakh krestovykh pokhodov [Image of the other: Muslims in the chronicles of the Crusades], Aleteiya, Saint Petersburg, Russia.

18. Maizuls, M.R. (2019), Myshelovka sv. Iosifa. Kak srednevekovyi obraz govorit so zritelem [Mousetrap of St. Joseph. How the medieval image talks to the viewer], Slovo, Moscow, Russia.

19. Makhov, A.E. (2011), Srednevekovyi obraz mezhdu teologiei i ritorikoi. Opyt tolkovaniya vizual'noi demonologii [Medieval Image between theology and rhetoric. An essay about the medieval demonology], Izdatel'stvo Kulaginoi - Intrada, Moscow, Russia.

20. Mellinkoff, R. (1993), Outcasts: Signs of Otherness in Northern European Art of the Late Middle Ages, vol. 1, University of California Pres, Berkeley; Los Angeles.

21. Metzler, I. (2006), Disability in Medieval Europe: Thinking about Physical Impairment during the High Middle Ages, c. 1100-1400, Routledge, London; New York.

22. Patton, P.A. (2008), «Constructing the Inimical Jew in the Cantigas de Santa Maria: Theophilus's Magician in Text and Image», in Merback, M.B., ed., Beyond the Yellow Badge Anti-Judaism and Antisemitism in Medieval and Early Modern Visual Culture, Brill, Leiden; Boston, pp. 233-55.

23. Pil'gun, A.V. (2019), Potustoronnii mir Srednevekov'ya: rai, chistilishche, ad i ikh person- azhi v vizionerskikh tekstakh i miniatyurakh iz zapadnoevropeiskikh rukopisei IXXV vekov [The medieval otherworld. Heaven, purgatory, hell and their inhabitants in the visionary texts and western manuscripts, 9th-15th centuries], Gamma-Press, Moscow, Russia.

24. Resnick, I.M. (2012), Marks of Distinctions: Christian Perceptions of Jews in the High Middle Ages, The Catholic University of America Press, Washington.

25. Rose, E.M. (2015), The Murder of William of Norwich: The Origins of the Blood Libel in Medieval Europe, Oxford University Press, Oxford; New York.

26. Sagaert, S. (2013/2014), «L'utilisation des prejuges esthetiques comme redoutable outil de stigmatisation du juif», Revue d'anthropologie des connaissances, vol. 7, no 4, pp. 971-992.

27. Sansy, D. (2007), «Signe distinctif et judeite dans l'image», Micrologus, vol. 15, pp. 87105.

28. Sauerlander, W. (2006), «The Fate of the Face in Medieval Art», in Little, Ch.T. (ed.), Set in Stone: The Face in Medieval Sculpture, The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, pp. 2-17.

29. Stacey, R.C. (2007), «Adam of Bristol' and Tales of Ritual Crucifixion in Medieval England», in Weiler, B., Burton, J. and Schofield, Ph., eds., Thirteenth-Century England. Proceedings of the Gregynog Conference, 2005, Boydell & Brewer, London, pp. 1 -15.

30. Strickland, D.H. (2003), Saracens, Demons, and Jews: Making Monsters in Medieval Art. Princeton University Press, Princeton.

31. Swain, S., (ed.) (2007), Seeing the Face, Seeing the Soul: Polemon's Physiognomy from Classical Antiquity to Medieval Islam, Oxford University Press, Oxford; New York.

32. Voh, R. (2012), «Entangled Stories: The Red Jews in Premodern Yiddish and German Apocalyptic Lore», Association for Jewish Studies Review, vol. 36, no 1, pp. 1-41.

33. Wirth, J. (2008), Dimage a l'epoque gothique (1140-1280), Cerf, Paris.

34. Zelenina, G.S. (2018), Ognennyi vrag marranov. Zhizn' i smart' pod nadzorom inkviz- itsii [The fiery enemy of marranos. Life and death under the watchful eye of the Inquisition], Tsentr gumanitarnykh initsiativ, Saint-Petersburg, Russia.

35. Ziolkowski, J. (1984), «Avatars of Ugliness in Medieval Literature», The Modern Language Review, vol. 79, no 1, pp. 1-20.

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