Надшвидке заморожування та відтавання ембріонів корів з використанням мембраностабілізуючих речовин

Кріозахисна ефективність композиційних кріопротекторів різнобічної кріозахисної дії залежно від їх концентрації. Визначення ефективності використання мембраностабілізуючих речовин у складі кріоконсервантів при надшвидкому охолодженні ембріонів.

Рубрика Сельское, лесное хозяйство и землепользование
Вид автореферат
Язык украинский
Дата добавления 26.02.2015
Размер файла 53,0 K

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The dissertation is dedicated to the study of the influence of conditions of the ultra rapid freezing of bovine embryos on their morphofunctional characteristics, viability and closing up with recipients. It has been improved the vitrification medium with the content of 25,0 % of glycerol, 40,0 % of sucrose and 35,0 % of cultural medium with 20,0 % fetal calf serum provides for 77,2 % of viability after cryopreservation embryos and 47,0 % of their closing up with recipients. The compact morula, early and expanded blastocysts are the optimal age of embryos' ultra rapid freezing.

The effective “Method of increased quality of after cryopreservation embryos, freezing in ultra rapid method” has been elaborated and experimentally tested. It has been found that short time cultivation of embryos after cryopreservation in the cultural environment with phospholipids complex favoures restoration of the physiological properties of embryos and increases their closing up with recipients after transplantation by 13,6 %.

A vitrificational medium with compositional cryoprotectant of polyfunctional action, which is revealed in maintenance of native features of cytoplasmic membranes in the dehydration process of cells has been elaborated. An addition of membrane stabilizing substances to the composition of the environment, such as choline-chloride in 0,3 % concentration and medication “Philomek” in 0,2 % concentration, increases the resistance of the embryos to ultra rapid freezing, secures above 90,0 % of their survival after cryopreservation and closing up with recipients at 55,0 - 60,0 %.

It has been found that of the vitamin E and complex of phospholipids administration into the organism of donor cows during hormonal treatment increases the activity of antioxidant enzyme system, promotes the normalization of metabolism in the reproductive organs of animals, ensures 72,3 % of full value embryos, increases their viability after cryopreservation up to 91,2 % and closing up with recipients at 54,8 %.

Key words: donor cows, embryos, cryopreservation, vitrificational medium, ultra rapid freezing, cryoprotectant.

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