Фізико-хімічні аспекти одержання сплавів та обробки поверхні напівпровідників CdSb, CdTe і твердих розчинів на їх основі

Вплив фізико-хімічних та технологічних факторів на склад та структуру кристалів CdSb, CdTe. Методи обробки поверхні травильними композиціями та склад отримуваної поверхні. Стабільність металічних плівок і фільтрів по відношенню до дії зовнішніх факторів.

Рубрика Химия
Вид автореферат
Язык украинский
Дата добавления 26.09.2015
Размер файла 56,5 K

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Студенты, аспиранты, молодые ученые, использующие базу знаний в своей учебе и работе, будут вам очень благодарны.

Ключевые слова: травление, поверхность, химико-механическая полировка, химическое взаимодействие, травильные композиции, диаграмма Пурбе, твердый раствор, CdSb, CdTe, Cd1-xMnxTe, Cd1-хZnxTe.

Dremlyuzhenko S.G. Physical and chemical aspects of alloys obtaining and surface treatment of the CdSb, CdTe and their solid solutions. - Manuscript.

Thesis for a candidate degree by speciality 02.00.01 - Chemical solid state. - Yuriy Fedkovych Chernivtsi National University, Chernivtsi, 2009.

The physical and chemical properties of the CdSb, CdTe semiconductors and solid solutions on their basis are investigated in the thesis. Peculiarities of treatment with polishing etchants of different composition for obtaining of high-quality polishing surface of these materials are in the focus of the thesis.

An explanation of the nature of endodefects in CdSb at the melting point of the compound is proposed on the basis of experimental thermographical studies of the CdSb polycrystals and single crystals. The effect at Т ~ 723 К is observable only in the thermograms of CdSb samples which were synthesized and grown in the case of broken composition stoichiometry and is not fixed. The effect at Т ~ 723 К corresponds to the melting of CdSb according to semiconductor-semiconductor type. Endothermal effect at Т ~ 737 К corresponds to the transition of the melt into metal state.

Physical and chemical studies of the CdSb-As, CdSb-FeSb systems reveal that the character of interactions in the systems is of eutectic type. An anomalous composition dependence of microhardness of Cd1-xMnxTe solid solutions with two maxima at х1 = 0,14 and х2 = 0,46 is observed for the first time.

Thermodynamic calculations were carried out and Pourbaix diagrams of CdSb - H2O, MnTe - H2O, ZnTe - H2O, Cd1-xMnxTe - H2O and Cd1-хZnxTe - H2O systems were found. The mechanism of polishing etching of CdSb, CdTe single crystals and their solid solutions with SiO2 alkaline compositions and Br/CH3OH etchant is discussed using Pourbaix diagrams analysis and potentiometric studies.

It is found that the depth of oxide layer in CdTe, CdxZn1-xTe and CdxMn1-xTe crystals treated with Br/CH3OH is of 13 30 nm; with K2Cr2O7 solution is of 19,5 39 nm; after chemical-mechanical polishing is of 6,57 nm. Chemical polishing with Br/CH3OH solutions and with K2Cr2O7 based etchants is highly selective and accompanied with formation of tellurium enriched surface layer.

A technique for the deposition of metallic coatings on CdSb substrates with preliminary chemical-mechanical polishing of the surface with alkaline solutions of colloidal SiO2 is developed. Such treatment provides the stability of optical coating at thermo-cycling in the range of 370 77 К at the number of thermo-cycles up to 1000. It allows the application of the developed two channel filters in cooled photo-receiving IR-devices, where high speed of response is necessary.

Key words: etching, surface, chemical-mechanical polishing, chemical interaction, etching compositions, Pourbaix diagrams, solid solutions, CdSb, CdTe, Cd1-xMnxTe, Cd1-x ZnxTe.

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