Диктіокаульоз овець

Дослідження легень ягнят, хворих на бронхопневмонію, аналіз схем лікування. Вивчення бактеріального фону носового слизу хворих на асоційовану бронхопневмонію овець. Застосування аерозольної преімагінальної дегельмінтизації біомектином для профілактики.

Рубрика Сельское, лесное хозяйство и землепользование
Вид автореферат
Язык украинский
Дата добавления 26.08.2015
Размер файла 43,2 K

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Ключевые слова: овцы, диктиокаулы, эпизоотология, бронхопневмония, условно-патогенная микрофлора, иммунологическая резистентность, аэрозольная дегельминтизация, преимагинальная дегельминтизация


Lukjanov R.Y. Dictiocaulosis of sheep (pathogenesis and fight measures.- Manuscript.

Dissertation on competition of graduate degree of candidate of veterinary sciences on speciality 16.00.11 - is parasitology, helmintology. - National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine, Kyiv, 2009.

The questions of epyzootology associated dictiocaulus-bacterial bronchopneumonia, immunological changes of organism of sheep at these diseases, and also treatment and prophylaxis, with the use of aerosol methods of therapy are lighted up in dissertation.

It is set as a result of the conducted researches, that in the economies ARE Crimea is registered the associated respirator illnesses of sheep, caused by dictiocaulus-bacterial association. Three peaks of morbidity were registered in the seasonally-age dynamics of respirator illnesses of sheep: first - in age 2-3 weeks (January-February) is morbidity made 3,10,2%; there is the second peak (end May is June) in 4-5-monthly age - 23,72,8% morbidity; third peak - in age animal 12-14 months (February-April) is extensiveness of defeat - 30,11,7%.

In the inspected economies, stationary unhappy on dictiocaulosis, pneumonias are registered as the associative disease, where in his origin are a primary factor dictiocaulusis, and complicating part is acted by different types of bacteria (Staph. aureus, E. coli, P. vulgaris, Staph. saprophiticus, P. тultocida and other).

At research of easy patients with bronchopneumonia of lambs, a presence in them is set larvae and dictiocaulusis in 62,3 - 66,4% of cases.

At treatment of lambs of patients with associative bronchopneumonia, complex application of preparations was most effective: anthelmyntik (biomectin) with an antibiotic (enroksyl) and immunostimulyator (metyluratsil). The conducted therapy was instrumental in the decline of morbidity and rapid convalescence, that prevented death of animals, the infection of lambs of dictiocaulusis during 4th months promoted the average daily increases of mass of body and prophylaxis after it.

For the prophylaxis of development of bronchopneumonia at lambs it is necessary to conduct aerosol dehelmintizacia of biomectin ( in a dose 0,016 ml/kg single) together with metyluratsil ( in a dose 20 mg/kg) on a chart: first treatment - on a 20th day after the first pasture; second - in 4 weeks after first treatment and third - on a 6th week after the last treatment.

Key words: sheep, diсtioсaulus, epyzootology, bronchopneumonia, de bene esse-pathogenic mycroflora, immunological rezystentnost, aerosol dehelmintizacia.

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