Стан Т- і В-системи імунітету у хворих на інфекційний ендокардит до і після хірургічної корекції уражених клапанів серця

Визначення напрямку змін показників Т- та В-системи імунітету, стану показників перекисного окислення ліпідів, антиоксидантної активності, рівня альфа1-інгібітору протеїназ у хворих на інфекційний ендокардит. Лікування хворих на інфекційний ендокардит.

Рубрика Биология и естествознание
Вид автореферат
Язык украинский
Дата добавления 26.09.2015
Размер файла 138,8 K

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It was revealed a reorganization of T-system of immunity in patients with IE, which characterize for infectious process which is accompanied by reduction of T-lymphocytes (CD3+); the expressed anti-infectious protection is accompanied by activation of natural killers (СD16+) and activated lymphocytes СD25+ (with RIL-2) as reply to massive receipt of infectious antigenes.

There were founded the regularity of reorganization the lymphocytes proliferate response on specific staphylococcal antigens in patients with IE in comparison with healthy people is revealed and characterizes a sensitization of lymphocytes to them.

The researches have shown an activation of T-system of immunity at patients with IE which is accompanied by increase of levels Ig G, A, M, increase in a level of CIK in 2,8 and more times which can be the additional injuring factor of available defeats of valves of heart.

Destructive and inflammatory processes at patients with infective endocarditis are shown by the increased level POL on 44,3 %, б1-IP on 47,7 % and reduction АОА on 21,7 %.

It was improved the diagnostics method of an infective endocarditis caused by staphylococci, which allowed to reduce time of revealing of the activator of disease till 4-5 hours (instead of 4-5 day by means of microbiological researches) as a result of application of a staphylococcal infection definition technique in neutrofils fractions of leukocytes by means of a method of fluorescing antibodies (МFА).

It was offered to consider in treatment of patients with IE condition Т-and В-immune system and at gross changes of parameters cellular and humoral immune answer are shown immune correction preparations that should be spent in view of individual lymphocytes sensitivity by patients to them.

To reduce a level of intoxication at gross changes of metabolic processes parameters (levels the POL, АОА, б1-IP, the activity of ceruloplasmin in blood serum of patients with infective endocarditis) it is necessary to enter antioxidant preparations (ceruloplasmin) in the scheme of treatment.

Key words: infective endocarditis, Т-, B- lymphocytes, the antibodies, circulating immune complexes, antioxidant activity, lipid oxidation , immune correction.

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