Народний театр товариства "Українська Бесіда" у Львові: завершальний період діяльності (1918–1924 рр.)
Синтетична, комплексна розробка діяльності театру товариства "Українська Бесіда" у 1918–1924 рр. як своєрідного, самодостатнього явища українського сценічного мистецтва. Дослідження закономірностей і специфіки естетико-художнього сценічного процесу.
Рубрика | Культура и искусство |
Вид | автореферат |
Язык | украинский |
Дата добавления | 27.04.2014 |
Размер файла | 49,2 K |
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Dissertational thesis for obtaining a scientific degree of Candidate in Art Sciences, speciality 17.00.02 - dramatic art. - M. Rylsky Institute of Art Sciences, Folklore Studies and Ethnology, the Ukrainian NAS, Kyjiv, 2002.
In theatrical process of Eastern Galicia at 1864 to 1924 the Ukrainian theatre of “Rus'ka Besida” Society, and since 1916 -- that of “Ukrains'ka Besida” one -- had been an epicentrum of artistic and cultural life of the land. Under conditions of Polish state the activities of Lviv national theatre had lasted not so long, as for repertoire stage, or not-full term of six years (1918--1924). In dissertation for the first time is being retraced the closing period in functioning of this theatre as original and self-sufficient artistic phenomenon in then-a-days Ukrainian stage dimension. In its bounds, on the basis of complex study is being carried scientifical solution of clear structural analysis and classification of phases, differentiated in artistic quality. It is stated, that distinction and self-dependency of ones had been conditioned by artistic and administrative management, repertoire policy, stylistics of performances, producing and actor sill.
The dissertation consist of five chapters. The first chapter presents detailed review of historiography of considered problem and argumentative explanation of absence of quite reliable generalized survey concerning activities of thearte of “Ukrains'ka Besida” in mentioned period; the need of integral study in the field is substantiated. Clear systematization of source base for research is given here.
Definition of further chapters is conditioned by chronological succession. The meaningness of first phase (1918--1920) consist in resumption and reaffirmation of pre-war official status of national thearte in Lviv. This phase had not been marked by high-levelled aimful artistic achievements and successes in activities of theatre; it had been weighty because of extremely important and indispensable national-patriotic propagandist mission of the theatre under condition of Polish occupation.
The Ukrainian Independent Theatre (1920--1921) had brought potential of development derived from contemporary stage art of Eastern Ukraine into apathy of Lviv theatre life. In stylistics its activities had been clearly depended on more strong theatre influences and in professional and creative aspects had been subordinate ones, while repertoire policy had suffered from inattentive eclecticism of external reflection. At the same time this company within the limits of the possible and to the extend of understaning had been engaged in the searching work; the group had realised twelve performanses of modern Ukrainian and European repertoire.
Creative work of O. Zaharov had become the most significant point of the mentioned period (1921--1923). In his person the Ukrainian stage of Galicia had got producer, correspondent to the level of XX c. He had freely operated with ideas and experience of modern European theatre art, as representational tage, new principles of repertoire policy, methods and approaches of producing, need of professionalism and technicality of actor skill. His activities had introduced high professional standards in Lviv Ukrainian theatre critcism of the period. In short term Galician stage had reached, although in not full conceptual perfection, the phase of realistic psychological theatre, definitive ground in formation and development of theatre art in early XX c.
In parallel with O. Zaharov had worked Y. Stadnyk, who had occupied himself with musical dramatic repertoire. The task of his performances had not been designed in view of qualitatively new general artistic messages; it had consisted in broadening of divertive functions of theatre in different genres and stylistic orders of performances.
In the final period (1923--1924) artistic direction of theatre had been lead by Y. Stadnyk, who, although in traditional stylistics, had firmly concluded the course of musical dramatic repertoire.
The decision of “Ukrains'ka Besida” Society to lead own dramatic theatre, full of great potential of stage activity out of jurisdiction, caused by financial shortagers, had been unexpected one in the 60th anniversary of theatre. On this ground had been based the statement about conclusion of the history of theatre.
Key-words: theatre of “Ukrains'ka Besida” Society, repertoire, stylistics, performance, producing, actor skill.
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